How and when is the sexual tie performed. Egillet or sex tie

It is customary to call an eguillete a sexual tie, a sexual love spell or a sex tie... All these names reveal the main point magical work, i.e. impact that closes the energy of the lower centers of the essence of a person on another. Thus, the bewitched receives sexual pleasure and satisfaction only from communication with each customer, but not with any other partner. Egiliet can be either one-sided or two-sided or binary, when the sexual tie occurs both from the side of the bewitched and from the customer.

Egiliet can also be seen as type of damage to the genital areawhich can lead to impotence or frigidity. This practice is a serious interference with human energy, therefore, it is not often used in practice.

There is also a well-known difference between an eguillet and sexual attachment, it is considered the most powerful influence that does not allow the bewitched to have an intimate relationship on the side, while the usual love spell on sex does not put such a restriction.

The principle of operation of the eguillet

Magic constantly creates and nourishes an intimate connection with the customer, establishes a strong attraction, desire and attraction, acts at the level of deep instincts.

Therefore, it is very important to try to create conditions for the manifestation of results when using the eguilite, the presence of an opportunity on the part of the bewitched to show passion and attraction. If a person who has a strong feeling for an opponent is bewitched with a guise, an internal conflict may occur, causing serious problems both in the genital area, and indirectly destroying other aspects of life. Potentially, this can lead to disease, depression of body functions. And for problems in the sexual sphere, intimate life, a string of other troubles begins to drag on. That is why Egiliet in some form of application can be damage.

Features of the action of the eguillet

As a result of the use of such magic, a person experiences a strong sexual attraction to the customer - this is the main purpose of the escort. Accordingly, relationships with other partners disappear, cease to be important and desirable. If there is already an emotional attachment between the customer and the object of influence, then the object of influence will not necessarily consider such an attraction as something unnatural.

Before using it, you need to understand the difference between the action of the eguilleta on a man and a woman. Yes, such a sexual love spell reconfigures the work of the lower energy centers and ties it to the customer. But if in the case of a man it is possible to do so that, in principle, he cannot have intimacy on the side, it simply does not work out even when trying, then female physiology is arranged differently. It is clear that a woman can physically have such a relationship, but they will be unpleasant for her.

Manifestation of Egillet

Egiliet starts working immediately after the ritual, and appears on average in 2 weeks. But in each case, as is usually the case, there may be special circumstances that speed up or slow down the manifestation of changes.

For example, if the girl on whom the escutcheon is made has a constant intimate relationship with another man, then in order to rebuild, break up with him and come to the customer, she obviously needs more time compared to the case when the escutcheon is bewitched free man, and even in search of intimate pleasures.

Naturally, there may be other significant circumstances that speed up or slow down the manifestation of the results, both for the guise and the love spell. For example, if a rival keeps a woman near him, puts emotional, psychological pressure on her, blackmails her with something, she will need to overcome all these obstacles in order to be with the customer.

And the customer needs to try, make efforts to ensure that things go in the right direction. For this, it is important to be able to communicate, when a person sees directly how the bewitched (bewitched) reacts, can promptly resolve any misunderstandings, nullify the negative, while maintaining only the positive nature of the relationship, providing help and support, and just good and having fun together.

All these features can reject in one direction or another and change the effectiveness of magical work. In this regard, magic is not a panacea for all ills, but a means of help.

If everything goes well, the eguillet works for about six months to a year, depending on the strength of the impact and the energy of the object. In general, such an impact is a temporary measure in an emergency. It is very desirable to remove the escutcheon when the love relationship has normalized and consolidated. Then the hagillet can be translated into a less powerful form of influence, which will feed the relationship and correspond to their development.

Sexual magic, magical help for intimate relationships.

All these influences that I have indicated are interconnected. I'll tell you about each of them separately, so that you could, if you decide to order and carry out an impact, understand what it is eguillethow it differs from sexual attachmentand when is it better to do sexy love spell.

