How to help a baby. What is the first thing a mom needs to know about newborns? How to deal with colic by passing gas

Why is the baby crying? There can be many reasons for this, and very important: he is hungry or scared, cold or, conversely, suffers from heat, he is lonely and wants to communicate. All this can be dealt with quickly and easily. But crying caused by abdominal discomfort is not as easy to relieve as the abdominal pain itself.

Behind the scary word "colic" for new mothers is often a series of sleepless nights spent rocking the baby and looking for a way to get rid of the crumbs of unpleasant sensations.

It will be easy to help a child with colic if you know what their nature is and what should be in the home medicine cabinet in case they occur.

Why do babies get colic?

It is not necessary to be afraid of colic in babies: this is a natural process for children up to 3-4 months. This phenomenon is due to a number of reasons: from the immaturity of the body systems to errors in feeding.

Colic in babies can be provoked by the intake of medicines by the mother or baby, in particular antibiotics. Some experts even put forward theories that colic in newborns can arise from stress or uncomfortable climate in the family.

Features of the digestive system

The digestive system in newborns is imperfect; it continues to develop up to a year or a half years. After eating, all parts of the baby's intestines begin to work hard at once, which, of course, causes inconvenience to the child.

There is not enough in the baby's digestive tract and all the necessary enzymes, which causes gas formation and, as a result, discomfort in the abdomen.

Feeding errors

An illiterately organized infant diet can lead to colic, namely:

  • for artificial people - an unsuitable mixture, excessive volumes of the mixture in one feeding and non-compliance with the requirements for preparing the mixture, as well as the use of insufficient fresh product and the baby sucking an empty bottle;

  • for infants - improper attachment to the breast, as a result of which the child swallows air.

Improper nutrition of mom and negative factors during pregnancy

The mother's lifestyle has a noticeable effect on the development of the baby's digestive system even during pregnancy. It was noticed that the insufficient motor activity of a woman in position slows down the development of all systems of the child's body, including the digestive system, since the fetus does not have enough oxygen.

Of course, the bad habits of the pregnant woman, if any, will have their say. According to medical studies, babies of smoking mothers are more prone to colic due to the increased plasma levels of the hormone responsible for the movement of food through the intestines.

The occurrence of intestinal colic in infants is affected by improper nutrition of a nursing mother. If a woman does not follow the diet prescribed during lactation, she is overly addicted to baking, especially yeast, includes a lot of sweets in the diet, legumes, raw vegetables and fruits in large quantities, fatty and fried - problems with the baby's tummy cannot be avoided.

Symptoms of children's intestinal colic

Of course, while parents have not yet sufficiently "studied" their child, it can be quite difficult to determine the cause of a crying baby. However, in the case of colic, there is no time to think and guess - it is necessary to help the baby as soon as possible, so it is useful to know what other symptoms accompany them:

  • the child does not just cry, but shrieks;
  • the baby has gas, and after that (as well as after the chair) it becomes much easier for him;
  • while crying, the crumb twists its legs, presses them to the stomach, like hands;
  • the baby's face turns red;
  • the child as a whole behaves restlessly, tosses and turns, cannot sleep.

In addition, it is worth noting that crying caused by colic can last even for several hours.

How to help your baby with colic?

To alleviate the condition of an infant with colic, there is a whole arsenal of remedies of a different nature.


Tummy massage is a good anti-colic remedy. The warmth of mother's hands soothes the baby, helps to relax the abdominal muscles of the baby, relieves spasms. Correct movements (all circular, necessarily clockwise!) Promote the movement of gas bubbles in the intestine to the exit and activate reflex muscle work.

The sequence of the massage is as follows:

  1. At first, it is enough to put warm palms on the crumbs tummy for a few minutes.
  2. Next, with the palm or fingertips, we stroke and light pressure in the area below the ribs, moving from right to left, as an option - just pinch the tummy around the navel.
  3. Having placed the palms across the baby's tummy, we stroke the entire area from the ribs to the pubic joint with them in turn.
  4. We put one hand in the navel area, and with the other we stroke the tummy along the line of the oblique muscles.
  5. We massage the colon area: either in a spiral from the navel to the left thigh, or in a U-shaped trajectory from the right iliac region to the left.

Fans of acupuncture will love the acupressure version of anti-colic massage, which involves the effect on three points - in the lower part of the foot, slightly below the patella and just above the ankle on the inside of the leg.

It should be remembered that massage has contraindications. Do not use this remedy for a strangulated umbilical hernia, suspected volvulus or intestinal obstruction.


Heat helps to relax tense abdominal muscles in children. It is not for nothing that many generations of mothers use such a proven anti-colic remedy as a warm compress. In fact, it is a flannel diaper ironed on both sides, which is placed on the baby's tummy.

