People are unable to change their nature of essays on society. Guidelines for writing an essay on the basics of philosophy "The family is more sacred than the state"

Methodical instructions

Essay writing

OGSE.01 Fundamentals of Philosophy

for specialty

Commerce (by industry)


Essay Topics on Philosophy.

    "Man is a part of the whole, which we call the Universe, a part limited in time and space" (A. Einstein)

    "No matter how far a person is from any philosophy, he still has a theory or doctrine explaining why he lives this way and not otherwise" (Ali Apsheroni)

    "In the end, a man wandered through the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, a man was also the one who, without losing his dignity, went to the gas chambers with prayer on his lips" (V. Frankl)

    "Either mankind will end war, or war will end humanity" (J. Kennedy)

    "People turn the whole world into a toy" (J. Heizinga)

    "A civilized society is like a child who has received too many toys for his birthday" (J. Thomson)

    "Man is a living contradiction and in this capacity is a living mystery" (S. Bulgakov)

    "People are not able to change their nature" (D. Hume)

    "As long as a person exists, he will open himself" (E. Bogat)

    "The real progress of mankind depends not so much on an inventive mind, as on consciousness" (A. Einstein)

    "If a person is by nature a social being, then he, therefore, only in society can develop his true nature, and the strength of his nature must be judged not by the strength of individual individuals, but by the strength of the whole society" (K. Marx, F. Engels )

    "Freedom is, first of all, not privileges, but duties" (A. Camus)

    "A reasonable person adapts to the world; an unreasonable person persistently tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, progress depends on unreasonable people "(B. Shaw)

    "Science is organized knowledge" (G. Spencer).

    "He who has not studied a person for himself, will never reach a deep knowledge of people" (N.G. Chernyshevsky)

    "Morality is a teaching not about how we should make ourselves happy, but how we should become worthy of happiness" (I. Kant)

    "Progress is an inalienable property of conscious development, which has not been interrupted; it is an active memory and the improvement of people in social life. (A. I. Herzen)

    "Religion, art and science are branches of the same tree" (A. Einstein)

    "Civilization is power over the world; culture is love for the world" (A. Kampinsky)

    "If a person is by nature a social being, then he, therefore, only in society can develop his true nature, and the power of his nature must be judged not by the strength of individual individuals, but by the strength of the whole society" (K. Marx, F. Engels )

    "Freedom is, first of all, not privileges, but duties" (A. Camus)

Part 1. General characteristics of the essay.

An essay is an essay-reasoning on a given topic. The topic of the essay is one of the citations chosen by the examinee, belonging to famous thinkers and arranged in accordance with the science with which they are associated: philosophy, social psychology, economics, sociology, political science.

The essay should:

    correspond to social science (philosophy, social psychology, economics, sociology, etc.), to which the analyzed problem is attributed (statement of the thinker);

    include a clearly expressed, reasoned own understanding of the statement and personal attitude towards it;

    characterized by free composition, ease of storytelling, internal semantic unity, small volume, well-thought-out structure.

When assessing the performance of task C.9 of the unified state exam, the following components are taken into account:

    disclosure of the meaning of the statement;

    presentation and argumentation of their position (based on the provisions of the social science course, facts from history, philosophy, economics and modern life of society, own experience);

    the level of judgments and arguments presented: theoretical (based on knowledge, with generalizations and conclusions, with the correct use of social science concepts and terms) or the level of everyday consciousness (based on ideas formed in everyday life).

A meaningful choice of utterance plays a huge role in writing an essay. This is a difficult and crucial moment, which largely determines the quality of the resulting mini-composition. I advise you to pay attention when choosing a statement:

    a substantive basis on which to build the answer. When writing an essay, it is necessary to use the knowledge of the social and humanitarian cycle - concepts, theoretical provisions, therefore, it is hardly possible to perform a task on unfamiliar or unfamiliar content with high quality, it is important to correlate the attractiveness of the topic with the proposed context of its disclosure;

    understanding the essence of the statement (the problem raised in the statement, the position of the author). The most important thing in writing an essay is to reveal the meaning of the statement. Lack of understanding or insufficient understanding of it will not allow the implementation of the basic requirements for the essay;

    the nature of the statement - judgment;

    the possibility of creating a scheme for revealing the meaning of a statement - several logically related basic ideas. The essay assumes a logically coherent reasoning in the conclusion, which draws conclusions, therefore, in case of difficulties in creating such a logical basis for the essay, it is advisable to think about choosing a different statement.

