Weight sets. Powerful kettlebell exercises for men at home

I was pretty tired of doing exercises with a light kettlebell and a lot of repetitions, so I changed my training program and decided to concentrate on increasing strength and power. To develop strength, you need to do exercises with a lot of weight. The number of repetitions in this case should not be more than 8. At least this is the traditional approach to strength development.

Having thought about it, I made up a training program for myself, consisting of three complexes. As you understood from the name, there are 5 exercises in each set, which are performed five times in three approaches. The number of repetitions is not a dogma. It is not easy to find the optimal weight with a kettlebell (unless you have a collapsible weight). Therefore, if it is easy to do the exercise with your kettlebell 5 times, but it is difficult with a heavier kettlebell (or you don’t have one at all), do not be discouraged. This problem can be solved by creating an uncomfortable angle (for example, when pressing the kettlebell up, bring the hand as far away from the body as possible), perform very slow and concentrated exercises, perform the pushing movement quickly, and return the kettlebell to its original position slowly.

So, what are these complexes?

Complex 1.

1. Jerk of two weights 5x3
2. Press the kettlebell up (alternately with each hand) 5x3
3. Swing with two weights 5x3
4. Weight mill (alternately with each hand) 5x3
5. Squats with kettlebell, kettlebell in front of the chest 5x3

Remarks. The kettlebell press must be performed in a concentrated manner, avoid jerks. During the press, squeeze the fist of your free hand, strain the anus and torso, press as you exhale - it will be easier. Perform the mill very carefully so as not to injure yourself. When lowering the kettlebell down, inhale; when extending, exhale. Squats - It is very important to maintain a straight trunk position. Take the kettlebell by the handle and place it at chest level. Keeping your torso as level as possible, do a deep squat as you inhale, then slowly rise as you exhale. By the end of the exercise, you should feel the torso tightening.

Complex 2.

1. Weight snatch 5х3
2. Squat with a kettlebell overhead (alternately with each hand) 5x3
3. Swing with two weights 5x3
4. Alternating press of two kettlebells 5x3
5. Reverse casting of kettlebell (upside-down) 5х3

Remarks.Keep your back straight during squats and keep your balance. The alternating press is performed as follows - from the starting position, when the kettlebells lie on the forearms, a press with one hand is performed, then when the hand has not yet had time to lower to the starting position, the press with the other hand is performed. It is performed 5 times for each hand. You can read how reverse casting is done

Complex 3.

1.Full body attack 5 × 3
2. Lunges with legs back or forward, kettlebell overhead (alternately on each leg) 5x3
3. Kettlebell Row in the slope (alternately for each hand) 5x3
4. Simultaneous press of two weights 5x3
5. Pullover with kettlebell 5x3

Remarks. You can read how the Full body attack is performed. Lunges can be performed both forward and backward. In this case, it is necessary to perform them in a concentrated manner, without jerking, to involve the muscles of the buttocks in the work. For kettlebell pulling to be effective, you must use the maximum weight. As a rule, the 24 kg kettlebell will not be enough for you. To solve this problem, take two weights in your hand at once - 16 and 24 or 24 and 24 kg. The simultaneous press is similar to the push, only the legs are not connected and the exercise is performed in a concentrated manner. In a pullover, the main thing is not to drop the weight yourself. If you don't know how the pullover is done, read

Scheduling weekly kettlebell classes.

I do the complex 3 times a week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. In order for the body not to adapt to the load, change the sequence of execution. For example:

Week 1: Complex 1, Complex 2, Complex 3
Week 2: Complex 2, Complex 3, Complex 1
Week 3: Complex 3, Complex 1, Complex 2

If you feel that you do not have time to recover, remove one complex and perform the program twice a week.

Final remarks.

Overtraining or getting injured is not a desirable scenario for you. Therefore, perform all exercises only in the correct form. If you can't do some exercise correctly, lose weight! Weight should never come first, so be careful with how you do each exercise. Watch yourself to be able to recover for the next workout. While performing the complex, I would also advise taking nutritional supplements - for example, creatine. If you are taking creatine, make sure you drink enough fluids to stay hydrated.

