Breastfeeding for 3 months. Breast-feeding

By the age of 3 months, a strong spurt occurs in the development of the child. Parents notice many changes in his behavior. The brain is developing rapidly, allowing the child to recognize surrounding objects, better perceive smells and tastes. Hearing sharpens. Sometimes the baby, hearing your voice, tries to look directly at you and “talk”. Smiling at strangers, cooing with them, he learns to distinguish the closest ones, but he certainly prefers mom to everyone else.

The kid develops physically and mentally. Following this, the feeding process should also progress. Whether it's breast milk or formula, liquid food is still the staple food for a 3 month old baby.

You know your child better, you have learned to understand his facial expressions and movements. But the questions and worries associated with the nutrition of the crumbs did not diminish.

A three-month-old child has an increased appetite due to the acceleration of growth and development. At this age, on-demand feeding is still ongoing. You may need to increase the number of breastfeeds. You will be able to feel closer contact with your baby as he will smile more often.

When observing the reactions of a 3-month-old baby, it is important to pay attention to signals about satiety or, conversely, about insufficient amount of food eaten. A well-fed baby can slow down sucking, turn away from the breast or bottle.

Mother's milk is still the only food source for a three month old baby. It is too early to introduce complementary foods or feed the baby with a mixture. Breast milk comes first not only in terms of benefits, but also in terms of convenience. Mom always has ready-made food for the child with her: fresh, warm, in the right amount.

It is time to gradually switch to feeding by the clock. After all, accustoming to the routine and observance of the regime is by no means an easy matter, requiring time and effort. The development and consolidation of the habit of eating by the hour occurs gradually. If you still lugged your baby to the breast every 2 hours yesterday, do not suddenly start feeding him after 3 or 3.5.

Try to feed your 3-month-old baby after a walk, and do it regularly. Over time, the child will get used to this practice. After an evening swim, feeding time comes again, and then sleep. Thus, the baby develops an addiction to the correct regime of feeding, rest and wakefulness.

At 12 weeks of development, children experience a period of intense growth. Moms have a feeling that milk is no longer enough. After all, the baby sucks longer and asks for breast more often. But it also happens that during this period of life, the baby suddenly turns away from the breast, is a lot of capricious. Mom, worried that the baby is not eating enough, that something is wrong with him, that the diet is disturbed, begins to prepare supplementary foods in the form of a mixture. Since it is much easier to suck from a bottle, and the little sly man completely refuses to breast. For this reason, a baby at the age of three months is most often transferred first to mixed, and then to artificial feeding.

At three months, doctors recommend additionally. If a baby is bottle-fed, then most often the necessary nutrients are already included in the infant formula. Still, the best way to get vitamin D naturally is through sun exposure.

What is a lactation crisis?

In fact, there is no less milk, no more. It's just that the child's nutritional needs have increased. There was a so-called lactation crisis. A natural phenomenon from which no mother is immune. How to get through this time and how long does it last?

First, don't be nervous. Panic and stress have a detrimental effect on lactation. The crisis can last two to three days, at most a week. At this time, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast more often (as in the first months), to spend more time with him in the fresh air. It is recommended for mom to drink about 2.5 liters of fluid per day (excess water can reduce lactation) and, if possible, adjust her diet.

The dangers of premature feeding

In no case do not reassure yourself by transferring the baby to supplementary feeding. The formula takes much longer to digest and is not absorbed as well as breast milk. A child can sleep for 3-4 hours, digesting new food, and he may not have enough strength for more.

With a sharp transition to a mixture, the intestinal microflora of a 3-month-old baby changes. The next time she returns to breastfeeding, she will not return to her previous state. Anaerobic microorganisms settle in the intestines, which will multiply over time. Even just one feeding with a mixture per day leads to such consequences.

I would like to warn parents against feeding babies with goat milk or kefir. This is not an adapted food, it harms a child under one year old, increasing the load on the kidneys and pancreas.

Be patient, listen to competent advice, calmly walk towards the goal, remaining confident that you will succeed.