Part 2. Algorithm for writing essays.

Before starting task C.9, carefully read the instructions for section C.9.

When choosing a topic, proceed from what material is most familiar to you. How much you know the terminology of this science, how convincing you are in arguing your statements.

There are no strict requirements for the volume of the essay. But the generally accepted practice is to carry out tasks C1-C8 on one side of Form No. 2, and C.9 on the other, with full use of its area. Therefore, when preparing for the exam, you should immediately get used to working on a standard sheet of A.4 format.

Start by writing a quote, the name of the cited person, science and the number of the assignment (C9.1 - philosophy. "Only he comprehends the truth who carefully studies nature, people and himself" (NN Pirogov). This will allow you to do not constantly refer to the assignment form, and it will be easier for an expert to check your essay.

When interpreting a quote, first of all, you should explain how you understand the thought expressed in the quote. Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement (what is it about?), To do this, use the technique of paraphrase (say the same thing, but in your own words). The same quote can be understood in different ways by different people, or at least interpreted with different nuances. This will allow you and the expert to clearly understand in which key further reasoning will follow. Interpreting a quote will take two or three sentences. Mention who the cited person was, if you know.

Next, you should express your attitude to the thought expressed and interpreted by you. You can agree with it or disagree or partially agree with it. Your assessment will determine what you will do: prove, refute, partially prove or partially refute the quote. Of course, you should explain the position you have chosen. This part of the work will also take several sentences.

The main part of the work is your reasoning using the knowledge of socio - economic disciplines. At the same time, it is recommended to use 5-6 terms strictly on the chosen topic, in our example - philosophical (knowledge, nature, society, truth ...). Terms and concepts should be used to the point, and not haphazardly, mechanically, some of them can be revealed by demonstrating your vocabulary. Reasoning and terminology should be consistent with the chosen topic.

Reasoning must be supported by arguments. As arguments, true, logically correct inferences, examples, references to an authoritative opinion can be used. It is better if the examples are facts from scientific practice, journalism, fiction. Household examples are less preferred. It is best to give 2-3 examples from the field of science, news character or fiction, one of everyday practice. If your example arguments are detailed, two are sufficient. Argumentation can be organically woven into the text of your reasoning on the topic, or it can become an independent part of the work, occupying a separate paragraph. For each argument, select examples, facts, situations from life, personal experience, etc. Think about what literary techniques you will use to make the language of your essay more interesting, lively (comparisons, analogies, epithets, etc.). Arrange the selected arguments or counterarguments in sequence.

The essay on the statement ends with a summing up, a conclusion in which you confirm your understanding of the expressed thought. After that, the work can be considered finished.

Check your work for errors, relevance to the topic, the presence of relevant concepts and terms, arguments. Of course, the text must be understandable, literate, legible handwriting

Part 3. Structural characteristics and variants of expressions when writing an essay.

Beginning (actualization of the stated topic of the essay) - 20%.

Thesis - three reasoned evidence (refutation) of the thesis, expressing your personal opinion (your position) and based on a scientific approach.

The main content of the essay is to reveal the meaning of the statement - 60%.

Conclusion containing the final judgment (inference) - 20%.

To put forward arguments in the main part of the essay, you can use the so-called POPS - the formula:

P - Position (statement) - I believe that ...

O - Explanation - Because ...

P - Example, illustration - For example, ...

C - Judgment (final) - Thus ...

In the introductory part, perhaps the use of the following expressions:

    I agree with this opinion ...

    I do not share this point of view ...

    One cannot but agree with the opinion ...

    The depth of thought of the philosopher is striking ...

    I am surprised by the non-standard approach to the problem ...

    This phrase makes you wonder ...

    For me, this phrase is the key to understanding ...

    The choice of this topic is dictated by the following considerations ...

    A striking scope for thought opens this short statement ...

    I never thought that the idea that ...

    This capacious phrase makes you rethink ...

    Thinking over this phrase, you come to the conclusion ...

    I cannot subscribe to this statement ...

In the main part, the use of phrases is allowed:

    There are several approaches to this problem ...

    From time immemorial, there was an opinion ...

    Let's look at the problem from the other side ...

    Firstly Secondly Thirdly,…

    Let's look at several approaches ...

    Let us illustrate this point with the following example ...

    For a polemic essay: On the one hand, ... On the other hand, ... It should be noted ...

    It should be noted ...

The conclusion allows for the following generalizations:

    Based on the above ...

    Summing up reflections ...

