The tendency to conbrance, indulgence, indulgence. What is despotism? Meaning and Interpretation of the word Despotizm, definition of the term What is despotism in the literature

Despotus (from Greek. Despotia is an unlimited power) - English. despotism; it. Despotie. The form of the autocratic, unlimited law of power. D. is characterized by the arbitrariness of the authorities and the weather of members of society. See autocracy, dictatorship, tyranny, totalitarianism. Sociological Dictionary

  • despoys - Despoce, Despotia, Despoty, Despoty, Despoty, Despots, Despoty, Despoty, Despoty, Despotus, Despots, Despoty, Despotsy Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  • despocet - [< гр. неограниченная власть] – 1) форма самодержавной власти, особенно характерная для рабовладельческих монархий; отличается полным произволом власти, бесправием подданных; 2) страна, в которой установлена такая власть Large dictionary of foreign words
  • Despoys - Despotia (Greek. Despoteia is an unlimited power) - the form of autocratic unlimited power. Classical despotus - states dr. East (Assyria, Babylon, etc.). Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • despoys - despot / and / I [y / a]. Morphemno-spell dictionary
  • despocence - despotia and. g. Despotie f., it. Despotie.<�гр. despoteia. 1. Форма неограниченной самодержавной власти. БАС-2. Неограниченная власть деспота оправдывается и обосновывается религией. В. Авдиев Ист. др. Востока. Dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language
  • Despoty - (from Greek. Despotéia is an unlimited power) form of the state device and the rule, in which the autocratic rulers are unlimitedly disposed of in the state, speaking towards citizen as a master and owner. Classic ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Despolation - this name is attached to that of the forms of the state device installed by the Aristotle, which Aristotle himself calls tyranny. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • despoty - (gr. Despoteia - unlimited power) - form of autocratic unlimited power. Classical d. - State of the Ancient East (Assyria, Babylon, etc.). Big Law Dictionary
  • despotus - SUB., Number of synonyms: 4 Despotism 11 Monarchy 5 self-level 24 tyranny 10 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • despotus - ORF. Despocence, and Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  • despoys - Despoys I. The form of unlimited autocratic power in the state, which is headed by the despot I II. The behavior of the despot of despot II; cruel suppression of all rights and freedoms of the individual; Arbitration, selfhood, despotism II Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • despoty - despot'i, despotia, wives. (· Book. Polit.). The state managed by the unlimited power of the despot. Eastern despotus. Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  • despoysu - Despocence, and, g. The state managed by the despot (in 1 meaning). | arr. Despotic, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • despoce - -I, g. The form of unlimited autocratic power, originating in the slave-owned monarchies of the Ancient East; The state managed by the despot (in 1 meaning). [Greek. Δεσποτεία] Small Academic Dictionary
  • despotus - despotus -I; g. [Greek. Despoteia] form of unlimited autocratic power (taking place in the slave-owned monarchies of the Ancient East); The state managed by despot (1 zn). ◁ despotic (see). Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • 1) despotism - (from Greek. Despotes - Lord, Lord) - the form of unlimited, absolute, autocratic power, for which complete arbitrariness, powerfulness, self-government, self-affairs, coarse and cruel suppression of commodity will and them. D. is especially characteristic of absolute monarchies.