For the same purpose, heating pads are used (but only with fabric covers so as not to burn the baby's skin!), Toys with natural fillers - cherry pits and millet grains, which perfectly retain heat. But, perhaps, the best heat "compress" for the baby is the mother's body: press the baby to you (stomach to stomach), it will calm him down and relieve the pain from colic.

Using the flue pipe

Very often, discomfort in the baby's tummy is caused by an excess amount of gas in the intestines. You can help a child get rid of them with a gas tube.

Before use, the tube must be boiled and cooled to room temperature, immediately before insertion into the anus, the tip of the tube is lubricated with oil, baby cream or petroleum jelly.

It is better to put the child on its side and bend its legs - just like when the candle was introduced. After inserting the tube, you need to twist it a little. After a few minutes, the gases will go away and the baby will feel better.

Remember that you cannot use the gas tube too often: this procedure is not very pleasant, and the intestines can "get used" to remove gases only with external irritation. The minimum break between tube applications is 4 hours.

Folk remedies

It is possible to alleviate the condition of the crumbs with colic with the help of folk carminative remedies. It is recommended to brew the seeds of dill, caraway seeds, fennel and anise (in a proportion of 5 g per 100 ml of water) - the resulting drinks do an excellent job of removing gases.

Decoctions are prepared as follows: the seeds need to be boiled in water for 1-2 minutes, and then insist for another half hour under the lid. It is good to take such teas not only for a baby, but also for a nursing mother, because with milk, useful substances will get exactly where they should.

Pharmacy preparations

If the methods and folk remedies tried by mom do not work, dad's finest hour comes - it's time to run to the pharmacy.

The choice of medicinal anti-colic agents is quite wide:

  • preparations based on fennel ("Plantex") and dill water (however, it is worth remembering that these funds will not help relieve a pain attack, they must be drunk in a course);
  • "Bobotik", allowed for babies from one month of age (8 drops no more than 4 times a day during or after feeding);
  • "Espumisan", which is not absorbed by the intestines and is completely excreted from the body (25 drops as needed);
  • similar to the previous drug "Infacol", relieving the baby's condition on the 2nd day of admission (0.5 ml before feeding);
  • plant-based drug "Bebikalm", not recommended for children with allergies (10 drops each before feeding);
  • plant-based drug "Bebinos" (10 drops 3 times a day during or after feeding);
  • "Simplex", allowed for children from a month (15 drops, 2 times a day, including necessarily at night).

Most products contain simethicone in one dosage or another, a substance that helps crush and remove gas bubbles from the intestines. Remember that you should use any of these drugs only after carefully studying the instructions and consulting your pediatrician.

Plant-based colic remedies for children with a tendency to allergies should not be given at all, or given at first a very small dose (3 drops) in order to see the body's reaction.

How to prevent colic in a child?

Colic, of course, cannot be completely avoided. However, you can minimize these discomfort with the help of preventive measures such as:

  • mom's observance of the diet (no - fatty, fried, sweet, baked; limit raw vegetables and fruits; exclude legumes and cabbage);
  • correct attachment to the chest;
  • careful choice of a mixture (possibly on a fermented milk basis or with a complex of bifidobacteria), preparing it strictly according to the instructions and using only fresh product, sterile dishes and a nipple;
  • the use of anti-colic bottles: their inclined shape allows the child not to throw the head back while eating, and special valves on the bottom prevent air from entering the tank during feeding;
  • the use of an anatomically shaped nipple with one small hole, ideally complementing anti-colic bottles and also preventing the baby from swallowing air during meals;
  • within a few minutes - this will help the air that the baby may have swallowed during feeding to come out;
  • putting the baby on the tummy is a kind of stationary massage of the tummy and strengthening its muscles;

  • sufficient physical activity of the baby, contributing to the correct functioning of all body systems.

Knowing how to help a baby with colic, you will meet this trouble fully armed and quickly relieve the baby of discomfort. You may have to try a lot of tools, but in the end everything will definitely work out.

Remember that baby's tummy problems will only last for a few months. Have patience, take the baby in your arms and have mercy - it will become noticeably easier for him and you.

Colic is not a diagnosis, it is a normal condition of a perfectly healthy child, and although it is extremely painful, so many children go through it. Many doctors explain the physiology of colic by swallowing a large amount of air when feeding, or by the accumulation of air from bacteria that are just beginning to colonize the intestinal mucosa, but, in fact, still no pediatrician can say with certainty what it is, what is the cause of their occurrence , and how to help the baby.