    In this way,…

    Let's summarize the reasoning ...


    That is why I cannot agree with the author of the statement ...

    That's why I agree with the opinion ...

    In summary, it should be noted ...

Part 4. Pros and cons of writing an essay.

What to look for when writing an essay.

1. It is worth noting that in humanitarian education there are no absolutely correct or incorrect answers to questions, as it happens in physics or mathematics - there are only more or less reasoned points of view.

2. The final mark (point) for an essay, as a rule, is put down for ideas, own judgments of graduates and their argumentation.

3. When promoting your own position, the focus is on:

the ability to critically and independently evaluate the circle of data, the points of view of others;

the ability to understand, evaluate and establish links between the key points of any problems and questions;

the ability to differentiate what is more and what is less important; the ability to understand analytical approaches and models; willingness to differentiate opposing approaches and models and their application to empirical material, discussions about fundamental issues.

    Those works that are written short, clear and clear win.

Things to avoid when writing an essay:

1. Misunderstanding of the essence of the stated topic.

2. Lack of structured presentation.

3. Inability to adhere to the answer to the main question (lengthy distractions from the topic).

4. Using statements instead of evidence.

5. Careless data manipulation, including over-generalization.

6. Too extensive descriptive part, not supported by analytical material.

7. Statements of other points of view without references to the authors of these ideas and without expressing their own position.


For the purpose of competently building the logic of reasoning when writing an essay on social studies, it makes sense to use the "step-by-step techniques" technique.

Step # 1 is to formulate several arguments to prove the truth or falsity of any particular inference. For example, “Lawyers argue that morality and law are not opposed to each other. Give two arguments: confirming or refuting this point of view.

Step # 2 is to illustrate these arguments with examples.

Step number 3 - the formulation of the judgment, inference, which in this situation is the conclusion. This conclusion should not repeat the statement of a philosopher or thinker.

Step number 4 - writing a coherent text in which all the named elements should be combined.

Sample essays.

“Man is a biopsychosocial being”. D. Diderot

Philosophical theories about who a person really is have been known since ancient times. For example, the reflections of Plato, who saw the essence of man in his eternal and immortal soul, which takes over the body at birth. He believed that she, and therefore a person, is receptive to knowledge. Plato formulated one of the first definitions of the essence of man: “Man is a wingless creature, two-legged, with flat nails, susceptible to knowledge based on reasoning.” Aurelius Augustine in his treatise On God, Peace and Man says that man is a soul God breathed into him. The body is despicable and sinful. Only people have a soul, animals do not have it. Man was created by God as a free being, but, having made the fall, he chooses evil himself and goes against the will of God. So evil arises, so man becomes Not free. A person is not free and not free in anything, he is completely dependent on God. From the moment of the Fall, people are predetermined to evil and do it even when they strive to do good. The main goal of a person, from the point of view of Aurelius Augustine, is salvation before the Last Judgment, atonement the sinfulness of the human race, unquestioning obedience to the church. The theory of Nikolai Berdyaev, as a supporter of existentialism and personalism, is also very interesting. k he chooses his own destiny. The main criterion for the development of personality, he called freedom.
Man is primarily a single representative of the human race, that is, an individual. Each person is unique in his own way and has his own individuality, that is, the specific features of a person that distinguish him from other people, and his character, a set of stable properties of the individual, which express the ways of his behavior and emotional response. It is very important that a person is not born with a certain character, but acquires it throughout the course of his life. Each person, regardless of his character and personality, has a temperament - an innate and unchanging property of an individual that determines his reactions to other people and circumstances. There are 4 types of temperament: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic. Each person from birth has some certain inclinations, that is, a kind of natural prerequisites, which he can subsequently develop into abilities, which he, in turn, can develop into talent and subsequently into genius. Of course, society greatly influences a person, thereby making him a person-subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant traits that he implements in public life.
It is very important to distinguish between the concepts of “person”, “individual” and “personality”: a person is a biosocial being, an individual has a system of values, and a person has an active life position. The personality cannot develop by itself, and there are certain factors that influence its development. Firstly, this is the heredity of ancestors, transmitted by genetic means, secondly, this is the individual experience of a person that he receives after the course of his life, thirdly, this is the social environment of a person and finally it is the cultural environment that surrounds a person. Each person has the meaning of life, that is, the highest goal to which all other goals are subordinated. If a person loses the meaning of life, this can lead to severe depression and even attempted suicide. Within each person there are many emotional and other types of conflicts. Each person combines good and evil, in their different hypostases, and between them there is a moral struggle that can cause an intrapersonal conflict, and can also bring a person to conflict with society. Each person has different concepts of an ideal person, and some of them do not have such an ideal person at all, there are also people who believe that ordinary people should be ruled by one “superman” who should have some specific qualities, which are also different for each person ... Friedrich Nietzsche was the first to formulate this theory of the "superman" most clearly. He was the first to declare that "there are no moral phenomena, there is only a moral interpretation of phenomena." According to Nietzsche, healthy morality should glorify and strengthen life, its will to power. Any other morality is decadent, a symptom of illness. Humanity instinctively uses morality in order to achieve its goal - the goal of expanding its power. The question is not whether morality is true, but whether it serves its purpose. We observe this pragmatic formulation of the question in Nietzsche's attitude to philosophy and culture in general. He stands up for the arrival of such "free minds" who will set themselves the conscious goals of "improving" humanity, whose minds will no longer be thought of by any morality, by any restrictions. Nietzsche calls such a supermoral, beyond good and evil, a superman. Yet opinions about each person are different. So, a tyrant and despot may seem like a positive person, but a small and kind person will seem to someone harmful and evil. There are many examples of such a personal relationship to a person in history. One of the most striking examples can be considered a man who played, perhaps, the most noticeable role in the history of our country in the 20th century. This is Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. As in the years of his life, and now opinions about the personality of Stalin are very different. For some people, this name is associated with victory in the Great Patriotic War, with a breakthrough in the years of industrialization and collectivization. For others, this name is associated with repression, terror and the almost complete destruction of the peasantry in our country. I, like any person, combine many different qualities. Some of them are good, some are not very good, but all of them together form my personality, which impresses some and some do not, some qualities help me in life, while others, on the contrary, make my life in society more difficult ... And since this society influences me in its own way, my qualities change over time, following a social idea or going against it.
A person, regardless of whether he is bad or good, whether he is an outstanding person or an ordinary person, combines good and evil, good and bad qualities. And we must blame people for this, firstly, because we ourselves are not an ideal, and secondly, because it is this combination that makes a person “alive”, and not an insensitive machine that carries out any commands.