    2) despotism - - (from Greek. Despotes-Lord) - the form of the autocratic power, an unlimited monarchy, which is full of full of power, to the provisional of subjects; Selfhood and tyranny in relation to others. Antique political philosopher Aristotle, along with three correct and three incorrect ("deviating") forms of political organization, allocated seventh formulaspotism, which externally resembles a certain form - tyranny. If tyranny is one of the transitional forms of a political organization, then despotism outside the civilization community or the barbaric world is permanenient (constant). A representative of the French Enlightenment of Montesquieu added Aristotle to other theoretical conclusion about the nature of despotism - its total inefficiency. American political scientist A.Yanov, relying on the fundamental work of K.vittfogel "East despotism", as well as on the work of other authors, formulates a number of essential theoretical conclusions: 1. Despotism is based on the direct bureaucratic management of the economic process or on the total disposal by its results. 2. The lack of economic restrictions leads to a more or less permanent economic status. 3. The absence of what is called economic progress based on the continuous modernization of the economic process and on extended reproduction is combined with the lack of political dynamics. 4. In order to exist a millennium in the conditions of economic and political immobility, despotism should have developed a special social structure, reduced to two polar classes: "governors" and "managed". 5. The economic immobility of the system corresponds to the immobility (immobility) of the managed class. The equality of them in the face of the despot is postulated. 6. The revolving side of this absolute homogeneity and stability of the managed class is the absolute atomization and instability of the class of control. Despotism does not know what can be called the category "Political Death". The mistake was equal to the death of physical. 7. Power, denying economic restrictions, cannot but deny the restrictions ideological. 8. This also explains the monstrous stability of despotic systems, for excludes the occurrence of political opposition (or the reformist system potential). 9. The lack of social, economic and ideological restrictions leads to the impossibility of despotic structures to resist submission to the private objectives of the despot. 10. Despotism turns out to be a dead political body. It is unknown a political alternative, this is a closed system. The world that is organically not able to produce political civilization himself. Naturally, many researchers celebrated the "genetic" kinship of a socialist society with its classical system of centralized distribution, with a strong, tough power of the center, a huge administrative and bureaucratic apparatus, etc. It cannot be argued that the socialist version was a blind or repetition of its east (not in the geographical sense of the word) of the predecessor, but the principal one-dimension of these structures is confirmed. There are differences and, first of all, in the artificial aspect of the established society. Despoty in the East developed naturally historically, while private property and the market were never destroyed, albeit in the cut and controlled authorities, they existed. Private property and the market provided at least simple reproduction and like a circulatory system supported life in Eastern society. A totalitarian-oriented society was deprived of such a blood system, and it was imposed on artificial ways to maintain life associated with the extrepitation of nature and humans, violence, fear, constant ideological processing, etc.

    3) despotism - - 1) a system of a state device, characterized by a complete arbitrariness of power, the provisional of subjects; 2) self-demand, cruel suppression of personality freedom.

    4) despotism - Absolute and lawless power, arbitrariness, self-government. Sometimes despotism is the tyranny manifestation of deserved authority; In this capacity, it is often manifested in the political figures of the older generation towards novice politicians.

    5) despotism - (from Greek. Despoteia is an unlimited power) - the form of the autocratic power, an unlimited monarchy, distinguished by the complete arbitrariness of the authorities; Selfhood and tyranny in relation to others.

    6) despotism - selfhood, arbitrariness in relation to subordinates. Despot is an unlimited and cruel sulter, which ruling in arbitrariness, and not on the basis of laws; Brutal, self-teleste, tyrant.


    (from Greek. Despotes - Lord, Lord) - a form of unlimited, absolute, autocratic power, for which the full arbitrariness, powerfulness, self-government, self-affairs, coarse and cruel suppression of the wills of the subjects and will help them. D. is especially characteristic of absolute monarchies.

    - (from Greek. Despotes-Lord) - form of autocratic power, unlimited monarchy, distinguished by the complete arbitrariness of the authorities, the provisional of subjects; Selfhood and tyranny in relation to others. Antique political philosopher Aristotle, along with three correct and three incorrect ("deviating") forms of political organization, allocated seventh formulaspotism, which externally resembles a certain form - tyranny. If tyranny is one of the transitional forms of a political organization, then despotism outside the civilization community or the barbaric world is permanenient (constant). A representative of the French Enlightenment of Montesquieu added Aristotle to other theoretical conclusion about the nature of despotism - its total inefficiency. American political scientist A.Yanov, relying on the fundamental work of K.vittfogel "East despotism", as well as on the work of other authors, formulates a number of essential theoretical conclusions: 1. Despotism is based on the direct bureaucratic management of the economic process or on the total disposal by its results. 2. The lack of economic restrictions leads to a more or less permanent economic status. 3. The absence of what is called economic progress based on the continuous modernization of the economic process and on extended reproduction is combined with the lack of political dynamics. 4. In order to exist a millennium in the conditions of economic and political immobility, despotism should have developed a special social structure, reduced to two polar classes: "governors" and "managed". 5. The economic immobility of the system corresponds to the immobility (immobility) of the managed class. The equality of them in the face of the despot is postulated. 6. The revolving side of this absolute homogeneity and stability of the managed class is the absolute atomization and instability of the class of control. Despotism does not know what can be called the category "Political Death". The mistake was equal to the death of physical. 7. Power, denying economic restrictions, cannot but deny the restrictions ideological. 8. This also explains the monstrous stability of despotic systems, for excludes the occurrence of political opposition (or the reformist system potential). 9. The lack of social, economic and ideological restrictions leads to the impossibility of despotic structures to resist submission to the private objectives of the despot. 10. Despotism turns out to be a dead political body. It is unknown a political alternative, this is a closed system. The world that is organically not able to produce political civilization himself. Naturally, many researchers celebrated the "genetic" kinship of a socialist society with its classical system of centralized distribution, with a strong, tough power of the center, a huge administrative and bureaucratic apparatus, etc. It cannot be argued that the socialist version was a blind or repetition of its east (not in the geographical sense of the word) of the predecessor, but the principal one-dimension of these structures is confirmed. There are differences and, first of all, in the artificial aspect of the established society. Despoty in the East developed naturally historically, while private property and the market were never destroyed, albeit in the cut and controlled authorities, they existed. Private property and the market provided at least simple reproduction and like a circulatory system supported life in Eastern society. A totalitarian-oriented society was deprived of such a blood system, and it was imposed on artificial ways to maintain life associated with the extrepitation of nature and humans, violence, fear, constant ideological processing, etc.