First of all, let's define what the child really has colic... To do this, there are several questions, answering which positively, you will be sure that this is the reason for your baby's cry:

1. The age of the child is from 2 weeks to 4 months (in rare cases, up to 6 months);

2. Rule of three: crying and anxiety last 3 hours or more, this happens at least 3 times a week and lasts about 3 weeks;

3. Crying begins mainly in an hour and a half after feeding and most often intensifies in the evening;

4. The child at first worries, twists his legs, bends, and then begins to cry piercingly (rather, even scream);

5. After passing gas, the act of defecation, the child becomes easier.

How can I help the baby?

1. Psychological help

First, take it easy yourself. Colic is a temporary phenomenon, and rather short-lived, compared to how many happy moments you will have with your child. Many children pass this test, and your calm and confident behavior will greatly help the baby to calm down in turn.

Secondly, believe me, you are not at all to blame for the fact that your baby has to endure pain, the presence or absence of colic does not depend on the type of feeding and it happens, both in infants and in bottle-fed babies, colic occurs in children born naturally by and for those who were born by caesarean section, and even regardless of how easy or difficult your pregnancy was. You will not be able to get through this period without pain, no matter how hard you try, but you can help your child cope and try to change what may further aggravate his condition.

Thirdly, calmly explain to the whole family what is happening with the child, because the nearby and panicking dads and grandparents will not help you at all, and you will need all the help that is possible.

2. Diet of a nursing mother

In fact, there is no certainty that the baby, if, will not have colic. But, nevertheless, try to refrain from gas-forming products (fresh cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, all legumes, grapes, bread, sweet pastries) at least the first 3-4 months of feeding. Fatty, fried, salted and smoked foods are also not the best option for a mother's nutrition when feeding a baby with breast milk, and for the mother's health, too. We will also remove what can cause allergies: chocolate, citrus fruits, honey. Try not to consume overseas fruits and vegetables, but buy seasonal and those grown in our climate. Most importantly, do not forget about a sufficient amount of water, and you can also try to drink tea with fennel, caraway seeds, anise yourself - some mothers say that this helped them to avoid colic in the baby.

3. Correct feeding

  • Many pediatricians believe that it is the swallowing of large amounts of air with the wrong attachment to the breast can provoke colic, or aggravate them, so make sure that the baby takes the nipple himself and at the same time captures the breast halo. If you are in doubt about feeding correctly, find a lactation specialist to help you. When buying a special anti-colic feeding bottle, pay attention to the number of holes in the nipple, which should be appropriate for the baby's age. After feeding, rub your baby a little in your arms so that he regurgitates air.
  • Another feature of proper feeding is mode... When the baby cries, then most often the mother, who is breastfeeding, tries to calm him down again with her breast, but what happens when we breastfeed more often than once every 2-2.5 hours. The baby is not hungry, he only sucks for 5-10 minutes. Front milk contains a lot of lactose, which bacteria digest and form gas in the intestines. So, the baby cries, although not hungry, sucks on the breast to calm down and cries again, because he needs to process another portion of lactose and a vicious circle is obtained.
  • Overfeeding It will also not be beneficial, because these are food residues that the baby could not digest, begin to ferment in the intestines and again - "hello, colic!" If you have any doubts, the clinic can always carry out a control weighing and determine whether the child is receiving sufficient nutrition. Sucking really calms the baby, but in this case it is better to offer a pacifier.
  • It may be worth changing the formula if the baby is bottle-fed. Check with your local pediatrician if in doubt.

4. Warmth and touch

All babies calm down much better in their mother's arms, and even more so during the period of severe pain that accompanies colic. Some mothers are afraid to “teach the child to hand,” but up to six months is an exception. Children are not capable of being capricious or indulging, they really need mother's warmth, smell, touch. The first three months of a child's life is even called the fourth trimester of pregnancy, so be sure to carry the baby in your arms and hold it to you.

  • Take a bath with your baby, warm water always helps to relax;
  • You can stand with the baby together under the shower, the monotonous sound of running water soothes children;
  • Carry the baby, clutching "skin to skin", this is where dad, grandmother, grandfather can really help, but you better leave the room and have a little rest;
  • Sometimes swaddling a baby helps: children are not very good at controlling their body, and swaddling will remind the child of the tightness that was in the mother's womb and also has a calming effect;
  • Use special baby heating pads, warm the diaper with an iron or in the microwave for 30-40 seconds and put the baby on the tummy on a warm diaper, while being careful not to burn the baby.

5. Poses, exercises and massage

To help your child pass gas, you can do the following:

  • Be sure to lay the baby on his tummy between feedings;
  • During colic, you can try to help the child by holding him in the "eagle" position; for this, take the child in your arms, hugging his back and tucking his legs, as if he were sitting;
  • Many children find relief from the face-down position on the parent's arm. The palm of mom or dad supports the baby's tummy, while simultaneously serving as a heating pad;
  • Do exercises with your child, especially pressing the legs to the tummy together and in turn helps, like riding a bicycle;
  • Even when you just carry the baby in your arms or in a sling during the day, the intestinal motility works much better, which means that gases will go away faster and more painlessly;
  • Do not forget about massage, which will stimulate intestinal motility and help the passage of gas. Do it not once, but 3-4 times a day for 5-7 minutes in between feedings. The massage is done clockwise and you can use a special baby oil.