The unfairly forgotten exercises with weights on the shoulders, arms and chest allow you to add variety to your workouts in the gym, thereby increasing their effectiveness. If you wish, you can build a complete training program with this simple apparatus.

From our article you will learn about the features of kettlebell lifting, the rules for choosing equipment and the best exercises with kettlebells for the muscles of the upper body. And also, as a small bonus, we will tell you how to increase strength performance in working with a kettlebell using sports nutrition.

Pros and cons of kettlebell lifting

  1. Versatility. With kettlebells, you can do exercises for the shoulders, arms, chest, back and any other muscle groups.
  2. Minimum inventory. This is a definite plus for home workouts. For a beginner to fully train, 1 shell will be enough for a start. This saves not only the budget, but also the space in the apartment, since unlike the barbell and simulators, kettlebells do not require a lot of storage space.
  3. Simultaneous development of strength and endurance. When training in the gym, we increase either one or the other, varying the weights and the number of repetitions. Kettlebell lifting involves long-term performance of the exercise with a fairly serious weight of equipment, which has a positive effect on both strength and endurance.
  4. Cardiovascular health. This benefit is also attributed to the duration of strength training, during which the heart experiences positive stress.
  5. Development of coordination.
  6. Integration with other sports. To improve their skills, representatives of various martial arts, athletes and other athletes turn to kettlebells.

With all the advantages, kettlebell lifting has its disadvantages:

  1. The inability to gain impressive muscle mass. The champion kettlebell lifter will lose in volume to an ordinary amateur athlete from the gym. This sport is for those who are interested in the functionality of the body, not just the appearance.
  2. Injury hazard. Improper kettlebell technique can easily lead to injury. However, the risk is not much higher than using free weights in the gym.

Thus, the advantages of kettlebell lifting significantly exceed its disadvantages. Kettlebell exercises are ideal for those who do not strive for huge muscles, but want to become strong and enduring. That being said, you will still have a more athletic appearance than the average untrained person. And the intensity of the exercises will help you get rid of excess weight in a short time, which makes kettlebell lifting attractive for women. In addition, here ladies definitely should not be afraid to "swing", since the possibility of gaining muscle mass is limited.

In kettlebell lifting, 3 types of shells are used:

  • 16 kg;
  • 24 kg;
  • 32 kg.

But for fitness training, more various equipment are produced with a step of 1-2 kg, so a suitable weight can be selected for any initial physical data.

For exercises on the arms and shoulders, you can get by with a 16 kg kettlebell. For stronger pectoral muscles, you will need a heavier shell, especially if you are not a beginner, and at the same time work out in the gym. Such people can be guided by the working weight in the bench press. If it is less than 100 kg, we take a weight of 16 kg. If you press more than a hundred, you will need a shell of 24 kg, and possibly 32 kg. For women's workouts, 8 kg kettlebells are suitable, but with very poor physical shape, you can start with 4 kg.

In addition to the familiar round-shaped standard weights used by professionals, you can find prefabricated and bulk shells in sports stores. The first ones consist of several separate plates, changing the number of which you can vary the weight of the projectile. Such a weight is the most economical, since it allows you to increase the load without purchasing additional equipment. But you should pay special attention to the quality of such a shell so that it does not crumble over your head.

The bulk weights are hollow on the inside and filled with sand. Their weight can also be changed, but not everyone wants to be engaged in constant weighing and pouring sand.

Modern shells also differ in shape. They can be square, disc-shaped and even shaped like a human head. It is also possible to have two handles at once. But if you need a universal apparatus with which you can do all types of exercises, then you should give preference to the classic core with a bow. Moreover, the weight should be made of metal, not plastic, since in the latter case the center of gravity is shifted.

Before buying, be sure to try to lift the shell up to appreciate the convenience of the bow. When sagging down, the weight should be on the forearm. If it stops at the wrist, it is necessary to pick up a shell with a large distance from the core to the arch. In non-professional equipment, the bows can vary in thickness. If it is too thick, the projectile will not hold properly and the risk of injury will increase. For example, when doing exercises with a kettlebell on the shoulders, improper grip can damage the shoulder joint.