    What is despotic? Despotism (translated from the Greek "Despotes" - "Vladyka, Lord") is a form of power, which is peculiar to unlimited self-government, suppressing will and subordination, arbitrariness, self-smuggling, tyranny, cruel and coarse attitude.

    If you consider despotism as the concept of a state device, then this form of power it is expressed in the powerless relationship and the strength of the rulers to the subjectthat is aimed at meeting his personal desires, but not for the benefit of a common cause.

    The term "despotism" introduced an antique philosopher Aristotle in his work "Politics", where he wrote that the power of the sovereign in this case is similar to the power of the owner over his slaves. He called tyranny despotism.

    Tyranny (according to Aristotle) \u200b\u200b- the perverted form of the monarchy:

    • monarch's desire to satisfy personal whims
    • violation of the principle of legality.

    What is despotic?

    Despotic - the property of the person who is characteristic brutal subjects surroundingSuppression of their will and right.

    The behavior of the despot is characteristic:

    • aggression,
    • revenge,
    • imposing his will,
    • humiliation,
    • physical violence.

    The aggression of the despot is associated with phobias and fears, constant uncertainty in itself. Feeling dissatisfaction, a sense of dedication in anything at the subconscious level, Tirara Mustrate others and believes that in this way he restores its confidence and self-esteem. Binding his will surrounding, humiliating man, despot asserts.

    Causes of despotic:

    • Despoticism in childhood.
    • Own significance.

    Debsts are more often the children who have been affected by the power parents, which in more adult age contributed to copying their behavioral manner. Having hoped the childhood, children who are unable to cope with their fears, tolerated her for members of their family and others. According to psychotherapistsThis is the main reason for the manifestation of despotism in the character of a person.

    The constant vaccination of the child of such feelings, as uniqueness and uniqueness, inclined him to proof of its significance both before himself and in front of others, which in the future becomes the foundation of despotism and self-confidence.

    Male despotism

    Male despotism has more frightening forecasts than female. Man-despot is an unmanaged projectile, dangerous for his family and others. While the woman is thinking, trying to control the situation, the man is not; He is arranged completely different: the feelings and mind in men work alternately, and if emotions manifest (in this case, aggression), then the mind is turned off. In this case consequences can be the worstWhat and says the statistics of household crimes.

    In the family for the despota is considered the norm to use mental, physical violence and sexual violence towards a woman. A man imposes his own opinion about the correctness of relationships, establishes the rules and requires strict compliance, and in the case of disobedience or violation of his rules applies punishment.

    To have freedom of thought or words, according to the despot, is not included in the rights of a woman. In the event of a rough attitude towards his wife in the eyes of an extraneous, surrounding often do not understand the reason for his behavior.

    Molver about mercy does not act on him. He does not hear her, behaves arrogantly and brazenly. He likes to humiliate his woman in front of friends and acquaintances, he can threaten her, insult, to order (without severe injuries), to twist objects and others.

    Female despotism

    Women using strong statements, since they also work and feeling and mind, can crush any man. Having in service the reproaches and insults, attacking the genital abilities of a man, hurt his weaknesses, they are able to suppress a person; Often this is due to jealousy.

    In the case of resistance, a fair sex is moving to blackmail and threats ( submit for divorce, pick up children, commit suicide, etc.) Such behavior is also called emotional vampirism or emotional drug addiction.