"The family is more sacred than the state." Pope Pius XI

The future of the country and the nation directly depends on the family and on the generations that will replace the present.
A family is a small group whose members are related by blood or marriage. The family is one of the social institutions of modern society. It performs many functions, including social status, household, reproductive, emotional, recreational, socialization of children. It is in the family that primary socialization takes place - the assimilation of social norms and rules of behavior. It is in the family that a person gets the first experience of social interaction. It is the family in the process of education that forms the worldview of a person. I am deeply convinced that the type of family and the style of family relations depends on how moral a person will grow up, and how in the future he will develop relationships with people around him, and whether he will be able to realize himself as a person. The life of a society is determined by the activities of the people who make it up. And the behavior and nature of interpersonal relationships are more "forged" in the family. No wonder the family is called the unit of society. In my opinion, the well-being of society is directly related to the well-being of an individual family.
In the early 90s, when our society was transitioning from a totalitarian system to a market economy and democracy, there was a collapse of many familiar values. The problems of society were reflected in a single family. The number of incomplete and disadvantaged families has increased, and the number of social orphans has increased. Since 2000, our state has paid attention to these problems. Thanks to the adopted laws, we can trace the positive dynamics in solving family problems, which has a beneficial effect on public consciousness. Thus, the introduction of "maternity capital" contributed not only to the improvement of the demographic situation, but also to the awareness of the importance of the family as a whole.
For me, family is the most important concept in life. Largely, thanks to my parents, I am who I am. My family laid in me the basic ideas about the world, the people around me. My family is a place where anyone perceives me, where I can always count on the love, care and support of people close to me. The family has a direct impact on the future of any state and nation.