After choosing the inventory, you can start learning the technique. Consider the most effective exercises with kettlebells on the shoulders, arms and chest.

Shoulder exercises

You can build your shoulders with a kettlebell using the following exercises:

We take a stable position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. We bend our arms at the elbows and turn them forward, palms look at each other. Kettlebells hang freely between the shoulder and forearm. We keep our back straight, the shoulder blades are brought together. On exhalation, squeeze the projectile upward until the arm is fully extended, after which we smoothly return it back and repeat the movement with the second hand. The kettlebell should move strictly above the shoulder, do not deflect the body to the side. This is one of the best shoulder exercises for growing and improving strength. The main load here falls on the front and middle deltas.

We become in a semi-squat, hold the weight with both hands, stretching them perpendicular to the floor. Straightening the legs, at the same time we raise the projectile up to the level of the neck. At the same time, the arms remain straight. Front deltas are involved in this exercise. Over time, it can be modified by performing the removal with each hand alternately, thereby increasing the load.

Kettlebell lifting behind the back... We hold the kettlebell behind our backs with both hands, palms turned away from the body. On exhalation, we raise the projectile upward, as far as the flexibility of the joints allows, and on inhalation we lower it back. The palms slide down the back with the back side, we do not tear them off the body. The exercise works out the back deltas well.

To increase the shoulders in volume, all exercises must be performed 12-15 times in 3 sets. Before starting a workout, a warm-up for 10-15 minutes is required.

Hand exercises

It is less convenient to carry out exercises on hands with a kettlebell than with dumbbells. But they can be used for home workouts, as well as in case of interruption of progress in classes in the gym.

  1. Option number 1. The exercise is performed while standing, with a slight forward tilt of the body. The back is straight, the free arm is brought back, the arm with the kettlebell is extended perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, we slowly bend the elbow, pulling the projectile to the chest. While inhaling, we lower it back, but we do not fully straighten the arm so that the load does not go away from the biceps.
  2. Option number 2. We stand straight, legs are slightly bent. We hold the kettlebell with both hands, palms are located on the sides of the bow. As we exhale, we raise the projectile to the chest, while inhaling, we lower it back. The elbows remain motionless. If in this exercise the kettlebell is kept upside down, the load will be transferred to the brachialis - the muscle located under the biceps, the increase of which will make them visually larger.

Exercises are performed in 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Option number 2 can be done with a superset - first 12 reps with a straight kettlebell, followed by 12 reps with an inverted one. Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes.

  1. Option number 1. This is an analogue of the French press with a dumbbell. In a standing position, we put a weight behind the head. We hold it with both hands, palms are located on the sides of the bow. Elbows are fixed, looking to the sides. Taking a deep breath, slowly lower the projectile down, then lift it back and only inhale at the top point.
  2. Option number 2. We lie down on a bench or on the floor, raise the weight above us, holding it with both hands by the bow. The palms are positioned so that the thumbs point down. We smoothly lower the projectile to the neck and raise it back. Do not straighten the elbows to the end.

The number of repetitions, as in the case of biceps, is 12 in 3 sets.

Chest exercises

You can increase the volume of the pectoral muscles using the following exercises:

We lie down on the floor, bend our arms with weights at the elbows and spread them to the sides. We hold the projectile with a direct grip. As you exhale, squeeze the weights up, but do not straighten the elbows to the end. On inhalation, we return them to their place. The kettlebells should move over the shoulders.

We lie down on the bench, raise the weight above our head, holding it by the bow with both hands with a bottom grip. While inhaling, we smoothly lower the projectile behind the head, without bending our arms. On inhalation, lift to the starting position. We do not raise the elbows so that the load does not transfer to the back muscles.

In exercises on the chest, we select the weight in such a way as to do 10-12 repetitions in 3 sets.