    Sometimes female despotism is expressed in diligent and low actions. This may be unreasonable accusation of a husband in pedophilia, beating the child and accusing a husband in this beating, etc.

    How to get rid of despotism?

    Despotism is a kind of diagnosis from which you need to get rid of.

    To get rid of it, you must have a desire to do and understand your problem. Awareness of meaningless tyranny and the fact that the despotic attitude does not affect self-affirmation, significance and self-confidence will help to change the attitude towards himself and to others.

    The most correct way will appeal to the psychotherapist.



    (Despotism) The autocratic board of one person. The Greeks called the "despot" of the "Lord" or "ruler" of a non-free state. Also usually called the Byzantine emperor and Christian lords in the provinces of the Turkish Empire. Aristotle (Aristotle) \u200b\u200blaid the beginning of the Western tradition of thinking, distinguishing the Persian "despotism" and Greek "tyranny". Thyrania, according to Aristotle, is a usurped unstable power, an exhausted force, while despotism is stable and stable. It is based on the consent of people who often do not know any other form of government, and, therefore, in essence is legal. Thus, despotism is phenomena purely eastern, since the free peoples of Greece for a long time, such a rule would not tolerate. A particularly clear definition of Eastern despotism gave Montesquiece in the book "Spirit of Laws" ("L`esprit des lois", 1978). Even the most absolutic western monarchies, he argued, cannot be considered despotic, since the monarch is connected by law, whose proportion is confirmed by the same arguments as its own power. However, he, like some other contemporaries, noted the French monarchy in despotism in despotism, and after the revolution of 1789, it was generally called Ancien Règime (old regime) despotism. Western theorists use the word "despotism" as "Reductio Ad Absurdum" - information to the absurdity of the idea of \u200b\u200bfocusing power. For Berk, this is "the simplest form of government", the domination of the will of one person. For Bentama - the form of evil, the reverse side of the anarchy evil. Their general initial parcels based on the examples of Ottoman, Chinese, Persian and Mogolskiy empires are too simplified, if they are not mistaken at all, and in modern language the term has just turned into a crucial word from political jargon, much the differed of such words as "tyranny" , "dictatorship" or "absolutism".

    Politics. Dictionary. - M.: Infra-M, Publisher "All World". D. Andertill, S. Barrett, P. Bernell, P. Berne, and others. General editors: Doctor of Economics Sidiamy I.M.. 2001 .


    (from Greek. Despotes - Lord) - the form of the autocratic power, unlimited monarchy, distinguished by the complete arbitrariness of the authorities, the provision of subjects; Selfhood and tyranny in relation to others.

    Antique political philosopher Aristotle, along with three correct and three incorrect ("deviating") forms of the political organization, allocated seventh form-despotism, which externally resembles the already known form - tyranny. If tyranny is one of the transitional forms of a political organization, then despotism outside the civilization community or the barbaric world is permanenient (constant).

    A representative of the French Enlightenment of Montesquieu added Aristotle to other theoretical conclusion about the nature of despotism - its total inefficiency. American political scientist A.Yanov, relying on the fundamental work of K.vittfogel "Eastern despotism", as well as on the work of other authors, formulates a number of essential theoretical conclusions:

    1. Despotism is based on the direct bureaucratic management of the economic process or on the total disposal by its results by the state.

    2. The lack of economic restrictions leads to a more or less permanent economic status.

    3. The absence of what is called economic progress based on the continuous modernization of the economic process and on extended reproduction is combined with the lack of political dynamics.

    4. In order to exist a millennium in the conditions of economic and political immobility, despotism should have developed a special social structure, reduced to two polar classes: "governors" and "managed".

    5. The economic immobility of the system corresponds to the immobility (immobility) of the managed class. The equality of them in the face of the despot is postulated.

    6. The revolving side of this absolute homogeneity and stability of the managed class is the absolute atomization and instability of the class of control. Despotism does not know what can be called the category "Political Death". The mistake was equal to the death of physical.

    7. Power, denying economic restrictions, cannot but deny the restrictions ideological.

    8. This also explains the monstrous stability of despotic systems, for excludes the occurrence of political opposition (or the reformist system potential).

    9. The lack of social, economic and ideological restrictions leads to the impossibility of despotic structures to resist submission to the private objectives of the despot.

    10. Despotism turns out to be a dead political body. It is unknown a political alternative, this is a closed system. The world that is organically not able to produce political civilization himself.