Common doubts of a nursing mother

Low fat milk

Your milk is unique. Even in the same herd, there are no cows with the same milk. Man, on the other hand, is a more highly organized being, which means that all processes take place in him at a higher level than in animals. The fat content of your milk changes not only during the day, but also during feeding. "Near" milk is more liquid, it contains less fat, and when the baby gets to the "far" milk, he receives more fatty food.

How to get rid of this prejudice? There is no cause for concern if the child is gaining weight as normal. At three months, the increase should be about 800 g in 4 weeks.

The child often asks for breast, which means he is hungry

From the moment of birth and up to three months, children should not be limited in latching to the breast, but then it is necessary to gradually switch to a certain feeding regimen. The baby at the breast solves three problems: satiety, calming, communication. Children's peace of mind is most important, you must agree. Therefore, at first, let the baby make his own choice.

An important point: if, while breastfeeding, the number of urinations is more than 10 per day, the baby has enough milk.

My milk doesn't taste good

A child's idea of \u200b\u200btaste is different from that of an adult. The baby perceives more shades due to the greater number of taste buds. Calm down, your fears are unfounded.

The baby does not sleep well at night due to lack of milk

It happens that children have such a regime: they eat more often at night than during the day. Toddlers do not know the time of day. They are tied to a different rhythm: food - sleep. If the weight gain of your baby is correct, put aside worries about this.

Women with small breasts have little milk

The breast is not a container where milk is poured. The more the baby sucks, the more milk there will be. This is a reflex connection. If your child's weight is within the age range, forget about this bias.

About artificial feeding

A baby who is bottle-fed must obey a clear feeding regimen.

The mixture is sweeter than breast milk and flows easily from the bottle, so there is a danger of overeating, which leads to stomach pains, profuse and frequent regurgitation. What is the optimal diet for a 3 month old baby?

Children at this age are fed 7-8 times a day. The volume of the mixture should be 1/6 of the child's weight, which approximately corresponds to 760 ml per day.

The timing of the introduction of complementary foods for artificially fed children is somewhat different. Some pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods as early as three months. But this can be done only on the advice of a specialist who will be guided by the level of development of the child, his physiological characteristics and the established feeding regime.

There are several rules that it is advisable to follow when making up a child's menu at 3 months with artificial feeding:

  • Be sure to give your baby water.
  • You cannot deviate from the method of preparing the mixture, which is indicated on the package.
  • It is undesirable to change the brand of adapted food yourself, to increase or decrease the dosage.
  • In no case should you use several mixtures at the same time.
  • Never force-feed or water a child, let him decide for himself.

In children of the third month of life, the weight gain is about 750 g, and the height increases by 2.5 cm.But it is important to understand that all recommendations are approximate. Only a mother knows exactly how to properly raise a healthy baby, especially if she listens to the advice of specialists, she herself looks for the necessary knowledge, trusts herself and her baby.

The history of the development of each three-month-old baby after the next visit to the pediatrician is replenished with a record on the need to observe the correct daily regimen, which is reduced to the alternation of feedings, sleep, active wakefulness and hygiene procedures.

And here any mother has a logical question: "How to make an unintelligent baby behave in accordance with the strict framework of this prescription?" Let's explain: it is not about following a daily routine, but only about striving to adhere to certain time guidelines that streamline the life of a 3-month-old baby.

What should be the approximate daily routine of a three month old baby

Approximate daily routine:

  • 6:00-7:00 Waking up, feeding the baby in the morning, obligatory hygiene procedures (washing, changing the diaper), air baths, gymnastics, active wakefulness;
  • 7:30-9:30 First dream;
  • 9:30-11:00 Second feeding, communication with mom, educational games, preparation for a walk;
  • 11:00-13:00 Sleep in the fresh air;
  • 13:10-13:30 Returning from a walk, third feeding;
  • 13:30-15:00 A complex of developing games, taking air baths, communicating with loved ones;
  • 15:00-16:30 The second walk, acquaintance with the outside world, sleeping in a wheelchair;
  • 16:30-18:00 Fourth feeding, staying awake, playing with family members;
  • 18:00-19:30 Sleep;
  • 19:30-21:00 Fifth feeding, quiet games surrounded by household members;
  • 21:00 Baby bathing;
  • 21:30-6:00 Baby feeding, night rest.