Classics of kettlebell lifting

In classical kettlebell complexes, the following exercises can be distinguished that involve the muscles of the upper body:

In a standing position, we spread our legs slightly wider than the shoulders, the socks are turned to the sides. This is the basic stance in kettlebell lifting. We take a kettlebell with one hand, then bend forward a little and bend your knees slightly. We take our free hand behind our back, and the second, swinging the weight back between the legs, push it up. The projectile moves by inertia and is fixed in a position where the arm and body form one straight line. In this position, he lingers for 1 second, after which he drops down on a straight arm. On the downward movement, the body tilts forward again. Breathing - inhale when swinging, exhale when fixing.

We occupy the base rack. Slightly squatting, raise the kettlebell with a straight grip and throw it on the chest. We tilt the body back slightly. Then, standing on our toes, we begin to push the weight up. In the process of pushing, we lower ourselves onto the heels and do a small squat. Only when the arm with the projectile is completely straight, we straighten the legs. The final point of the exercise is to lower the kettlebell back onto the chest. Breathing - inhale before pushing, exhale when fixing.

These exercises with a kettlebell involve not only the chest, shoulders and arms, but also the muscles of the back and legs. The movements are complex, so you need to start performing them with minimal weights until the technique is perfected. Ideally, classes should be supervised by a qualified trainer. If he is absent, ask at least one of your friends to control your movements from the side. As for the number of repetitions, the more the better. Professionals perform over 100 of these movements in 10 minutes.

It is sometimes difficult for a beginner athlete even to hold a kettlebell in his hands for a long time. The problem lies in weak hands and forearms. In this case, you must first prepare for exercises with a kettlebell with the help of additional hand training.

The forearms receive an indirect load during any flexion and extension of the arms - in exercises with dumbbells and weights on the shoulders, biceps, triceps. But if you can't keep the weight in your hands for a long time, it makes sense to train them separately. Static loads are good for this purpose, when you are simply trying to hold the projectile in your hands for some time. You can use the same weight, or a pancake from the bar. After the selected weight can be held for 20 seconds, the load can be increased by another 5 kg.

In parallel, it is necessary to train the grip strength. The best tool for this is the wrist bands. The workout should include 6 sets of 10 reps. One rep is a squeeze of the expander for 10 seconds.

As with any other form of training, success in kettlebell training largely depends on proper nutrition. In addition to carbohydrates to replenish energy stores, the diet should contain sufficient protein to build muscle mass. The easiest way to fill its deficiency is with the help of sports supplements - protein and amino acids. Unlike conventional food products, protein is presented in its pure form and in the most easily digestible form.

If you lack strength and endurance for kettlebell lifting, you should pay attention to creatine. It is a natural substance (carboxylic acid) obtained from animal products. Creatine is already present in our muscles at a concentration of 3-4 g per 1 kg. But taking a supplement, this concentration can be raised up to 5 g per 1 kg of weight, thereby increasing endurance and explosive strength of the muscles.

Kettlebell lifting has been popular in our country for a long time. Due to the simplicity, as well as the high efficiency of the exercises, the kettlebell is used to train athletes in a variety of sports. Another advantage of this shell is the ability to use it at home. All this contributes to the growing popularity of kettlebells as a simple and reliable trainer.

Benefits of using a kettlebell for weight gain

For some reason, it is believed that weights are not used for mass gain. But, in fact, this is not entirely true. When working with kettlebells, you can gain muscle mass, but for this you need to correctly set the training process. Only then can a certain effect be achieved.

Unlike other types of load, there is a combination of dynamic load with power load. This creates an excellent balance between muscle growth and the burning of excess adipose tissue. Since all exercises are performed in dynamics, therefore, you can use a weight for weight loss.

When viewed from the side of the mass, there are a large number of kettlebell exercises that are insulating. This allows you to effectively develop muscle fibers, and accordingly increase their volume. This effect is usually enhanced by proper nutrition, which speeds up this process. But, it should be remembered that only one kettlebell is not enough for maximum effect. They should be used as supplementary or diluting, including in the usual training system.

What muscles work

To understand how to swing weights, it is worth understanding the work of muscles with such a training. This approach will help you understand all the features and nuances of the training process, as well as facilitate the selection of exercises.

When working with kettlebells, all large muscle groups work, so with the help of such exercises you can work out almost the entire body. Due to this feature, kettlebell exercises are often included in general physical training. Moreover, it should be noted that when using basic exercises, the muscles of the whole body work evenly. This way it is possible to achieve even muscle development.