    Naturally, many researchers celebrated the "genetic" kinship of a socialist society with its classical system of centralized distribution, with a strong, tough power of the center, a huge administrative and bureaucratic apparatus, etc.

    It cannot be argued that the socialist version was a blind or repetition of its east (not in the geographical sense of the word) of the predecessor, but the principal one-dimension of these structures is confirmed. There are differences and, first of all, in the artificial aspect of the established society.

    Despoty in the East developed naturally historically, while private property and the market were never destroyed, albeit in the cut and controlled authorities, they existed. Private property and the market provided at least simple reproduction and like a circulatory system supported life in Eastern society.

    A totalitarian-oriented society was deprived of such a blood system, and it was imposed on artificial ways to maintain life associated with the extrepitation of nature and humans, violence, fear, constant ideological processing, etc.

    Konovalov V.N.

    Political science. Vocabulary. - M: RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


    arbitrary; Brutal suppression of rights, freedoms, independence.

    Political Science: Dictionary-Directory. cost. Prof. Four Sciences Sanzarevsky I.I.. 2010 .

    Political science. Vocabulary. - RSU.. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


    Watch what is "despotism" in other dictionaries:

      despotism - A, m. Despotisme m. Not limited to laws, absolute power. Sl. 18. Enforced Government (Despotisme). Justice 1770 84. Despotism is equally harmful to public and peoples. Togansky 1770 132. [Ostomyshlov:] Moros under Turkish holding .. One ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

      - (Greek, this. See despot) Self-balance, not limited to any laws. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Despotism 1) Unlimited arbitrariness, based on violence and not shy ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      See Children's ... Synonym dictionary

      Despotism - Despotism ♦ Despotisme infinite power of one person. Despotism can be enlightened and even legal (it differs from tyranny), but it always remains unfair. If the despot was submitted to the law, his power lost ... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

      Despotism is one of the fundamental characteristics of the dictatorial rule, which is associated with the powerful arbitrariness, the enhanced concentration of political power in the hands of the head of state (despota, leader, king, etc.) and approximately ... ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      1) See the despotus. .2) arbitrary; Brutal suppression of rights, freight, independence ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Despotism, despotism, mn. No, husband. (Book.). Distractors. SUD to despotic. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

      Despotism, a, husband. 1. Self-balance. Monarchic d. 2. The behavior of the despot (in 2 meanings). D. Savior. | arr. Despotic, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      Board forms, political regimes and anarchy systems Aristocracy Bureaucracy Gerontocracy Deerchia Democracy Imitation democracy Liberal democracy ... Wikipedia

      despotism - Understanding despotism unprecedented despotism ... Dictionary of Russian idiomatics


    • Despotism, Pavel Vladimirovich Settlement. Despotism. His principles, the use of them and the struggle for despotism. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the publication of 1911 (Publisher`Sanct-Petersburg, Typography M. M. ...

    Despotism is the worst thing that may be in a person. It can manifest itself in various forms, and often it is called the characteristics of character, but it is not at all. Despotism is not alien to a man nor a woman. What is despotism and how he manifests itself, told about it in the article.

    What it is?

    Stanislav Jehi LETs rightly noticed that from the wound caused by the despot, the sea pours out of someone else's blood. Despotism is such an activity when a person who believed in his unlimited power cannot even believe that someone is able to act contrary to his desires. From this, he begins to show aggression, which is expressed in physical or psychological violence. This is how the despotism says in psychology. This is the acquired personality quality, which is manifested in the desire to get unlimited power.

    On the other hand, the term "despotism" is used in political science. From the point of view of political sciences, despotism is called the form of government when the state apparatus is in the hands of one person or a group of persons, and they have the full right to dispose of the fate of their subjects. Simply put, despotism is an unlimited power.

    I am a demigod

    It is believed that despotism is to manifest adverse characteristics of the ego. As a result, this can lead to a loss of rational control over their behavior, and all actions will obey the exclusively affective sphere.

    Despotic behavior can not stop in itself. The smaller the impact will be resistant, the more he will consider himself a demigod and will require the impossible, as a matter of course.

    There are no people who, at least once, did not turn into despots to achieve the desired environment, but if it becomes a steady line of behavior, then a person is definitely necessary to consult a specialist. After all, incontrolled violence, inadequate requirements and valuation of reality are considered the main signs of mental abnormalities.