I apply each of the influences in my work. The impacts aimed at the development of intimate and sexual relationships do both singly and as part of a more serious and, as they say, complex magical work to create feelings and relationships between people.

- one of simple ways love magic, used to create love and, especially, sexual relationships. The binding creates something like an energy knot along the lower energy centers, which firmly binds the loved one to you in matters of intimate attraction. Hence the phrase is formed - sexual attachment, i.e. such a strong relationship that it just does not go away, and it is at the level of sexual attraction.

Sexual attachment, also called attachment to sex, lasts half a year - a year without any additional actions after the ritual. Sexual attachment is carried out at any time and in any phase of the moon, because the force of the impact is based on the energies and forces of the three participants - the attached, the customer and the magician. If the magician and the customer are one person, then the sexual attachment operates on the basis of the energies and forces of the two participants.

When carrying out sexual attachment, it is important that the strength and skills of the magician (which it is) were higher than the strength of the attached.

Sexual attachment is done in most cases by channeling the power of energy with a love conspiracy. I will give several options for a sex conspiracy that can be used in sexual attachments. Conspiracies can be whispered to food, drink, objects - lining. The effect will occur as soon as a person comes into contact with these spells.

Sexy pegging on a candle flame

Better to do it at night, put a candle and light it. Arouse the energy of sexual desire in yourself and, looking at a photograph of a loved one (or imagining him - her image), read a conspiracy:

“The candle burns and burns, the flame of fatigue does not know,
So you (name) burned with love for me, do not know how to feed in sex with me.
Let it be so".

The influence will immediately begin to act, but it is better to read the conspiracy on the photo for several days, so that the sexual attachment would turn out to be reliable and strong.

Whispers after sex and intimate relationships

When you see your beloved, let him walk a little ahead of you, and you, looking at his back, repeat the words of the spell in a whisper:

“Let you be attracted to me, let him call,
Will bring sexual comfort. "

Repeat the words thirteen times, while trying to imagine and feel how you will have sex with your loved one, how good and pleasant it will be. This energy will surely be transferred to him, take possession of his feelings and mind.

You can repeat the conspiracy for sex every time you see each other.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make a simple sexual attachment on your own. There is enough energy of your desire and intention to enter into a close relationship.

But there are times when such incentives are not enough.

Then another magical effect comes to the rescue - sexy love spell... This is already a deeper and stronger influence of love magic, which works both sexual attraction and love feelings. It must be said that a sexual love spell has a stronger effect on consciousness and leaves deeper changes.

If after sexual attachment passion can flare up and go out, then a sexual love spell creates attachment on an emotional level, and not only on instinctive attraction.

But still, this kind of love spell focuses on sexual relations.

Love spell for sex - ritual

Let me explain with an example. Spend sexy love spell yourself, for which buy a red candle, put it on the table at night. Better if it is the night of the waxing moon.

Place a photo of your loved one in front of the candles and try to focus on their feelings for you. Think about what they should be. And not only in sexual relations, but also in manifestations of love, care, tenderness, attention, etc.

Then take your photograph in hand and take a quick look at yourself. Next, you should try to imagine and feel how your feelings merge into a single relationship, full of harmony and love, while presenting scenes of your intimate relationships, sexual intercourse. How good you and him will be.

Now take photos and put their faces together. Photos must be full-length and the same size... While putting the photos together, say the love spell:

“As a young and insatiable stallion burns with passion, covers the horse one by one,
So you (name) feel the male power, reach for me, do not know rest,
Only with me seduce, indulge in sexual pleasures.
As the photographs united, she spoke the words of the conspiracy, so she united us forever
Clear love, passionate craving for sex.
And day and night, all day away.
Let it be so".

The conspiracy creates a strong message for intimate and love relationships. If you use a love spell on sex while the moon is rising, it will be very powerful. After each ritual, keep the photos folded to each other in an envelope. You can use the same candle, and on the last night, leave it to burn out.