When working with a kettlebell, stabilizing muscles come into play, which, as a rule, are not involved in training with a barbell or on simulators. Kettlebell lifting promotes the active development of the muscles of the core, lower back, neck, small areas of the muscles of the thighs, which are responsible for stabilization under load.

Here are the muscles that work when training with weights, we list them in the order of their involvement in movement:

  1. leg muscles (adductors and quadriceps);
  2. the back of the body (thighs, buttocks, lower back, back);
  3. bark (stabilizers, press);
  4. shoulder girdle.

Also, in the process of training, tendons are actively involved, so it is very effective to use a kettlebell to increase grip strength. With some types of exercise, the body gets a good cardio load, which increases endurance.

Training features

When working with kettlebells, it is extremely important to keep a clear training diary, this will allow you to control the load and results. It is impossible to do without a diary, the results and indicators during training change very quickly. Moreover, they can both grow and decrease with overtraining.

Due to the optimal weight, long-term sets can be used, which contributes to an increase in strength indicators, as well as a significant development of endurance. Also, with prolonged training, the blood supply to muscles and joints is increased, significantly reducing the risk of injury.

You can practice anywhere... You don't need a gym to train with a kettlebell, you can work with it even in your apartment, if you don't plan to drop it or throw it at the ceiling. You can take the kettlebell with you to the yard, and train outdoors, due to its low weight and dimensions, there will be no problems with the transfer. This feature allows you to use kettlebells as a substitute for training in the gym when there is no way to go there.

Since all muscle groups are involved during exercise, the result is an acceleration of metabolism, which has a positive effect on fat burning. If your task is to lose weight, then kettlebells will help you speed up this process, and without losing any functional indicators.

A set of exercises for beginners

If you figure it out, exercises with weights at home are the best option for beginners. These are fairly simple activities that do not require special physical indicators, and they are also easy to learn and apply at home.

But, not all exercises with kettlebells are suitable for beginners. It is better to start with simple options that will prepare the muscles for more complex movements. Below we list the most simple and effective exercises.


This is the simplest and most basic exercise. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, then, taking your pelvis back, bend forward and grab the kettlebell handle with both hands. Straighten up slowly. In this case, you do not need to tear your heels off the floor, bend your back, and also bend back in the last phase of the movement.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the weight with both hands on the bar. Starting from the bottom position, swing up and down. During the upper phase, bend in the back, during the lower phase, start the kettlebell just behind the feet.

Kettlebell squat

Take the kettlebell by the handle, rest it on the chest, it is better to put your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a deep squat. At the same time, the knees should not go beyond the plane of the heels, the back should not bend.

Weights press

The correct jerk of the kettlebell allows you to work out the whole body. Stand straight with feet about shoulder width apart. Take the kettlebell and jerk it up to chest level. Next, press the kettlebell up, with the reverse movement, lower the projectile only to chest level.

Jerk with jerk

Place the kettlebell in front of you, 20 cm from your feet. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over with your back straight and grab the shell with both hands. Lift it up and place it behind your heels. Next, sharply raise the weight to the level of the belt, after which the projectile is blasted upwards, while straightening up and fixing the weight at the top on outstretched arms. When moving backwards, try to minimize the amplitude of the kettlebell's movement. Return to starting position.

These are the basic exercises recommended for beginners. If you are an experienced athlete, but simply have not worked with this apparatus before, then the question of how to lift a kettlebell will not seem difficult for you. In this case, you can try pushing two weights. The exercise is performed similarly to the kettlebell bench press, but with two shells.

Kettlebell training program

Exercises with kettlebells are very variable, especially with regard to loads. As a rule, athletes perfectly feel the maximum load and work out all the muscles well, it works even for beginners.

Kettlebell lifting programs use the principle of the maximum possible number of repetitions. The sets list the number of approaches for each exercise, and that's it. The rest is regulated by the athlete himself. But, there is one rule. The first approach should be done at 70% of the maximum possible number of repetitions. This will warm up the muscles and avoid injury.