    Arbitration, tyranny, authority, authoritarianism, self-leveling - these synonyms of despotism are very well described by the resulting deviation. The despot is typical to impose his will surrounding the use of psychological or physical violence, aggression or humiliation.

    Often, the causes of despotism are children's injuries with which a person is trying to cope as destructive way to gain self-confidence. The more fears are stored in the bins of the psyche of the despot, the more he seeks to control someone else's freedom. In aggressiveness, he covers insecurity in his own attractiveness.

    In the family, the despot literally makes loving himself. They manage the global and unreasonable revenge, which appears without reason. Thus, a person restores the undermined self-conceit and respect. Despotic excludes such concepts as cooperation and respect for others. As a result, a person receives instead of the missing love and understanding of hatred, hostility, misunderstanding and, as a result, loneliness.

    The reasons

    Despoticism is not laid at the DNA level and does not depend on the peculiarities of the nervous system, but the prerequisites for its formation are laid early. Educating the powerful parents who did not hear the needs of their child, and demanded a unquesting obedience, a person perceives such a model of behavior as a norm. Adult, it begins to implement a despotic form of relationships at all possible levels. Also despotism can be caused by the desire to take revenge on the surroundings for their resentment. Permanent insults, humiliation and cruelty can entail the desire to take revenge on the world, and not just a controversy.

    Although despotism is not only the desire to punish someone or copy the model of parental behavior. Often, despotic is developing against the background of the fact that the child constantly inspired the thoughts about its uniqueness, uniqueness and superiority over others. The manifestation of despotism is an intrusive, neurotic idea to confirm its power. For this, a person chooses inadequate methods and is confident that only he is the only one in this world deserves universal recognition and unquestioned obedience.

    Damn despotism

    In society with disturbed perception of violence and the boundaries of the personality, despotism can be perceived as a manifestation of a character, and for this person will even respect. The first and most characteristic sign of despotism is the use of violence as the norms of behavior and the only possible way to adjust the relationship. Despotes do not know how to ask, negotiate or find compromises. In case of inconsistency of the partner's behavior, the desires of the despot can be applied to various kinds of violence. Although at the beginning of the despot, demonstrating its discontent, can give another opportunity to correct their oversight, but if this does not occur immediately, he is immediately a sentence. It is also worth noting that often the despot put forward very strange demands, in which discontent may be caused by the fact that the surrounding is considered the norm.


    Often you can observe such a type of behavior as Gaslighting. This is when the despot convinces his sacrifice that she was all worried, and any rudeness is nothing more than the unstable mental state of the victim himself. Despot never recognizes his guilt, even on the contrary, his victim will be accused of manipulative hysterics, although in fact it will be tears caused by pain and humiliation.

    For a despot, humiliate and insult others is the norm. And if someone tries to clarify the relationship, he can be accused of the absence of a sense of humor, and so that the victims have disappeared all doubts, gradually her circle of communication narrows. The despot is always trying to completely destroy the self-esteem of another person, so they get more levers for manipulation.

    How does the despot act?

    The despots usually act very thinly. The mechanism of influence on a person is about this: at first, the despot will be a harmless puscanchik, ready for everything. It will give a sea of \u200b\u200battention and compliments. Over time, a person gets used to admiration in his address, and here the despot begins to act, namely to criticize. After the first criticism, a person does everything possible to correct. But then criticism becomes much more, proportionally it increases the desire of the victim to correct the situation. As a result, the idea is found, with which you can easily manage the consciousness of another person. Also, it is also important to note that all the achievements of the despot subscribe to himself, and failures will take the partner, and it is useless to appeal to adequate perception of reality.

    Male and female despotism

    When a man is headed by a despotic ego, it turns into an unmanaged shell. It is acceptable to use psychological and physical violence for him, some are not bent and violence of a sexual nature. The households are imposed on their own ideas and rules that must be unconditionally implemented, and any manifestation of freedomiff and individuality is considered to be obsteady.

    Despoty can be not only men, but also women, and it is much more dangerous. A man is designed so that he is guided by either a mind or feelings. The woman simultaneously employs both of these factors. Her beloved horse is permanent jealousy. A woman knows that her word is able to destroy any man, so takes an insult, reproaches, stinging comments and does not forget to ridicify the qualities of the person and his sexual ability. If a man is trying to resist, a woman moves to blackmail and threats. For example, threatens to make suicide or take away children.

    The word despotism does not just characterize the behavior of a person - this is the most real diagnosis from which you need to be treated.

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