More options for the daily regimen for children from 1 to 3 months:

Taking care of her baby and taking into account his individual characteristics, each mother can make some adjustments to the proposed daily regimen, while observing the sequence of actions indicated in it and the duration of the procedures performed.

In accordance with this, the actual daily routine of the baby may differ slightly in time from that recommended by the pediatrician: the intervals between sleep and wakefulness are not always uniform (some babies fall asleep shortly after morning feeding, but then they stay awake for almost three hours). In other children, the routine may shift due to digestive problems and due to.

Despite all of the above nuances, mothers should not completely abandon the correct daily routine by the hour. Having developed in your baby the habit of eating and falling asleep at certain hours, which contribute not only to his correct development and excellent well-being, but also take care of the rest of the family members.

About sleep mode

The total sleep duration of a three-month-old baby should be about fifteen hours a day. The longest (about eight hours) is the night's sleep. During the day, the baby needs periodic rest, therefore, after two hours of wakefulness, the child needs sleep (at least four times during the day), which takes from one and a half to two hours.

In order for a child's daytime sleep to be full and deep, it is necessary to stimulate his activity during wakefulness, giving him the opportunity to move and throw out emotions during the first half of this time period. About half an hour before laying down, the baby should be occupied with something calm (sing a song, show a colorful picture, examine a toy).

Ways to speed up the baby's sleep

  • There should be no problems with falling asleep in a baby receiving breast milk: if one falls asleep at the mother's breast, it is simply transferred to the crib;
  • When laying down a bottle-fed baby, a pacifier is often used to help him calm down and satisfy the sucking reflex. It is somewhat more difficult to put an artificial person who does not recognize a dummy (): some children have to be carried in their arms or rocked for a long time, singing lullabies;
  • The influx of fresh air significantly speeds up the falling asleep of the baby and increases the duration of his sleep, therefore many mothers, having well wrapped their crumbs, put them to sleep in a stroller standing on the loggia;
  • Some babies are helped to fall asleep by soft classical music, birdsong and sounds of nature;
  • Rituals (for example, a toy or a diaper placed next to it, a bathing procedure performed at the same hour) also help babies fall asleep well;
  • To prolong the rest of the restlessly sleeping crumbs, waving their arms in a dream, either the simple presence of the mother will help.

An ingenious trick - how to put a child to bed in 1 minute:

About feeding babies and artificial

According to the regimen, a child at three months who is breastfed should receive breast milk at least six times a day. The daily norm of breast milk is at least 850 ml.

Already at the age of three months, it is necessary to gradually increase the intervals between feedings of infants fed “on demand”, bringing them closer to the recommended three-hour interval.

The fact is that a grown-up and more actively sucking mother's breast baby, if applied too often (every half hour), risks eating more milk than he needs. As a result, the body, unable to cope with such a volume of food, reacts to it with an allergic reaction, manifested by a scattering of red spots on the delicate skin of the cheeks and the whole body.

Noticing such a symptom in a baby, an inexperienced mother begins to think that the reason for this is some new product introduced into her diet, and begins to deliberately impoverish him, excluding everything. Meanwhile, this problem can be solved by reducing the number of breastfeeding and thus normalizing the amount of milk coming to the crumbs.

The number of feedings for a three-month-old baby who is bottle-fed should also be six times, but the intervals between feedings should be at least four hours: this is the amount of time it takes to digest the formula, which is a substitute for mother's milk.

Unlike infants who do not need it (it is replaced by "front" milk, which contains a large amount of liquid), artificial people are given water from a bottle. From the last week of the third month of life, they can be gradually introduced into their drink, a few drops of apple juice ().