We came to the last point. Egiliet - sex tie. It differs from sexual attachment in that it ties the person to the customer even more. If a sexual attachment gives a strong, but temporary impulse, and a sexual love spell affects intimate attraction and love feelings, then the hagillet simply forces a person to enter into sexual relations only with the customer. Egiliet prohibits sexual relations on the side, does not provide an opportunity for cheating on your beloved with some nymphet who has decided to have fun, have fun or make your man for money through sex.

A man tied by a gangway, even when he is left alone, on a business trip, for a long time without sex, still cannot get close to another woman. All his desires, thoughts and sexual attraction goes only to the woman who made the pilgrimage.

You must understand me why I will not tell you publicly how to make a pilgrimage yourself. In addition to the fact that this is a strong influence with elements of black magic, which in itself is dangerous in inept hands, a woman can use a pilgrimage to destroy a prosperous family, to sexually tie a man who is well with his wife. This is a dangerous weapon in the arsenal of a magician, which he uses only after familiarizing himself with the customer's situation and understanding the possible consequences of his actions.

But I believe that the proposed magical effects - sexual attachment and sexual love spell - you can successfully use to your advantage. And if you need such an unambiguous and decisive means as an eguilite, or something will not work for a love spell and binding, contact me for magical help. I will do everything so that you get what you want without consequences and hassle.

Among the rituals of black magic, eguilets are widespread - magical sexual ties, a kind of rituals of love witchcraft (see more about them). This is one of the methods of tying the object of influence, it can also serve as a ritual of revenge, since it is a ritual for male sexual impotence, deliberately induced, partial or complete.

Sexual ties are well known to pagan sorcerers of various ethnic groups. A real sexual tie includes visits to the cemetery and the use of funeral paraphernalia, such as the bonds of the deceased, etc. At present, the rituals are somewhat simplified, it all comes down to the power of visualization, intention, etc. Often, ordinary ropes, ribbons, etc. are used.

Eguilets are full (usually as revenge), partial (from rivals). In any case, the emotional and physical stateso some consider such rituals to be a form of corruption. Care should be taken with such rituals, as sometimes the rollback ritual does not help. As well as love spells on the blood, hagilets can have dire consequences in the form of various diseases.

Egilietes are full, dictated by the desire to take revenge, often end up with illnesses in the objects of influence, this is the same damage, only on the sexual sphere, and the consequences can be reflected in subsequent generations.

Gypsy knots are a kind of iguleta (see below); ...

An example of a ritual eguillet

This sex tie is done on the days of the waning moon, after midnight. For the ritual, the following are used: a half-liter jar with a lid, a full-length photograph of the target, a bottle of vinegar, a long rope and wax.

The rope is placed on the grave and a little covered with earth, where a person with the same name as the target is buried. After 9 days, the rope is removed. The wax is molded into the shape of the male genital organ and placed on the photograph. The formed wax is bent and tied with a rope with the words:

Take, deceased fornication (name)

on the servant of God (name of the rival)

and on all girls, except for (name).

How the deceased grew cold

so (name) cooled.

After that, the photograph and the tied wax are poured with vinegar in a jar, which is buried near the grave.

Love tie

From the practice of gypsy magic to preserve passion in the heart of the chosen one. The ritual is closer not to the knots of love, but to the eguilete with its selfish goal: it is performed for one person and contributes to the preservation of only his loyalty to you.

This ritual is performed using a thin rope the same length as your partner's penis. Put the rope and the acorn found in the forest under the pillow, and let them lie there while you and your chosen one have intercourse. Then take out the rope and tie 6 knots on it. Now make a hole in the acorn and thread the rope through it, securing it with the seventh knot.

All actions must be performed with the necessary attitude towards the result and uttering a spell at each node:

I was expecting you

with a thought called

came to me -

stay with me

may we be inseparable.

Loved you

my heart burned for you,

and how strong is my love,

so let it be with the same force

i will be saved from your betrayals.

How your blood boiled in passion,

so let your soul

only for me it hurt.

The rope is twisted -

love keeps

protects from treason.