It is optimal to do exercises with a kettlebell through training, combining them with a horizontal bar and parallel bars. This will allow you to achieve maximum performance. Before training, be sure to work for five minutes on a treadmill or stationary bike.

Here's a rough workout plan. All exercises are performed in four sets.

  • Lifting kettlebells on the chest.
  • Squats with kettlebells.
  • Lifting kettlebells on the chest.
  • Kettlebell push.
  • Weight snatch.
  • Kettlebell lunges.
  • Kettlebell slopes.

Such a simple kettlebell training program will allow you to significantly increase your strength indicators.

As an option, consider another program that is designed for beginners. Here the training takes place in a circle, that is, all the exercises of the complex are performed, after which everything is repeated. It is recommended to do at least three laps. Also note that you need to give yourself enough rest between sets, this is about 1-2 minutes. Better to rest for five minutes between circles.

Here is a list of exercises.

  • Press one kettlebell.
  • Alternate standing press.
  • Simultaneous press of two weights.
  • Deep squats.
  • Lunges.

When performing the first round, it makes sense to do 5-15 repetitions, depending on your preparation. Then everything is done at 90% of the possibilities.

Safety engineering

If you are outdoors, pay attention to the site. It should not have any slope, otherwise the load on the back and knees will increase. Also, the coating should not slip.

Pay attention to learning the correct movement technique. Most injuries are due to improper exercise. Learn the no-load movements early on, and be sure to follow them throughout your workout. Also, be sure to pay attention to warm-up, carefully prepare your muscles for stress.

Shoes should be non-slippery to stay stable. Clothing should be light and free of movement. In this way, you eliminate one of the risk factors in training.

Kettlebells give a varied load on the human body, therefore they can be considered a universal simulator. With the right training program, you can load your entire body evenly. Also, exercises with weights can effectively increase strength indicators.

In contact with

Introducing a 3-day kettlebell training program that is perfect for athletes looking to build strength endurance and muscle function.

The method is based on the training system of German athletes, called Germans Volume Training (GVT) or German high-volume training, thanks to which, even a bodybuilder can gain 5 kg of lean muscle mass, naturally with adequate nutrition and recovery.

Just 3 days of training a week, and 6 effective exercises, when combined correctly with each other, you can achieve excellent results.

Break down the training plan as follows:

  • Monday - program №1
  • Wednesday - program №2
  • Friday - program №1

First figure sets, second reps.

Program No. 1

  • Squats with kettlebells (kettlebells in front of the chest) 10x5
  • Swing with one weight 10x5 *
  • Weight mill (alternately with each hand) 3x5

Program No. 2

  • One-handed kettlebell bench press 10x5 **
  • Lifting kettlebells to the chin 10x5
  • Turkish ascent 3x5 (left and right hand)

* can be replaced with swings with two weights.
** can be replaced with a simultaneous bench press of two weights, with two hands.

Maximum weight training

Correctly executed in technique, a heavy one-rep set is, contrary to popular belief, an extremely effective method of building massive and strong muscles. Here are two different ways in which this system of sets (approaches) in one repetition is applied.

Rest-pause method: the athlete takes the maximum weight that he is able to lift for 2-3 repetitions. Performing this exercise will be considered complete until there is a complete muscle failure, the ability to perform even one repetition is technically correct. Rest between micro-series is 10-15 seconds.

Method high volume training: The athlete takes a working weight at the rate of 90% of the maximum, and performs 5 repetitions with it, with a rest of 10-15 seconds between sets. As in the first option, the training will be considered complete when there is a complete muscle failure (inability to perform a technically correct exercise for one repetition).

Training shoes

Most athletes, bodybuilders in the gym, wear shoes that are not at all suitable for resistance training. You need good shoes that are comfortable and safe. The ankle should be clearly fixed to avoid various sprains when doing heavy squats, leg presses, etc.

In addition, the non-slip sole and high sides of the shoe will also help you avoid all kinds of ankle injuries. Currently, the choice of inexpensive, under $ 100, specialized bodybuilding shoes is overwhelming. Manufacturers strive to more and more protect the athlete from injury, just enter a query in the search engine "bodybuilding shoes", and you can easily find the pair of shoes you need for exercising in the gym.