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

We read in detail about how much breast milk or formula a baby should eat -

How to walk with your baby

The daily regimen that regulates the life of a three-month-old child provides for at least two walks. Their frequency and duration are still dependent on weather conditions. An absolute contraindication for walking with a grown crumb is frost below -15 degrees and heat above forty. You should not go out with your baby also during heavy rain and wind.

Since 3-month-old children are quite inquisitive, they do not fall asleep right away, but only after looking around. It is very useful to get them out of the stroller and, holding them in your arms, introduce them to the surroundings: pay attention to birds, flowers, animals passing by people. Satisfied with new impressions, the baby will fall asleep faster.

Given the well-developed hearing of a three-month-old child, it is better to choose a quiet square or a deserted street for walking with him. A steady hum coming from a distant highway will not disturb the baby, but he should be protected from sharp sounds. To do this, it is better to raise the stroller hood. If the walk takes place in the warm season, it is better to put on a mosquito net, protecting the baby from the attack of blood-sucking insects.

About the features of wakefulness

The period of time required for a three-month-old child for active wakefulness increases to 8-9 hours a day. A caring mother should make the most of it, having time to feed the baby on time, take it with interesting games, go for a walk with him, introducing him to the world around him, do morning exercises and massage.

Most often, a child at 3 months is able to be actively awake for two hours. During this period, he can communicate with his mother and loved ones, expressing violent joy from their presence with a wide smile, active movements of arms and legs, loud.

A three-month-old baby can not only quickly turn his head in the direction of the sounds he heard and follow with his eyes moving objects that fall into his field of vision. He likes to lean on his palms and watch what is happening around. The object of research for him is often his own hands: the baby can examine them for a long time and monitor their change in position.

The arsenal of games used to develop a two-month-old baby can be replenished with new interesting activities for him:

  • Favorite toys of a 3-month-old baby are still. Having laid them out in a row (twenty centimeters from the baby), you can see that the child will certainly reach for the one he likes most. He holds the rattle in the handle tenaciously, fully concentrating on the connection that has arisen between the sound it makes and the movement of his own hand;
  • If you bring a three-month-old baby to the mirror, you can make him smile and want to look at his own reflection (). The same delight in him is caused by the observation of the facial expressions of an adult, showing the baby the change of various emotions on the face;
  • Three-month-old children love the game of peek-a-boo, when a family member covers his face with his palms and then shows it, imitating a cuckoo's calling;
  • At this age, you can already read books to your baby, showing illustrations;
  • Demonstrating the world around the crumbs, it is necessary to point to various objects and name them;
  • For the development of tactile sensations, it is necessary to give the crumbs pieces of fabric of different textures;
  • A developmental rug equipped with all sorts of bells, soft vibrating toys, squeaks and a host of other interesting effects will be an excellent entertainment for your baby.

About hygiene procedures and gymnastics

Hygiene procedures when caring for an infant baby include the obligatory ritual of morning washing, washing when changing a diaper and bathing. Morning washing is carried out immediately after the child wakes up. Having moistened a cotton pad with warm boiled water, they wipe his face (using a separate cotton wool for each eye), not forgetting to walk behind the ears. Cheek skin is treated with special care, removing traces of breast milk and saliva.

When changing a diaper, you should wash your baby, and then apply a thick layer on delicate skin to help avoid the development of diaper rash and skin irritations.

After washing, they immediately proceed to morning exercises. It must necessarily include exercises for flexion and extension of the limbs. To prevent hip dysplasia, an exercise consisting in raising the knees to the sides will help.

Taking the baby by the handles, raise them up, spread them widely to the sides, cross them in front of the chest. An excellent end to morning exercises will be a light massage, which consists of stroking the torso and limbs. Necessarily follows. If the procedure gives him pleasure, you can give it at least twenty minutes.

A well-designed daily regimen, taking into account the physiological characteristics and needs of a 3-month-old baby, is the key to his correct development and good mood not only for the baby himself, but also for all family members.