Now take a small, shallow vessel and pour water into it, add 3 pinches of salt to it and say:

No matter how long or short the rope

and I tied the seventh knot,

so that you, (name), do not walk away from me,

so that my conspiracy will overwhelm you.

It is not water that absorbs salt,

and the heart (name) is only for me

burns with love,

it's not salt that melts in water,

this body (name) burns with passion,

he won't find

without me there is nowhere peace,

let his body

it hurts and aches without me.

Now - the final part of the ritual. Run the acorn on the rope through the water, while holding the end of the rope. The hand with which you will hold the end of the rope should be held above the water, while the index finger should be lowered into the water. Then begin to gradually twist circles with your finger with less and less amplitude from the edge of the vessel so that the rope winds around your index finger. For all these actions, repeat the incantation described above (second) until the salt completely dissolves, the thread should be wrapped around the index finger so that the acorn can be taken in hand.

See also in more detail about the various rituals of protection from rivals and to maintain loyalty.

Sex takes a special place in the life of every person. Just think about why looking good is so important to us? In order for representatives of the opposite sex to pay attention to us. It is useless to argue with this. To this I would also like to add the fact that it is not uncommon for men to choose their partner precisely on the basis of how good their sex is.

Sexual attachment will ignite passion between a woman and a man

Women also do not miss the opportunity to choose not just a handsome man for their companions, but the one with whom they will have good sex. As you might have guessed, the topic of our conversation is a sexual love spell, or rather a sexual tie.

Features of the ritual for sexual binding

The main feature of rituals for sexual attachment is precisely that they will not give the effect of a love spell, the person whom you attach, will desire you as a sexual object to satisfy his desires, but he will not look at you as a person or an object of love. Such an attachment will give you the opportunity to simply demonstrate to your chosen one your superiority over his other partners in this area. And already through sex, you can bind his attention to yourself and establish not only bodily, but also mental contact.

Consider the fact that as a result of the action of the ritual, your chosen one will receive not only a charge of energy that will direct his desires in your direction, but also a strong charge of pure sexual energy, which can only be dealt with if you give him the satisfaction of his sexual desire.

In love magic, there are several options aimed at working specifically with sexual energy:

  • sexual attachment;
  • love spell for sex;
  • eguillet.

Egiliet is one of the rituals aimed at working with sexual energy

Despite the fact that all these options are based on the same principle of working with human energy, efficiency, and the result of these rituals is very different. All of them make it possible to make a sexual tie at a distance from the photo, and therefore you can consider that this is the so-called black magic.

Sexual tie as a way of revenge

As you already know from my publications, I am not the kindest person on earth. Well, that's a fact. Therefore, I will tell you a little secret of using the ritual of sexual attachment as an option to punish your ex-man.

The basis of sexual attachment is that the man for whom it is done will be overwhelmed by an increased desire for carnal contact, and since it will be directed specifically at a particular woman, all other representatives of the weaker sex will not give him full satisfaction. And this is the constant stress of unsatisfactoriness, which will lead to the fact that a man will be ready to do anything just to get a chance to make love with the woman to whom he is tied.

The ideal way to take revenge on the man who not only broke off the relationship himself, but also managed to offend you so much that he deserved such a sophisticated punishment? Is not it?

It's all about energy channels

Many magical sources refer to sexual attachment as energy attachment. Why is that? The thing is that such a ritual, as I have already mentioned, basically contains work with the human energy sphere. Initially, the entire human energy system can be divided into levels, spheres.

So, the energy sphere, the energy zone or the energy channel, whichever one likes best, is responsible for sexual desire is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower abdomen of a person. If you explain this visually, then this channel is located directly above the pubis. Departing a little from the topic of attachment, I will say that all people have different sexual potential and different strength of the development of the energy sphere responsible for sexuality.