6. Medicines and vent tube

  • All carminative remedies offered for colic contain the substance simethicone, which breaks down large blisters into small ones and reduces tension on the intestinal walls, and therefore reduces pain. Again, check with your pediatrician before giving medication to your child;
  • You can give your baby dill water, various teas with fennel, anise, which reduce gas formation;
  • In severe cases, use a special gas tube, which can be bought at the pharmacy, but do not use it often so as not to irritate the intestinal mucosa. The tube will only remove gases that have accumulated in the rectum, so it is better to use it after a massage;
  • If your toddler is constipated, you can use safe baby glycerin suppositories to help relieve the condition.

You can use all these methods together or in turn, today one thing will help you, and tomorrow another, hold on and know, soon it will all end by itself.

Photo - photobank Lori

Already in the maternity hospital, the baby may begin to be disturbed by gaziks. For three to four months, the newborn will experience some abdominal discomfort. The duration and strength of the pain depends on the individual characteristics of the little man. Why does this unpleasant phenomenon arise, how to fight, and how can you help the child?

What is the difference between gaziki and colic

The problem of gas and colic is considered to be quite common. Gaziki in newborns accumulates in the small intestine, accompanied by bloating and discomfort. The baby grunts, grimaces, worries, trying to fumble. Gas formation does not cause pain and severe suffering in the baby, therefore, sharp crying and screaming can not be heard.

Intestinal colic, on the contrary, entails painful sensations, therefore, with them, the child can cry for a long time. Colic is often caused by gas that swells up the baby's sensitive intestines. That is why you first need to deal with increased gas production and manifestations of flatulence.

Causes of gas in an infant

As in an adult, gas formation in an infant is a natural process that accompanies the act of digesting food. If a lot of gases are formed, they do not have time to be excreted, accumulate in the intestines, disrupting the normal work of the digestive system.

Important: gaziki can appear constantly due to improper feeding of the child, in which he will swallow air - the technique of latching a newborn to the breast.

Why does gas form in a newborn when breastfeeding or artificial feeding?

  1. The immature digestive system is still developing. The child's intestines are colonized by microflora, an active carbohydrate metabolism begins, as a result, gases appear.
  2. An allergic reaction to foods that a nursing mother eats or to formula with artificial feeding. It is known that the inclusion of whole cow's milk, cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks, chocolate in a woman's diet causes colic in infants - which foods are prohibited for a nursing mother.
  3. Overfeeding is a problem for artificial children. It does not threaten breastfed babies. The baby will suck just as much milk as he needs.
  4. Lactase deficiency, in which lactase is not produced, an enzyme that facilitates the digestion of milk.
  5. Newly introduced foods can cause babies to get gas. Lots of foods that contain sugars (like juices) can cause colic and loose stools.
  6. Violation of microflora occurs in artificial children more often than in breastfed babies. The baby sucks less greedily, swallows less air, and gets probiotics from breast milk. Probiotics are essential for humans to quickly digest food and absorb nutrients.
  7. Improperly organized feeding is a common mistake of young parents. Due to frequent feeding, food does not have time to be digested, and gas are formed. Avoiding this problem will help the schedule and adherence to the two-hour interval between meals.

Other reasons that cause gaziki in infants include tight swaddling, pressing elastic on the diaper, overheating.

Less common factors include:

  • prematurity;
  • emotional instability in the family;
  • incorrectly selected mixture;
  • weak abdominal muscles.

Signs of gas in babies

Inexperienced parents find it difficult to understand what worries their child. To get rid of a problem, you need to know its main symptoms. How does a newborn behave with gas cars? The child has:

  • Belching is a natural way of removing gases accumulated in the stomach. After feeding, you need to make every effort so that the baby can burp. If hiccups () and belching occur more frequently, this may indicate that a lot of air is swallowed during feeding.
  • Regurgitation is accompanied by regurgitation. But sometimes it happens due to an inappropriate mixture, illegal foods that a nursing mother ate, or because the feeding process is too fast - other causes of regurgitation.
  • The accumulated gas in the intestinal area interferes with the movement of gastric juice, forcing it to stop. Bloating is the first symptom of gas entering the intestines and accumulating on the intestinal walls. Pressure is created, the child feels sharp painful spasms and discomfort. When probing, a hard, stone tummy is observed.
  • It's normal for newborns to fart 15-20 times a day. But increased flatulence indicates incomplete digestion of food.
  • Crying is the child's main way to communicate their concerns. It can occur when the baby is hungry, he has something in pain, he is tired, he is tormented by colic - the eternal companions of gas formation. With intestinal gas, the child only strains, clenches his fists and grunts. How to understand why a newborn is crying
  • Any discomfort disturbs the peace and sleep of the baby. It has been noticed that children begin to worry suddenly, usually after eating or in a dream.