Gym Shoes

Home workouts

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to go to the gym regularly, mainly because of work and small children. However, not all is as bad as it sounds, it has been established that there is no relationship between success in strength sports and the conditions in which you train.

The main thing is that the exercises are performed in full and according to the technique. Therefore, provide yourself with these conditions at home, and the result will be exactly the same as if you were working out in the gym.

Workout at work

The special time allotted during the working day for visiting the gym is more likely to relate to Western countries than to Russia, since our understanding of fitness and a healthy lifestyle is not yet so well developed in the government.

In turn, Europe, motivated by an increase in the cost of medical care, has been building fitness centers for its companies for 15 years now, realizing that a healthy and physically developed person will be less sick, and, consequently, the cost of honey. aid will decline. We hope that it will be so in Russia someday.

There are no shortcuts to gaining big and strong muscles, except for anabolic steroids, which will give a temporary effect of "puffiness" and muscle definition, and at the same time, and a lot of health benefits.

Be patient and break your kettlebell workout into three days as above. If you wish, add isolating and heavy basic exercises to it, if in addition to functionality and strength enduranceyou want to significantly increase muscle mass. However, such a combination is very heavy stress for the body, and in one natural training you are unlikely to be able to "catch two birds with one stone", choose one thing and follow your goal with small checkers.

Complex workouts, which include a variety of exercises, with an emphasis on basic ones, give the best results in stimulating the growth of the target muscles. When drawing up approaches, be guided by the size of the muscles, the larger it is, the more it takes time to recover, which means that it should be trained according to the principle of "failure training" less often.

Athletes from different sports include exercises with a sports equipment kettlebell in their workouts. Let's consider what such training gives, how to choose the right equipment for yourself, where to start classes, and also offer a simple complex for beginners.

What muscles work during kettlebell training

Classes using kettlebells are a perfectly acceptable option to pump up muscles at home, since they save time and money - you do not need to go to the gym and fitness centers. The complexes developed by specialists allow you to train and work out all muscle groups.

Did you know? When doing exercises with a kettlebell, 20.2 calories are burned in one minute. The athlete burns the same number of calories while running 1 km in 6 minutes.

  • legs;
  • back;
  • arms (biceps, triceps);
  • shoulder girdle;
  • press;
  • chest.

Pros and cons of kettlebell training

There are positive and negative points.

The advantages of such training are as follows:

  • develop endurance and physical strength;
  • dexterity, flexibility, coordination improve;
  • body weight is corrected;
  • during the exercise, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, which contributes to the formation of a good athletic figure;
  • this sport requires little space, so it can be practiced anywhere, including at home.

Did you know? Kettlebell exercises are suitable for rehabilitation programs for athletes who want to quickly restore muscle strength after injury.

There are also disadvantages:
  • not recommended for children (this can negatively affect the formation of the skeleton);
  • there is a possibility of injury;
  • during such exercises, the load on the spine increases significantly;
  • due to stress, pain in the joints, in the hand may appear;
  • for exercises with weights, you need to have strong arms (this type of physical activity is not suitable for people who have a weak hand or joint problems);
  • it is impossible to reduce or increase the load when using the apparatus (that is, adjust it to the required weight, like a barbell, and set the required load, like on a simulator).

How to choose the right weight

After deciding to engage in kettlebell training, it is important to choose the right weight for the projectile. So, women are recommended to start classes with a sports equipment weighing 8 kg. With proper exercise, this weight is enough to work almost all muscles.

Lighter weight will not give the expected result. For men, at the beginning of training, a kettlebell weight of 16 kg is recommended. At the initial stage, you should not choose a large mass of the projectile.

Until the correct technique for performing all the movements has been worked out, there is a high probability that this sports equipment will not be held, which can lead to injury. In addition, do not put a heavy load on the spine until you have strengthened your back muscles.

Where to start

You should start doing kettlebell lifting with a light load, gradually increasing the weight of the apparatus, the number of approaches, adding new exercises. It is best to do it in the morning or evening.