If a woman does not receive sexual satisfaction, then her sexual energy is extinguished

For women, this is especially critical, if a woman lives with a man who does not give her sexual satisfaction, her intimate energy sphere is gradually extinguished, since there is no recharge. The weaker the energy in the zone responsible for sex, the weaker the attraction to this woman among men. I will not reveal a huge secret by saying that a man is fed by a woman through sex, and if she has a poorly developed sphere responsible for the exchange of energy during intercourse, she will not enjoy sexual interest in men.

Link to sex, simple rituals

Before we start discussing how to make a tie, I will say that the sexual attachment of a woman and the sexual attachment of a man are not much different, the effect of attraction does not depend on gender, girls are no less subject to such magic, and witchcraft also works on them. But since it is women who often think about this method of binding, we will consider examples from a female point of view.

Burning candle ritual

This ritual belongs to the category of the most simple magical actions. I will not say that it will give a stunning effect, but it will still have an effect, although I will not guarantee a long period of validity.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform this ritual, you need to prepare:

A red scented candle is required for the ritual

  • a red scented candle, give preference to the scent that makes you sexual arousal;
  • a photo of your beloved, choose such a photo so that looking at it you also feel a surge of sexual desire;
  • knowledge of the conspiracy, you can just copy the words on a piece of paper.

I remind you once again that this ritual is not particularly strong or particularly effective. It is more aimed at directing your streams of love energy towards each other.

How to perform the ritual

As I have already mentioned more than once, all rituals with the goal of attracting something into your life are carried out strictly during the growing moon. Therefore, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose a day for the ritual strictly in the period of the new moon.
  2. The best time for the ritual is from 12:00 am to 3:00 am.
  3. Take a bath, let your hair down, remove all hairpins and jewelry, put on a long light shirt on your naked body, the main thing is that it should be without fasteners, strings and buttons. If the shirt has fasteners, do not fasten them or tie them in knots.
  4. Raise your shirt to expose your lower body and sit on the floor so that you are comfortable. Place a lighted candle in front of you.
  5. Close your eyes and inhale the scent of a candle, induce sexual arousal in your soul, feel your nakedness, you can mentally imagine sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, or even your sex with this man, if this makes you a surge of sexual desire.
  6. Having reached a state of arousal, keep the charge, and take in your hands the photo, the men of which you will tie to sex. Place the photo on your body so that the face of the image is directed to the zone of your lower energy channel.
  7. Next, you need to read the words of the binding conspiracy:

    “The candle burns and burns, the flame of fatigue does not know, So you (name) blaze with love for me, do not know how to feed in sex with me. Let it be so".

Practice has shown that the first effect occurs within three days. But as a practicing magician, I advise you not to limit yourself to just one session of the ritual, it is better to bind for 3-5 days to enhance the effect.

Ritual for two photos

This ritual is somewhat more powerful than the first. But it requires more skill in working with energy. This binding is based on the ability to visualize vividly, that is, you need imagination and the ability to hold a picture.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out this ritual, you will need almost the same set of magic tools as in the first option:

Scented candle with a scent that induces arousal - an essential element for the ritual

  • a scented candle with a scent that makes you aroused;
  • your full-length photo is the same photo of the man you will be tying;
  • rose essential oil;
  • red thread or red silk ribbon;
  • words, conspiracy text.

How to perform the ritual

We will also carry out this ritual, since it is also aimed at attracting something into your life, during the young moon period.

  1. We choose a day during the period when the moon is in the process of updating.
  2. You need to take a bath, remove all jewelry and hairpins, and be sure to wet your hair.
  3. You will need to perform the ritual in the nude.
  4. From the bathroom, go to the ritual room, sit on the floor in a position that is comfortable for you, and light a candle in front of you, place a container with rose oil.
  5. First take a photo of a man in your hands. Gently take a drop of rose oil with the little finger of your right hand and apply it to the man's photo, in the groin area.
  6. Then do the same with your photo.
  7. Now you need to merge the images so that the oil drops merge into one.
  8. Having connected the photos, tie them with a red ribbon, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

    “As a young and insatiable stallion burns with passion, covers the horse one by one, So you (name) feel the male power, reach for me, do not know rest. Only seduce with me, indulge in sexual pleasures. As the photographs united, she spoke the words of a conspiracy, so she united us forever with clear love, passionate love for sex. And in the day and night, all day away. Let it be so".