In almost all babies, the symptoms of gas workers can be reduced to three principles:

  1. Discomfort after the first three weeks of life.
  2. In terms of duration per day, attacks of pain can be added up to three hours.
  3. By the fourth month, the problem disappears without a trace. If this does not happen, you need the advice of an experienced specialist.

How to help a child with gas in the stomach

Gas formation in babies is an inevitable process. Therefore, you should know how to help a newborn. There are several tried and tested methods to relieve a child's condition.

Laying out on the tummy and carrying in a column

Lying on his stomach, the child trains muscle tissue, learns to hold and raise his head, and studies the world around him from a different angle. It is necessary to accustom the baby to such a useful position gradually, starting from one or two minutes. It is better to do this before feeding, otherwise the baby may vomit profusely immediately after eating. The room should be at a normal temperature so that the baby does not freeze and overcooled.

Carrying a column and pressing an adult to the stomach is considered an excellent prevention of gaz. It is recommended to carry the child upright until the excess air has disappeared - correct wearing in a column. At the same time, they talk with the baby, sing songs, stroke the back. If the air does not leave for a long time, you need to move back and forth or to the sides. This massage will speed up the release process.


If you take warm water into a heating pad and apply it to the newborn's tummy, the spasm will pass, the pain will subside, and the gaziks will be able to calmly move away. If there is no heating pad in the house, you can replace it with a warm diaper. The diaper is ironed on both sides with an iron before being laid out on the tummy. A warm bath helps to relieve spasms. The main thing is that the child likes water procedures.


This is one of the simplest non-invasive relaxing techniques in the fight against gas. The massage is carried out half an hour after feeding or at the first sign of discomfort:

  1. The child is laid on the back and rotational movements of the legs begin, as if he was riding a bicycle. You can bend the legs, bent at the knees, to the tummy until the gaziks move away.
  2. Massage light movements rub the baby's tummy clockwise with the palm. Such touches have a calming effect and help remove gas along the intestines.
  3. The child is laid face down on the adult's lap. Gently move your legs to massage your tummy a little. These movements will help the bubbles move. In this case, it is advisable to stroke the baby on the back.

Breast massage should not be painful. Correct, competent movements will relieve the newborn from suffering in a short time.

  • How to massage an infant with intestinal colic


If the massage does not help, the baby often suffers from gas, doctors advise using medicines. There are 4 types of medications that can relieve a child of gas.

They all work in their own way:

  1. Simethicone - carminative and defoaming active ingredient aimed at binding and eliminating vesicles in the intestine. The released gas is quickly absorbed or excreted naturally from the body, without creating unpleasant sensations. Often, simethicone-based drops include synthetics, colorants and fragrances.
  2. Homeopathic medicines - based on natural substances that ensure safety for newborns and effectively eliminate gas. One such remedy is dill water based on fennel or dill seeds. The product is sold in a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. 10-15 fennel seeds are poured over half a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew. Then the medicine is poured into the baby's bottle and given to him to drink. If the child is on HB, then the mother herself drinks the infusion, and then feeds the child.
  3. Probiotics - significantly alleviate the condition of the baby if they are used for several weeks in a row. When complementary foods are introduced to a child, it is recommended that probiotics be given to fill the intestines with beneficial bacteria.
  4. Enzymes - make up for the lack of active components involved in the digestion of food. If lactase deficiency is noted, drugs with the lactase enzyme are prescribed. The danger of using such funds lies in the duration of the course of therapy. The baby's pancreas must produce such substances by itself, and not receive them from the outside.

Quick help for the baby with gas formation

Inexperienced parents ask doctors what to do with prolonged, exacerbated attacks? In such cases, pain is relieved by emergency means: an enema or a gas outlet.

How to remove gaziki with an enema?

  • first you need to purchase a small rubber bulb with a soft tip;
  • the product must be boiled for 15-20 minutes;
  • for manipulation, you will need boiled water at room temperature. Cold water can cause spasm, and warm water can provoke the absorption of poisons accumulated in the intestines;
  • air is squeezed out of the pear and water is drawn into it;
  • the tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly;
  • the child is laid out on his left side, his legs are pressed to the tummy in order to provide access to the anus, which is smeared with petroleum jelly;
  • the contents of the enema must be injected slowly, the tip should not go deeper than 2-3 cm;
  • the buttocks should be kept closed so that the liquid does not spill out;
  • in advance you need to prepare a place (cover it with oilcloth and a diaper) where bowel movements will take place.