Videos about mommies

Breastfeeding by Month - A Memo for Mothers Breastfeeding is a natural and natural nutrition for a baby. In the first days after birth, it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. Firstly, it stimulates the active production of milk, and secondly, colostrum (a harbinger of milk, is produced in the first days), is the most valuable and useful food for the baby. Perhaps () is not the easiest period in a woman's life, because to establish lactation, frequent and correct applications are necessary. Here, the support of the husband and family will be important, because this process will take some time, but only at the beginning. Over time, you will find that breastfeeding makes life much easier for both mother and baby.

In the first, second attachment to the breast, the baby eats up very little colostrum, about 10-20 ml. This is usually enough to satisfy the crumb. Colostrum is nutritious, and most importantly, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn.

Breastfeeding - 1 month

In the first month of life, on average, a baby is eaten 8-15 times a day, but each child is different. One spends 1.5 hours at the breast, and another 10 minutes is enough, but after a quarter of an hour he will demand the breast again. To preserve lactation, night feeds are required. In the first month, you should not adjust the baby to a diet that is convenient for you. The newborn must be applied on demand and given as much time as he needs.

Breastfeeding - 2 months

Some experts say that starting from 3-4 weeks of age, the child should eat at intervals of 3-3.5 hours. In most cases, this is completely unacceptable. At 2 months, the baby's diet is still chaotic and the mother still has to adjust to the rhythm of the baby. This is normal, because the child is still very young.

In the period from 2 to 3 months, a lactating woman may face a problem such as a lactation crisis.

Breastfeeding - 3-4 months

This is the time when the baby begins to "take shape" his own routine. The intervals between feedings become slightly longer, including at night. According to the old schemes, complementary foods were introduced at four months... But according to the latest WHO data, he is healthy. If the baby is fed on demand, then until the same age there is no need for drinking water.

Breastfeeding - 5 months

At this age, the baby is still exclusively breastfed. At 5 months old, babies usually begin to show a keen interest in the food their parents consume. Adults regard this behavior as a signal to.

Breastfeeding - 6 months

From 6 months we introduce the baby to food, introduce complementary foods. There are many options and schemes for feeding. You can start with cereals, vegetable purees or dairy products. Every month the child's menu will become more diverse. it is necessary with caution starting from half a teaspoon.

If before there was no need to supplement the baby, now is the time to start.
With the introduction of complementary foods, you can intentionally reduce the frequency of attachments if you decide to gradually wean your baby.

Up to what age to feed a baby

If the mother has no health problems or contraindications to breastfeeding, then WHO recommends putting the baby to the breast for up to 2 years or more. But the opinions of various specialists, doctors on this score are opposite. Some pediatricians consider feeding up to 6 months as necessary, up to 1 year as desirable, and up to 1.5 years as desirable but optional. Up to what age only mother decides to breastfeed because of her abilities, circumstances and desires. Long-term feeding will only benefit the baby, because the composition of milk changes in accordance with the needs and age of the baby. Although the mother may face certain difficulties. This is constant attachment to the baby, feeding in uncomfortable places, more difficult weaning.

Breastfeeding regimen

Many mothers ask themselves how often do they need to feed their baby? What should be the regime? There are currently no specific breastfeeding regimens. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding on demand. However, there are two options for feeding babies - on demand and by the hour. Consider two types.

Feeding by the hour

The hourly feeding scheme was widely used in the twentieth century, when women, after a short maternity leave, were forced to return to production and send their children to a nursery from infancy. The modern rhythm of life is also quite active, but now mothers have a choice and a wide information field.

The essence of time-based feeding is to teach the child from the cradle to discipline, a regime convenient for parents, and to promote early socialization. During the day, the baby is applied to the breast every 3 hours. The night interval should be 6 hours. According to this scheme, after 2-3 months the interval between daytime applications should be 3.5-4 hours, and the nighttime application should increase by an hour. This method has many disadvantages, and of the advantages is a regime that is not so easy to come to this way. After all, if a newborn has a need for food, then it is unlikely that something will be able to replace it. And watch a screaming baby for 3 hours? Psychologically, this type of feeding has a negative impact on both the mother and the baby.