  9. You need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy at least three times. Next, extinguish the candle, and wrap your photos in your underwear in swimming trunks, just remember, these should be those panties that are imbued with your energy.

I will tell you that to enhance the effect, you can repeat the ritual several times, preferably five nights in a row. The only thing that you should not untie the tape and split the photo. Just light a candle, take the photo in your hands and pronounce the conspiracy, holding the photo in your hands. Every day, repeat the ritual, wrap it in the linen in which you spent the day.

We will talk about how to remove a sexual tie from a husband if he managed to get into such trouble in the next publication. I will just say that it is quite difficult to remove a professional sexual tie, but nothing is impossible.

Such a rite as a love spell of an eguile is aimed at preventing a man from having sexual relations with anyone other than the customer of the love spell. Thus, sexual and sexual intercourse is a complete or partial impotence directed at a man.

Egiliet love spell can not be put on all men, since some men have generic protection from him. Generic protection arises when the man's ancestor was able to get rid of the guided hagillette. Having got rid of the sexual tie, the man introduces a new "program" into the energy generic matrix - to protect against the hagiliet.

Love spells aimed at suppressing sexual function belong to the rites of black magic.

Egiliet is of two types - strong and weak. With a strong escort, a man cannot live a sex life at all, and therefore cannot continue his race. Such an effect is very difficult to remove, however, only a strong sorcerer can establish a sexual tie of such power. An ordinary person will never be able to perform the rite of a strong eguileta.

A weak love spell of an eguilite is aimed at restricting the sexual partners of a man. That is, a man will have intimate intimacy only with one woman, the one who performed the love spell. With other women, the man will be powerless sexually. This will lead to the fact that the man will stop cheating on his woman.

As a rule, a sex tie is applied to men, but there are also forms of a female igillet. It is brought in so that the woman is frigid with everyone except the customer of the love spell. If a strong version of the eguilite is used, then the woman will be completely frigid, regardless of partners.

This ceremony is very dangerous and has a lot of negative consequences, since the eguillet is a kind of damage to the relationship. The victim of an eguilite as a result negative impact ritual, begins to suffer both physically and mentally. Very often among the negative consequences are impotence, loss of fertility, oncology, serious mental problems. Almost the same severe consequences can affect the customer of the love spell, since his karma suffers seriously.

Before deciding on a sexual tie, try to solve the problem with more gentle means or in general, let go of your loved one.

For example, we will tell you how the Eguillette rite is performed.

The first rite.

This ceremony is performed using cemetery attributes. Time - at midnight on the waning moon or full moon.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need a piece of plasticine, a half-liter jar with a tight lid, a photograph of a man, vinegar. You will also need garters of the deceased or pieces of regular bandage, about 70 centimeters long. These pieces of bandages will need to be pre-buried in the grave in which the deceased with the name of your man rests for 9 days.

At night, mold your man's penis into life-size from plasticine and attach it to the photo, in the place of its natural location. After that, the organ must be bent and bandaged with bandages from the grave. Then read the conspiracy of loyalty nine times. The text of the conspiracy can be found in any sexual intercourse ritual or compiled independently, guided by the rules for drawing up magical conspiracies.

After that, you need to put the photo together with the member (without dividing it) into the jar, pour vinegar and seal tightly. Take the jar and bury it in the grave in which the bandage lay. While carrying the jar to the graveyard, do not place it where people are sitting or on the seat of a car.

The second rite.

Pluck the vine rod and hit the ground three times. Then, holding the rod in your hands, read the sex string three times. After that, bend the rod, tie it with a rope and take it to the cemetery. There the rod must be buried in the grave of the deceased, who has the same name as your man. Having buried the rod three more times, pronounce the words of the conspiracy, and go home, without looking back and not talking to anyone on the way.

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