You need to give an enema when the child is calm and relaxed. Often it is impossible to use this method to release gaziki, as the natural reflex of defecation may be inhibited.

How to use the gas outlet

  • the tube must be boiled. Lubricate with petroleum jelly;
  • enter to a depth of no more than 5 cm;
  • it is necessary to introduce the gas outlet by screwing movements. The outlets have a special limiter, which makes them safe for babies;
  • keep until the gaziki move away;
  • wash the tube after the procedure.

After manipulation, you need to look at the behavior of the baby - whether the procedure helped him or not. You cannot use this method too often, since in addition to inhibiting the natural reflex of expelling gases, there is a risk of injury to the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum.

When to see a doctor

If a child has:

  • fever;
  • belly swollen like a drum;
  • stools interspersed with flakes, mucus, or blood;
  • discoloration of the stool - it has become green or light green;
  • vomiting, frequent regurgitation by a fountain;
  • diarrhea;
  • cyanosis, pallor of the skin;
  • sunken eyes;
  • drowsiness;
  • moodiness when touching the stomach;
  • monotonous changed crying.

The listed symptoms may indicate: volvulus, intestinal infection, meningitis, nervous disorders, etc. Therefore, at the first warning signs, you need to call a doctor

How to prevent gas

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from gazes, but simple recommendations will help to reduce their duration and intensity:

  • prolonged hysterical crying should not be allowed. Most newborns swallow air in this way;
  • it is necessary to position the baby correctly when feeding, supporting his head above the tummy. This will help him swallow milk or mixture without air;
  • after each feeding, the baby must burp. If the child is susceptible to gas formation, the feeding is interrupted so that he burps freely, and then starts eating with renewed vigor;
  • if the newborn is not on HB, the feeding method should be analyzed. It is recommended to hold the bottle so that the nipple is always filled with milk, if this does not happen, the child receives a lot of air with food.

Carrying on your hands, massaging and laying on your tummy are considered the most effective ways to combat gas.

The birth of a child is a great joy for a mother and at the same time a great anxiety, because the baby, on occasion, cannot say where he hurts and what. One of the earliest problems is newborn colic; almost all babies face it. In this material, a story about the main symptoms, causes of occurrence and what to do, what methods of help are the most effective.

The word "colic" comes from the Greek kolikos, which means painful manifestations in the colon in the form of sharp stabbing pains, rumbling. Medical experts say that it is necessary to distinguish painful manifestations in the intestines of an adult from the processes occurring in a child's body.

There is even a special term - “ infant colic", The first phenomena of this order can be observed in babies from two weeks of age and continue until about the 4th month. Colic occurs in both sexes, that is, both girls and boys face colic. Experts are trying to calm mothers, citing statistics - up to a third of all newborns suffer from colic.

Of these, 95% of infant colic go away, the digestive organs adapt to a new life. Only 5% of newborns have colic due to organic diseases, respectively, such children need treatment under the supervision of doctors.

The reasons for the occurrence are not fully understood, most pediatricians agree that in this way the child's intestines are rebuilt to normal life. This is natural, because the conditions of the child's existence are radically changing, feeding is carried out in a new way, the hitherto sterile intestines are colonized by microflora. Other causes of colic in newborns include:

  • getting acid into the children's esophagus from the stomach;
  • hypersensitivity, manifested at a physical or psychological level;
  • mom's stressful state ( when breastfeeding);
  • intolerance to the child's body of lactose contained in human milk;
  • infant migraine.

Colic is caused by different reasons, but it manifests itself in the same way, the symptoms are identical.

The main symptoms

Newborns often cry, but crying is not always a manifestation of infant colic, it can be a banal hunger, the child is not dressed for the weather, or it is simply uncomfortable for him to lie down. If breastfeeding / artificial feeding, tactile contact (stroking, motion sickness) does not help, crying continues for several hours, then this is one of the main symptoms of colic. In addition, other manifestations can be observed:

  • redness of the face from straining;
  • knees pulled closer to the tummy;
  • the tummy itself is quite dense, "tight".

Some children bend over, taking a more comfortable position, sometimes gas escapes or a bowel movement occurs. In such cases, the mother should not patiently listen to the child's heartbreaking cry, her task is to help him, relieve pain and alleviate suffering.

How to help your baby

Ideally, if the mother determines the cause of the appearance, then she chooses the best way to help. In practice, this is most often difficult to do, you may have to look for your own treatment strategy, relying on the achievements of official and traditional medicine, as well as on advice developed by experience.

Mom's diet

If the baby is breastfed, then there is a high likelihood of pain associated with the mother's nutrition. In this regard, we can recommend that mothers change their diet, a more serious approach to the products that they include in their own diet. Many suggest that you first switch to a mono-diet consisting of buckwheat porridge, then gradually introduce other foods into the diet, observing the baby's condition and determining what exactly causes colic.