First of all, from feeding by the clock, women who have. It is known that lactation improves due to frequent attachments. And the less often you feed, the worse your milk production is. The likelihood that it will disappear over time is high.

Also, the baby does not have time to be satisfied. The sucking process requires effort from him and even a hungry baby can fall asleep from not having enough milk. If this situation repeats itself and you have to constantly wait for the next feeding for 3-4 hours, then this will entail a number of consequences, such as sleep disturbances, increased excitability, and weight loss. Most pediatricians today do not recommend hourly feeding, especially at an early age..

Feeding on demand

An alternative to strict regimen is on-demand feeding. This is a natural way of feeding newborns, especially the first month of life.

Feeding on demand has many benefits.

    - the likelihood of mastitis in the mother decreases, the uterus is actively contracting;
    - the mother decides for herself when to wean the baby from the breast, milk does not disappear suddenly;
    - the child is gaining weight normally, receives all the necessary nutrients;
    - the majority of children who are on demand do not take a pacifier and do not need it;
    - there is no need to supplement the child up to 6 months;
    - children who are on natural hepatitis B are calmer, have the possibility of prolonged and frequent contact with their mother.

Of course, each method has negative aspects, for example, a baby who receives breast on demand can use it to satisfy the sucking reflex. With the growing up of the baby, the mother's boundaries of personal space are erased, and the child may also demand breast in a public place. Weaning can be a longer and more painful process. But in everything one should look for a golden mean. If a mother, for example, is going to wean the baby by the year, then it makes sense 3-4 months before the intended age to gradually switch to feeding by the hour, increasing the intervals between them.

How much milk does a baby need?

The answer to this question lies not in grams and milliliters, but in the child's behavior and well-being.... A baby who has enough milk gains weight well, at least 600 grams per month, is active during waking hours. Starting from the middle of the first month, the number of urinations is at least 12 times a day (we carry out a test for wet diapers). When latching on to the breast by weighing before and after feedings, you can find out how much milk the baby is eating. Of course, if this is necessary or if this is the recommendation of your pediatrician.

If a mother has to feed a child, then there are age-appropriate recommendations.

A baby who does not completely eat milk from the breast will feel hungry much earlier. "Far milk" is more nutritious, and saturates the body well. Make sure there is no milk left in the first breast before giving the second breast.

What if there is not enough milk?

    - more often apply the baby to the breast, do it right;
    - make sure that he completely eats milk from one breast;
    - do not drink the child unnecessarily;
    - give up the dummy;
    - do not take the baby off the breast;
    - do not refuse night feedings;
    - for good lactation, the mother must rationally, observe the drinking regime, rest;
    - do not panic, there may be a lack of milk - this is a lactation crisis, which will pass in 2-3 days.

If the mother still feels that the baby does not have enough milk - he is restless, urination is less than the norm, then it is necessary to inform the pediatrician about this. In case of insufficient weight gain, the doctor may prescribe supplementary feeding with a mixture. But you shouldn't give up GW, tk. supplementation - can be a temporary measure.

Mixed feeding

Sometimes, for some reason, pediatricians prescribe formula supplementation. How to organize it correctly so as not to lose lactation?

A healthy baby first needs to be breastfed on demand. Only after the complete "eating away" of mother's milk can the baby be offered a mixture. If the mother wants to maintain lactation as long as possible or the introduction of a mixture is a temporary measure, then many experts recommend feeding the baby from a spoon so that he does not get used to the nipple and the bottle.

Feed on demand or by the hour? How long to feed? Only mom can answer these and many other questions. She has the right to choose and a lot of different information that will help in making the right decision.

More than 90 days have passed since the baby was born, and he is increasingly beginning to delight parents with new skills. Nothing stands still, including the child's physical development: his muscles have become stronger, his gaze is more confident, his voice is louder, and the circle of interests is wider. There remains only one question: what should be the nutrition of a 3 month old baby.