"In the normal state of affairs, the demand for a commodity precedes supply." Autry

The main law of the market is the law of supply and demand.
Demand is the behavior of actual and potential buyers, indicating their desire to purchase a product on the market. Demand always creates supply. Demand is influenced by both price and non-price factors. According to the law of demand, with an increase in price, demand decreases, and with a decrease in price, it increases. Among the non-price factors of demand, one can single out the traditions and customs of the country, natural and climatic conditions, prices for interrelated and interchangeable goods, the number of consumers in the market, and expectations of price changes. If some product is not in demand, they stop producing and offering it on the market.
The logic of behavior in the market of buyers and producers of goods is the opposite: with an increase in prices, producers and sellers are ready to offer an ever larger mass of goods to the market, while buyers respond to a rise in prices with a decrease in demand. This behavior is generated by opposing interests that bring buyers and sellers into the market. Buyers want to buy as many items as possible with the limited amount of money they have. Sellers, on the contrary, want to get as much money as possible for their volume of goods. A situation of overstocking may develop on the market, that is, an excess of supply, or a deficit-lack of supply. But in any situation of imbalance between supply and demand, the market forces both parties to seek a compromise. A market in equilibrium is the best possible compromise between the interests of buyers and sellers. But this is ideal. The market equilibrium is constantly disturbed by changes in supply or demand. In the summer, during the vacation period, the demand for places in hotels and boarding houses increases. The number of hotels and boarding houses does not necessarily increase from this, but the price of rooms in hotels and other services is growing. When I act as a consumer, for me the decisive factor in choosing a particular product is price, fashion trends, quality and my own taste. For market relations, only the demand that is supported by real money matters. If there is demand, then supply will follow.


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SiteGround web:

Galaktionova T.G. From self-knowledge to self-realization. Personnel-technology of educational activities - St. Petersburg: Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. - 2007

Zabrodina N.P. What is an essay on economics // Economics at school. - 2010.- No. 1.

Simple words. Essay competition. A guide for participants in the competition. - IOO "Achievements of the Young" - Junior Achievement Russia - M., 2010.

Sources from the Internet.

T.E. Vorozheikina. How to write a good essay. Web: http:

Writing an essay for admission to an American university. Web: http: // us

Essay writing tips. Web:

29.1 Philosophy: "All our theories are nothing more than a generalization of experience, observed facts." (V. A. Ambartsumyan)

29.2 Economics: "Supply and demand is a process of mutual adjustment and coordination." (P.T.Heine)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology: "The beginning of the personality occurs much later than the beginning of the individual." (B. G. Ananiev)

29.4 Political Science: "Divide and conquer is a wise rule, but unite and direct is even better." (J.W. Goethe)

29.5 Jurisprudence: “The law does not know class crimes, does not know the differences in the circle of persons among whom its violation is committed. He is equally strict and equally merciful to everyone. " (A.F. Koni)


one thing saying out of five, write a quote and its number

1.1. Section of social studies

1.2. The meaning of the statement

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

Not allowed:

2.2. Needed on theoretical level Required elements:

concepts Important

2.3. It is necessary to bring

2.3.1. Use examples from various sources

Answer: None

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Formulate at your own discretion one or several main ideas of the topic touched upon by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea (s) formulated by you, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate the main idea (s), theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two social facts / examples from various sources (public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including including read books, watched movies), from various academic subjects.

Each cited fact / example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated basic idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion / be clearly associated with them. By their content, examples should not be of the same type (should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy: "The real progress of mankind depends not so much on an inventive mind as on consciousness" (A. Einstein)

29.2 Economics: "Business is a combination of war and sport" (A. Maurois)

"Man is unthinkable outside of society" (L. Tolstoy)

29.4 Political Science: "Democracy is a bad form of government, but mankind has not come up with anything better" (W. Churchill)

29.5 Jurisprudence: “Law is a formalized humanism” (A. Kruglov).


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one thing saying out of five, write a quote and its numberbefore you start writing your mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social studies, in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the argumentation is given, the social science concepts used, etc., depend.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understandable to the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion) 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: substitution of the meaning of the statement by reasoning of a general nature ("homework") that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; direct retelling, paraphrasing of the given statement or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Needed on theoretical level reveal every aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required elements:

2.2.1. The use of key messages for the main idea or ideas of social science concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Importantso that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one highlighted idea based on the correct explanation (s) of the key concept (s), theoretical provisions are given interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable c from the point of view of scientific social science conclusion (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. It is necessary to bring at least two examples from different fieldsthat will support the theoretical reasoning. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from various sources... As sources can be used facts of public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including, but not limited to, read books, watched movies), materials of academic subjects (history, geography, etc.). Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical assumptions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. In the structure, it is necessary to avoid internal contradictions.

3.2. Each part should organically fit into the structure of the mini-essay (the argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Common language should be avoided.

3.4. It is necessary to avoid gross grammatical errors, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Answer: None

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Formulate at your own discretion one or several main ideas of the topic touched upon by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea (s) formulated by you, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate the main idea (s), theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two social facts / examples from various sources (public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including including read books, watched movies), from various academic subjects.