You can continue to eat a variety of foods, but exclude foods that cause fermentation and excessive gas formation in the intestines - grapes, pears, cabbage ( all varieties), dairy products, carbonated water, natural juice. Also reduce the intake of baked goods to avoid constipation.

Tummy massage

Painful manifestations of colic in a baby, which are caused by gas formation, are well removed during massage. It must be carried out gently, without pressing hard, the stomach must first be warmed with a warm diaper (heat also helps relieve pain). The following movements can be used:

  • massage around the navel clockwise with one and two hands;
  • counter movement of hands;
  • stroking "water mill", from ribs to groin ( top down) in the center, then put one hand on the stomach, the other to massage the oblique muscles.

When colic begins, you can not do a massage, but simply bend your legs to the tummy, in turn or together. It is useful to lay the child on his stomach, while you can lightly stroke the back to relax the muscles. An excellent tool for modern mothers is a fitball, you need to put your baby on the ball with your stomach, gently shake it with the ball.

Feeding features

When the first symptoms appear, doctors recommend that mothers change not only their own diet, but also the feeding method. Before starting the process, put the newborn on the tummy, while feeding, try not to allow air to be swallowed, since it, getting into the intestines, also contributes to the appearance of pain. At the end of feeding, do not lay the baby down immediately, hold it vertically, which will get rid of the air that has got into the stomach.

Preparations, drops

The next way is to use the advice of traditional medicine. The famous dill water, prepared independently or in a pharmacy, has helped more than one generation of newborns. Cooking dill water is easy: pour 1 tsp with a glass of boiling water. dill seeds. After insisting for 40 minutes, strain, give a little to drink. Fennel is a worthy competitor for dill, the cooking method is the same. You can, in addition to infusion on seeds, prepare a decoction from the root.

An effective means of help can be a heating pad for a newborn, today these devices are of different types: water, electric, salt. Each of them has its own pros and cons, which must be taken into account, the most important thing is the selection of the optimal temperature.

Home treatment cannot be limited to dill water and the application of heat; medications play an important role in the process of pain relief. But here you need to remember some rules:

  • do not use anything without consulting a local pediatrician;
  • the drug is selected individually ( because they do not help everyone and not always);
  • observe the method of use and the dosage indicated on the package.

Official medicine also works for babies, some drugs stop colic, others are used to prevent the appearance of unpleasant sensations. Many of them are based on dill oil, for example, bebikalm. This preparation also contains mint and anise oil, you can give drops right before feeding, you can dilute with water.

In the list of drugs that relieve colic, espumisan is in the first place, it is produced in the form of an emulsion, the main active ingredient is Simethicone. Pros - can be used from the first weeks of life, before or after breastfeeding, as well as during painful sensations. The same main substance in the Bobotik preparation, only it is prepared in the form of drops, given from the second month, after taking it, write.

With severe pain, the pediatrician can prescribe antispasmodics; papaverine is the most popular. There are also disadvantages - in the form of tablets or suppositories, it is equally difficult to use for a newborn.

Not only drops are used to alleviate the condition of young children, but also bifidumbacterin, which activates digestion processes. Sold in the form of sachets, before use, mix with a liquid component - mother's milk, boiled warm water, fermented milk drink allowed for feeding a child. Linex also works, for newborns to open the capsule, mix its contents with milk. Apply as directed by a doctor, in a dosage specified by him, before feeding. Cons - there are contraindications, it is available in capsules, it is difficult to use for babies, the pros - it has no taste, no smell.

Gas outlet pipe

Not only spasms, but also gasses formed in the intestines can disturb the baby. The easiest ways to relieve pain are by gently massaging the abdomen, a warm diaper or heating pad, and holding it upright.

Many mothers use a gas tube, its main advantage is immediate action, pain relief without the use of drugs. It also helps with constipation, but is more convenient than an enema, and has different sizes depending on age. Use only in extreme cases, carefully following the instructions, consult with your pediatrician beforehand.

When will the colic go away?

Colic in a newborn is the first big problem, but it is solved with the help of various means and methods. Doctors promise that most of the little patients by the fifth month will forget what it is. The most important thing is to be able to recognize spasms in a child, distinguish them from other pains and learn how to prevent them. If none of the above methods, the advice of pediatricians or more experienced neighbors help, do not be upset, because very soon the age will come when other problems will bother the mother.

With proper feeding, care, prevention and first aid, colic does not appear so brightly, passes quickly, allowing the baby and mother to enjoy life again.

Almost all parents have experienced colic in children. Symptoms of this phenomenon usually appear in the evenings or at night. At the same time, the child cannot sleep, suffers from abdominal pain and is capricious. To calm your baby, you can give him a special drug or use folk remedies. So how to help a newborn when such a problem occurs?