In this article, you will learn:

According to the CRC, babies under 6 months old should be fed exclusively breast milk... It is the most natural, healthy, easy-to-digest, nutrient-rich food for babies and should be provided on demand.

If a young mother has everything in order with lactation, then she will feed her child without much effort, but in case of a violation of the milk production system, some problems may arise.

Observations of nursing mothers show that after 3 months from the moment mature milk appears, the so-called lactation crisis begins. But it is not as scary as it might seem at first glance.

Since the process of breastfeeding is thought out by nature to the smallest detail, from the moment the baby lacks milk, it begins to be produced by the mother's body in larger quantities, exactly as much as the baby needs for a specific period. The only thing is that it takes time to rebuild the body.

In order for a nursing mother to survive all the changes without problems, an adequate nutritional system of a 3 month old baby should be maintained. In order for the baby to be full and vigorous, to develop and grow in accordance with medical standards, apply the baby to the chest more often. At any time of the day, without long breaks and as the child wishes. On average, a 3 month old baby should breastfeed 10-12 times during the day, and 2-4 times during the night.

Nutrition for artificial babies

Unfortunately, some mothers face an unpleasant problem when milk is lost, partially or completely. One way or another, its amount becomes insufficient for a full-fledged nutrition of a 3 month old baby, and therefore it is necessary to transfer him to artificial feeding.

Fortunately, modern mixtures are able to fully satisfy the needs of a child of any age. Their composition is balanced, adapted to the requirements of a growing organism, and therefore, this product almost completely replaces breast milk.

The process of artificial feeding itself is somewhat different from breastfeeding, and therefore it is necessary to take into account some of its features:

  • Mode.A certain number of meals at regular intervals is the main rule of artificial feeding and a guarantee of the baby's health.
  • The number of "approaches". Due to the fact that the length of time required for the complete absorption of the mixture by the child's body is longer than that of breast milk, a 3-month-old baby should be fed six times a day with a 6-hour night break. For weak and premature babies - 7 times a day with a 3 hour break.
  • Following the instructions and recommendations of the pediatrician. There are a lot of varieties of mixtures - some are suitable for newborns, others for older children, still others differ in composition, and the fourth in calorie content. Choose a formula for your baby according to his age and body characteristics. Specialists and detailed instructions on the packaging will help with this.
  • Give liquid. Since the mixture is a thick food, water, a decoction of rose hips or apple drying at room temperature and no sweeteners are necessary for an artificial baby. The calculation of the amount is simple - for 1 kg of weight - 100-120 ml. If this is not enough and the baby is thirsty, then you can additionally enter up to 200 ml. liquids per day.

In addition to the last point, it should be noted that babies at the age of 3 months can additionally enter adapted fermented milk products, which produces dairy cuisine. Remember that store-bought kefir, milk and yoghurts are not suitable for babies. There are many bacteria in them, with which the digestive tract, due to its underdevelopment, is not able to cope.

How long ago

If we turn to the nutritional practice of 3 month old babies 20-30 years ago, we will see that pediatricians suggested adding foods such as cottage cheese, in the amount of 30-50 gr., milk - 150 gr., And the juice... All of them came to the “table” from dairy kitchens and helped enrich the child's body with valuable “building” elements - calcium and iron.

As for juices, the preference was and is now given to apple. But, again, taking into account modern recommendations, it should be provided for use by 3 month old babies and preferably diluted with boiled water. The allowed amount is 25 gr. per day. It is necessary to start injecting juice with a few drops.

And the last

If the weight gain of the baby is insufficient, if he has signs of anemia or rickets, at the age of 3.5 months, one cannot do without the introduction of fruit and vegetable purees, but in this case, the components of the complementary foods are selected individually. Only a specialist can provide proper advice on the number and types of products in this matter.

Mother's milk is the only and irreplaceable product for a baby, a source of a whole range of substances necessary for full growth and development.

The diet of a nursing mother at 3 months affects the quality and nutritional value of breast milk: everything that gets to the mother on the plate, one way or another, gets into the child's body. How to organize your food in order to provide your baby with all the necessary and useful substances, protecting him from unwanted and even harmful chemical components.