Each cited fact / example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated basic idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion / be clearly associated with them. By their content, examples should not be of the same type (should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy: "As long as a person exists, he will open himself" (E. Bogat)

29.2 Economics:

29.3 Sociology, social psychology: "Only then will you become a man when you learn to see a man in another" (A. Radishchev)

29.4 Political Science:

29.5 Jurisprudence: "Traces of many crimes lead to the future" (E. Lets)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one thing saying out of five, write a quote and its numberbefore you start writing your mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social studies, in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the argumentation is given, the social science concepts used, etc., depend.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understandable to the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion) 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: substitution of the meaning of the statement by reasoning of a general nature ("homework") that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; direct retelling, paraphrasing of the given statement or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Needed on theoretical level reveal every aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required elements:

2.2.1. The use of key messages for the main idea or ideas of social science concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Importantso that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one highlighted idea based on the correct explanation (s) of the key concept (s), theoretical provisions are given interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable c from the point of view of scientific social science conclusion (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. It is necessary to bring at least two examples from different fieldsthat will support the theoretical reasoning. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from various sources... As sources can be used facts of public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including, but not limited to, read books, watched movies), materials of academic subjects (history, geography, etc.). Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical assumptions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. In the structure, it is necessary to avoid internal contradictions.

3.2. Each part should organically fit into the structure of the mini-essay (the argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Common language should be avoided.

3.4. It is necessary to avoid gross grammatical errors, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Answer: None

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Formulate at your own discretion one or several main ideas of the topic touched upon by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea (s) formulated by you, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate the main idea (s), theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two social facts / examples from various sources (public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including including read books, watched movies), from various academic subjects.

Each cited fact / example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated basic idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion / be clearly associated with them. By their content, examples should not be of the same type (should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy: "People are not able to change their nature" (D. Hume)

29.2 Economics: "Taxes are the price we pay for the opportunity to live in a civilized society" (O. Holmes)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology: “The brighter individuality manifests itself, the more it strives for unity with all that exists” (R. Tagore)

29.4 Political Science: "A people who do not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's" (Napoleon Bonaparte)

29.5 Jurisprudence: "An injustice committed against one person is a threat to all" (C. Montesquieu)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one thing saying out of five, write a quote and its numberbefore you start writing your mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social studies, in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the argumentation is given, the social science concepts used, etc., depend.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understandable to the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion) 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: substitution of the meaning of the statement by reasoning of a general nature ("homework") that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; direct retelling, paraphrasing of the given statement or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Needed on theoretical level reveal every aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required elements:

2.2.1. The use of key messages for the main idea or ideas of social science concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Importantso that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one highlighted idea based on the correct explanation (s) of the key concept (s), theoretical provisions are given interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable c from the point of view of scientific social science conclusion (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. It is necessary to bring at least two examples from different fieldsthat will support the theoretical reasoning. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from various sources... As sources can be used facts of public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including, but not limited to, read books, watched movies), materials of academic subjects (history, geography, etc.). Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical assumptions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. In the structure, it is necessary to avoid internal contradictions.

3.2. Each part should organically fit into the structure of the mini-essay (the argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

To illustrate the main idea (s), theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two social facts / examples from various sources (public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including including read books, watched movies), from various academic subjects.

Each cited fact / example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated basic idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion / be clearly associated with them. By their content, examples should not be of the same type (should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy: “Man is a living contradiction and in this capacity is a living riddle” (S. Bulgakov)

29.2 Economics: "Inflation is the golden time for debt repayment" (K. Melihan)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology: “When people come into close communication with each other, their behavior resembles porcupines trying to keep warm on a cold winter night. They are cold, they press against each other, but the harder they do it, the more painful they are to prick each other with their long needles. Forced because of the pain of the injections to disperse, they again come together because of the cold, and so - all night long ”(A. Schopenhauer)

29.4 Political Science: "There will be no freedom if the judiciary is not separated from the legislative and executive powers" (C. Montesquieu)

29.5 Jurisprudence: "Laws owe their power to morals" (K. Helvetius)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one thing saying out of five, write a quote and its numberbefore you start writing your mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social studies, in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the argumentation is given, the social science concepts used, etc., depend.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understandable to the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion) 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: substitution of the meaning of the statement by reasoning of a general nature ("homework") that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; direct retelling, paraphrasing of the given statement or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Needed on theoretical level reveal every aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required elements:

2.2.1. The use of key messages for the main idea or ideas of social science concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Importantso that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one highlighted idea based on the correct explanation (s) of the key concept (s), theoretical provisions are given interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable c from the point of view of scientific social science conclusion (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. It is necessary to bring at least two examples from different fieldsthat will support the theoretical reasoning. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from various sources... As sources can be used facts of public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including, but not limited to, read books, watched movies), materials of academic subjects (history, geography, etc.). Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical assumptions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. In the structure, it is necessary to avoid internal contradictions.