Colic causes

Therefore, there are criteria that allow pediatricians to determine the causes of colic. These include a combination of this condition with signs such as decreased appetite, decreased dynamics of weight gain, and impaired stool. If such symptoms appear, doctors prescribe additional studies, the main of which is the analysis of feces.


With colic in newborns, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the baby has unreasonable anxiety;
  • the child presses the legs to the stomach, which indicates the appearance of cramping pains in the stomach or intestines;
  • sometimes the baby has gas;
  • the baby can scream shrilly for several hours - this is usually observed in the evenings;
  • sometimes the baby turns pale;
  • crying and anxiety of the baby usually occurs after eating;
  • with food intolerance, the child has frequent green stools with mucous impurities, but sometimes constipation also occurs.

With colic in newborns, it is important for parents to behave correctly. To calm your baby and reduce negative feelings to a minimum, you need to adhere to these rules:

  • Before eating, lay the baby on the tummy and leave in this position for a quarter of an hour.
  • After feeding, carry the baby in a column. This will allow it to release excess air.
  • Applying warmth to the tummy will help reduce pain. For this purpose, a diaper is suitable, which must be rolled up in four and ironed with an iron. A warm bath or mom's body is also a great option.
  • Give the baby a massage. To do this, you need to stroke the tummy in a circular motion, lightly pressing on the skin. It is recommended to massage clockwise.
  • Exercising with your child is a good option. To do this, you can bend and unbend the legs at the knees, swing it on a large ball, or take the straight legs behind the head.

If the baby is bottle-fed, he should purchase a special anti-colic bottle. It has a physiological nipple shape and is equipped with special valves. This helps prevent excess air from being swallowed.

Much attention must be paid to the choice of mixture. If the usual ones do not fit, it is worth giving preference to the medicinal one. For colic in newborns, it is best to offer them mixtures that have partially or completely hydrolyzed proteins. You can also choose products containing fermented milk components. After the colic has passed, it is permissible to return to the usual mixture.

Compliance with the meal schedule is also important. There must be breaks between feedings. The volume of the mixture must meet the age criteria. You should also control the temperature of the food.

If you experience bloating and massage and exercise do not help remove gas, you can use a special vent tube. However, this method is recommended to be used very carefully and only after consulting a doctor.


To calm the child and cope with the problem, you can give him special teas and herbs. An excellent option for colic in newborns will be dill water, chamomile or fennel tea. These drinks can be prepared by yourself or purchased at the pharmacy. With the help of medicinal plants, it is possible to cope with spasms and increase intestinal peristalsis.

Also, carminative agents are excellent for children. A simethicone-based medicine can be offered to the infant. This substance breaks down gas bubbles into smaller components, which facilitates their removal. It is important here not to show unnecessary initiative and consult a specialist on this issue.

In a few months, the children's digestive tract will form and begin to function normally. Gradually, the colic will disappear, and the baby's well-being will improve.

Folk remedies

It will help with colic in newborns and the use of various folk remedies. The most effective products include the following:

  • Fennel. The fruits of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare the product, it is enough to take a large spoonful of seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. After an hour, strain and give to the child quite often, but in small portions. With colic in newborns, it is worth offering them no more than a tablespoon at a time.
  • Dill water. To make it, you can take a tablespoon of the seeds of this plant, add boiling water to them and cover with a lid. Leave for an hour and a half.
  • Anise. Add a couple of cups of water to half a teaspoon of seeds and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, filter and cool. Leave the resulting product in the refrigerator for 3 days. Every day the baby should drink 3 drops of such water. For this purpose, it is worth using a pipette.


In order to prevent the appearance of colic in a child, it is worthwhile to engage in the prevention of this condition. This problem often occurs when excess air is swallowed while eating. To reduce the likelihood of colic, after feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position. You can gently pat him on the back to let the baby out.

It is very important to control the correct grip of the nipple or breast. Herbal teas are an excellent preventive measure. It is worth feeding newborns with these products not only during attacks, but also throughout the day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve an excellent tonic effect.

With colic in newborns of a nursing mother, you should definitely review your diet. This problem may be due to the use of sauerkraut, dairy products, beans. Often, children suffer from the presence of carbonated water or mushrooms in the mother's diet. Therefore, it is so important to follow a special diet during lactation.

With colic in newborns, especially if they greatly bother the baby, systematic charging is simply necessary. This will help not only cope with this problem, but also make the child healthier and stronger.

Thus, childhood colic is a fairly common phenomenon, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and causes great suffering for babies. To prevent the appearance of signs of this condition, the mother must follow a special diet and feed the baby correctly. If colic does appear, you can give the baby a special drug or use an effective folk remedy.

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