Important! Before such strength training, you should definitely do a warm-up: jump rope, do a jog or exercise with light dumbbells. It is also recommended to include stretching of the main large muscles in the warm-up.

  • first of all, get acquainted with the exercise, work out the technique well and only then increase the load;
  • when lifting weights with one hand, it is best to start the exercise with the weakest limb;
  • do not overextend your body and chase results (your health should be the main result);
  • give yourself a rest;
  • fully eat while building up with the help of a kettlebell;
  • stability of training (it is best to train every other day).

A set of exercises for beginners

To begin with, you can use only one kettlebell of a suitable weight. One object will not cause overload and will perfectly train not only strength, but also coordination.

The beginner's complex consists of five exercises. It serves not only strength development, but also the formation of a beautiful figure. Many exercises from it are basic for kettlebell lifting.

The first step is to get into the basic stance correctly:

  1. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, turn the socks slightly outward.
  2. Straighten your back.
  3. The projectile is in a straightened hand (approximately in the groin area).
Now you can proceed to the exercises themselves.

Video: a set of exercises with weights for beginners

Classic dash

It runs like this:

  1. Stand steadily in a basic stance, taking a kettlebell in your hand.
  2. Tilt your back slightly forward and swing the projectile between your legs apart.
  3. Straightening, with a jerk, stretching your arm straight, push it up. Hold in this position for a second (legs, loaded arm, straightened body).
  4. Lower the shell. Swing it between your legs, raise it again, stretching your arm up (as many repetitions as necessary).

They are done like this:

  1. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart (back straight).
  2. Throw a kettlebell on your shoulder and do squats without lowering it (your free hand should be pulled forward when squatting).
  3. Do squats as you exhale, and while standing up, take a breath.
  4. After doing a set of squats and taking the shell in the other hand, repeat the same thing.

Kettlebell push

To complete this classic exercise, you should:

  1. Get into a classic pose.
  2. Swing the kettlebell between your legs, bending over slightly, then, bending your knees, put the kettlebell on your chest. This is the starting position.
  3. Inhale, bend your knees slightly.
  4. Exhaling, jerk the weight upward, sharply unbending the knees, giving an impulse to push. Hand effort should be minimal.
  5. Fix the weight at the top point for 1/2 second. At the same time, the body and legs should be straightened, and the hand with the kettlebell should be next to the head.
  6. Lower the projectile to your chest, bending your arm and springing your legs (this will help soften the load).
  7. Repeat pushing the required number of times.
  8. Change hand, repeat the same.

The order of execution is as follows:

  1. Take a basic stance, lean forward slightly, bend your knees slightly.
  2. While inhaling, swing the projectile back between your legs.
  3. On exhalation, in an arc-like swing, lift the projectile onto the shoulder, bending the arm at the elbow and straightening the body (it should be approximately in the chin area, closer to the midline of the body).
  4. Fix the position for a second.
  5. Relax your hand, letting the weight fall freely down.
  6. When the hand with the projectile reaches the bottom position (not below the knees), strain your arm, bend forward a little, bending your knees slightly.
  7. Make swing with casting, repeat the exercise as much as necessary.
  8. Change your hand and do the required number of shoulder casts.

The process for doing this swing exercise is as follows:

  1. Stand in a basic stance: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis laid back, back straight.
  2. Swing the projectile between your legs, swinging back. When swinging, they make a rather strong forward bend with a slight squat (this is an inhalation).
  3. On exhalation, throw it forward on an outstretched arm (you can also do it with both hands). Upon reaching the top point at shoulder level, straighten the body.
  4. Lower the projectile along the same arc and swing again between the legs, repeating the ejections the required number of times.
  5. Swing on the other hand.

Such exercises perfectly train strength and dexterity, help burn extra calories for both men and women. The main thing is to perform the exercises correctly with a projectile of a suitable weight. They can be done at home, bypassing the gym.

Important! Rest your body for a few minutes between kettlebell exercises.

The complex itself does not take much time, but a warm-up is necessary before performing it. Kettlebell training is good for people with a strong constitution, and for people with a weak hand or sore joints, it is better to refuse them (they are also contraindicated in children).

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