3.2. Each part should organically fit into the structure of the mini-essay (the argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Common language should be avoided.

3.4. It is necessary to avoid gross grammatical errors, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

Take the test for these tasks

Several aspects are highlighted in this statement.

  1. Leont'ev, then such an aspect as individualization is also revealed.
  2. This includes the above-mentioned knowledge of an entrepreneur, education in general, and science. Berdyaeva is convinced that the state is an important regulator of people's lives.
  3. However, such dependence on oil is dangerous - both from the point of view of the environment, and from the point of view of inflationary processes, and from the point of view of financial systems.
  4. It can be a relationship of partnership, rivalry, competition, struggle.

The most general aspect is society as a system, as a whole, consisting of parts. Within the framework of this general problem, the topic of socialization and social interaction is highlighted. And the narrowest aspects are the topic of mutual assistance in the process of activity and the topic of the formation of the human psyche.

  • Man is always partisan and deeply right in this;
  • In addition, even the desired product can be so high-tech that its cost and, accordingly, the price is too high;
  • We sincerely wish you good luck in your interesting endeavor!

Each person is an individual born with a set of psychophysiological qualities, needs, inclinations. Personality is the result of socialization, assimilation by an individual of social norms, values, patterns of behavior, etc.

However, if you think about the statement of A. Leont'ev, then such an aspect as individualization comes to light. It turns out that in order for people to be unable to change their nature essays on society A person with a capital letter must learn to defend their beliefs, their uniqueness, gain integrity and social stability, and realize their uniqueness.

This is one of the most important mechanisms described in the framework of personality psychology - the mechanism of formation of the structure of activity.

The human psyche appears something like this: But how did it become possible for a person's activity to acquire a conscious volitional character?

After all, this is precisely what predetermined the success of humanity. The author of the statement is asking this question.

  • Schwebel talks about medium-term business cycles;
  • Human personality is the result of socialization;
  • What can we say about real castles and temples;
  • Man looks weak in comparison with many representatives of the animal world.

It is necessary to distinguish between ability as a social quality and inclinations as a quality of an individual. At birth, a person has many physiological characteristics, mental qualities, inclinations. We often observe how a small child enjoys singing, dancing, drawing, reading books, watching cartoons, striving to help elders in anything. This indicates a wide range of human capabilities. However, not everyone grows up as musicians, artists, writers. As they grow older, a person's skills are improved in a particular area.

And this improvement is determined by the type of activity that a person has chosen. A person is born in society, the psyche and consciousness of a person have a social nature, as well as his activities. Without society, a person loses his essence. People are not able to change their nature of essays on society as a child in order to find themselves, a person needs another person - he, as it were, sees his reflection in close people. A person who has just been born is an individual.

He already has needs, inclinations, features of temperament, etc. Once in society, a person begins to develop as a person, acquires knowledge, skills, habits, social attitudes. But at some point, a person begins to defend his own uniqueness against the background of others. Individuality is the result of volitional self-improvement of the individual. We are talking about such an aspect of personality as variability.

It is generally accepted that this property is negative against the background of personality stability. A stable personality is integral, unchanging in its ideals, attitudes, decisions. Whereas a changeable personality is subject, like a little child, to momentary desires, unable to rank their needs, always conformable in a social group. Lotman talks about variability as the ability of a person to adapt to a new group.

Adaptation - the first and necessary stage of socialization in people is not able to change their nature essays on society. It is necessary to identify the negative and positive manifestations of adaptation in the group. There are many scientific and pseudo-scientific theories of anthroposociogenesis. The problem of the essence of man is fundamental for the understanding of all processes occurring in society.