The diet of a nursing mother at 3 months of newborn should contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a ratio of 4: 1: 1, the necessary complex of vitamins, macro-microelements, as well as essential amino acids, pectins, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The basic set of products remains the same as in the first months of breastfeeding. These are cereals, meat and fish, seasonal vegetables and fruits (preferably local), animal and vegetable fats, milk and dairy products.

The food structure follows the standard food pyramid.

  • This pyramid is based on cereals, pasta and baked goods.
  • Fruits and vegetables follow in percentage terms.
  • The next step is fish, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products.
  • The pyramid of balanced nutrition is crowned with fats - vegetable and animal fats, sugar and confectionery, salt.

In grams, it will look like this:

Cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice - 200 g;

Bread (coarse) - 50 g;

Meat or fish - 200 g;

Vegetables and fruits - 800 g, half - fresh;

Milk and / or fermented milk products - 700 g;

Cottage cheese - 200-300 g;

Cheese - 15-20 g;

Butter - 25-30 g;

Unrefined vegetable oil - 15 g;

Some nutritionists recommend that breastfeeding women consume up to 1 liter of milk per day. But since whole cow's milk is a strong allergen for babies, it is better to replace it with natural fermented milk products. It can be - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt.

We eat vegetables in any form, but remember that the maximum of vitamins is contained in fresh products.

Preparation and processing methods

The main types of heat treatment for a nursing mother are stewing, boiling, baking, steaming. These gentle cooking methods allow you to preserve the nutrients in your starting foods and eliminate the harmful by-products of your fried foods. Believe me, dietary and tasty and healthy, not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

Another healthy eating tip: Minimum cooking. With each reheating, food loses a significant proportion of biologically active substances.

Approximate diet for breastfeeding at 3 months

Another healthy eating tip: Minimum cooking. With each reheating, food loses a significant proportion of biologically active substances.

And of course, the diet of a nursing mother at 3 months should consist only of fresh and high-quality products.

Approximate diet for breastfeeding at 3 months

Water-boiled porridge
  • Buckwheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Millet

From the fourth month, you can diversify the set of cereals - we add cereals to the diet:

  • Corn
  • Barley
  • Durum pasta
  • Rabbit
  • Hen
  • Turkey
  • Veal

From the third month:

  • Lean beef
  • Lean pork (infrequent)
  • Liver
EggsOnly yolk
Low-fat sea and river fish
  • Cod
  • Zander
  • Pollock
  • Flounder
Milk productsThe list of fermented milk products recommended in the first months is replenished with fermented baked milk and low-fat sour cream.

We increase the daily rate of cottage cheese and cheese, as the baby grows and requires more breast milk, which means that a nursing woman needs to replenish calcium reserves in the body.

VegetablesAdd to the vegetable basket:
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Zucchini
  • Summer cucumbers and tomatoes - better from grandmother's garden and limited;
FruitThe fruit menu is varied:
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Cherry
  • Grapes

Gooseberries, currants, raspberries are good berries.

  • Natural butter
  • Vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn, linseed.
Natural sweets
    • Halva
    • Paste
    • Marshmallow
    • Marmalade
    • Galette and puff cookies
    • Gingerbread, muffins, homemade cakes

Forget about pizza, sushi, cakes and hot dogs - this food is harmful even to a healthy adult, and for a woman who is breastfeeding, it is unacceptable. The same applies to sugary carbonated drinks, rolls, cakes and pastries, hot sauces and spices, fatty and fried foods.

Love healthy food: Natural, healthy foods are delicious, especially when cooked correctly and with love. Enjoy vegetable dishes: a variety of salads, stews, casseroles, eat dairy products and cheeses, diversify your menu with fruit desserts and homemade cakes.

Very soon you will see that healthy eating is beneficial not only for the baby, but also for the mother - you will feel a surge of strength and optimism, look prettier, and gain wings behind your back.

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