  1. Political science is a science that studies the political organization and political life of society, as well as international ... Among them are those who have important and valuable knowledge, can do a lot and are able to convey it to us.
  2. Berdyaev Meaning of N. And for other countries that sell oil, it is the main source of income.
  3. Tuvim says inequality is not fair. Consumers are more and more picky about quality, their demand is influenced by a lot of factors such as fashion, media, scientific research, etc.
  4. This means that modern environmentally friendly fuels in particular and energy in general are needed. Tuwim about the essence of this injustice.
  5. Learning about the world, a person often faced contradictions, with the fact that as if he could not exist at the same time.

Leont'ev proposes an activity theory of anthropogenesis. Activity is understood by him as the main factor in the emergence of personality and psyche. Consciousness is a subjective reflection of reality, internal and external in relation to a person.

Consciousness is social in nature. It is formed in society in the course of human activity. Human personality is the result of socialization. Consciousness is formed as a person assimilates social norms, values, attitudes, knowledge and skills. Since antiquity, an expression has been known: Once upon a time the dispute was interpreted rather as a dialogue. Tolstoy gives a different meaning to this concept. A dispute for him is an unnecessary struggle of opinions, leading nowhere and fruitless. And the one who is able to reflect, the one who strives for real knowledge, will not participate in the struggle of opinions.

And when this person reaches knowledge, he will be able to oppose this knowledge to all opinions, thereby ending the dispute.

Often a person lives in a world of dreams, fantasies. Often he seems to be asleep in reality. A person's thoughts flow by themselves. This is how fantastic images and unprecedented plots are born. In the real world, creating something without effort is impossible. Hard work gives a person even the most necessary things - bread, water, a roof over his head. What can we say about real castles and temples. People are not able to change their nature essays on society The most amazing thing in a person is that he is still able to realize his dreams in reality.

Since childhood, we have met all sorts of people. Among them are those who have important and valuable knowledge, can do a lot and are able to convey it. However, no matter how diligent the teachers are, no matter what methods they use, it is difficult to understand and accept someone else's experience without a person's inner desire to understand how he and the world around him work, without his own desire for knowledge, without self-reflection.

This is especially true of moral life experience. From the point of view of scientific social science, a personality is a set of socially significant traits that define a person as a member of a society. However, the essence of a person is determined by such an important quality as free will. When a person has learned to perform actions not by intuition or habit, but as a result of his own deliberate free decision, then we can say that he is a mature person.

All people need each other, and. Social interaction takes place in various forms. It can be a relationship of partnership, rivalry, competition, struggle. The author of the statement points out that people are not able to change their nature of the essay on society then, people are not able to change their nature of the essay on society, the main form of social interaction is mutual assistance. Understanding the interdependence of each other as opposed to an egoistic position is the basis of peace and prosperity for every member of society.

Consciousness, speech, activity and even the emotional sphere - all these areas of human life have a social character. The loss of the social factor can drive a person to insanity, and sometimes to an animal state. Learning about the world, a person often faced contradictions, with the fact that as if he could not exist at the same time.

And then he began to look for consistent knowledge that would truly explain the state of affairs. In the process of such a search, the laws of logic, the concept of truth, were formulated.

True thought adequately and consistently reflects the subject of knowledge. A false thought will always run into a contradiction. Man looks weak in comparison with many representatives of the animal world.

However, he turned out to be the strongest on the planet, he learned to predict natural phenomena, use physical laws for his own purposes, and control mental and social processes. In the process of activity, a person develops his natural inclinations, they turn people are not able to change their nature essays on society abilities - physical, intellectual, moral. The most important factor in this transformation is the will of a person, the ability to set goals.

Lord, grant us the wisdom to make the right choice! For a long time, economists named only labor, land and capital among the factors of production. However, in the 20th century, there was a turning point in views.

The most important factors of production began to consider the entrepreneurial ability to information. These critical resources are linked between. Entrepreneurial ability is, of course, a special quality of a person. The entrepreneur has knowledge, experience, enthusiasm. And on their basis, he connects the earth in the most effective way, people are not able to change their nature essays on society and capital.

Information is a collective term. This includes the above-mentioned knowledge of an entrepreneur, education in general, and science. One of the most acute problems for society is inequality - the uneven distribution of the benefits of money, power, education, prestige among members of society. Tuvim says inequality is not fair. Tuwima on the essence of this injustice: Manufacturers decide what to produce not based on their own views about a good thing or service, but on the basis of a detailed study of the preferences and purchasing power of the target audience.

Otherwise, a situation may arise when a new product, despite its beauty and perfection, turns out to be unnecessary for an ordinary consumer, it is not bought. In addition, even the desired product can be so high-tech that its cost and, accordingly, the price is too high.

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