How can you remove eyelash extensions yourself?

Eyelash extensions are a popular procedure. It gives a beautiful effect of long curved lashes. This result looks very attractive, however, it cannot last forever. After 3 weeks, the extended eyelashes are removed. This can be done by a specialist in the salon, or you can get by with home remedies.


This is a drug that doctors prescribe to treat conjunctivitis and certain other eye conditions.

This medication has in its composition rather aggressive potent components, which help to dissolve the glue.

The procedure for using this composition is quite simple. Cotton pads are preliminarily placed under the eyes for protection, a cotton swab is moistened in albucide and this composition is applied to the surface of the eyelashes. For efficiency, you need to do this not once, but several times, with an interval of about 5 minutes. After applying the solution 2-3 times, it must be left on the eyelashes for up to half an hour.

After that, you can try to remove the extended eyelashes. If they do not peel off, you can hold the composition for some more time.

This method seems to be quite safe, because it does not use harmful chemicals, but a medical preparation that is designed specifically for the eyes, which means that it will not cause any harm to the mucous membrane.


This is the most complex of all possible methods, which is as close as possible to the procedures carried out by masters in beauty salons.

Debonder is a special substance that dissolves the glue. You can buy it in specialized stores. Applying the debonder is quite simple, it does not cause irritation, allergies and can be used even during pregnancy. However, it must be used with extreme caution, observing all safety rules.

First, put 2 soft cotton pads under your eyes. For convenience, they can be cut in a semicircle. It is better to attach the discs to the skin with tape or a piece of plaster so that they take a fixed position. After that, gently, using a cotton swab, apply the product to the cilia. To dissolve the glue, the composition will take about 3-4 minutes. To remove the remnants of eyelash extensions, you need to carefully remove the fallen hairs with a cotton swab.

At the end of the procedure, rinse your eyes with a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs. Eyelashes can be treated with castor or coconut oil, this will help them recover faster.


Natural oils are the simplest and most popular means for removing artificial eyelashes. For these purposes, it will be correct to use the following oils:

  • castor. This inexpensive product perfectly strengthens the eyelashes, its regular application has a positive effect on the condition of the eyelashes.
  • Sunflower. An affordable tool for those who do not know how to properly remove eyelash extensions. With it, you can remove eyelashes without effort and without harm.
  • Burdock. Not only will it allow you to remove the artificial parts of the eyelashes, but it will also promote the growth of natural eyelashes.
  • Olive. In addition to removing extended eyelashes, this product also nourishes natural ones.
  • Jojoba. It has a soft oily texture and does an excellent job of dissolving even the most resistant glue.
  • coconut- an eco-product that has a high fat content, which makes it easier to remove eyelash extensions.

Regardless of the type of oil, the process of removing eyelashes will be about the same. Place a cotton pad under the eyes. Lightly lubricate the eyelashes with a slightly warm oil composition. In this form, you will need to sit with your eyes closed for at least half an hour.

It is impossible to say for sure how long eyelash extensions are removed, everything is quite individual here. Typically, this takes about 30 minutes. After that, you need to wipe the eyelids, carefully removing the fallen hairs.

This procedure is not only simple and does not require serious expenses, but it is also absolutely safe and very useful. The healing oils used during it will not only remove artificial hairs, but also perfectly nourish your own cilia.

True, one should act very carefully and not allow a large amount of oil to get into the eyes. In some cases, natural oils, getting on a sensitive mucous membrane, can lead to irritation and even a rather severe burn.


To carefully remove the extended eyelashes, a baby cream, regular moisturizer or body milk is suitable. The only condition: the product must certainly be greasy.

You need to apply the cream according to the same technology as the oil. Having sustained the required time (at least half an hour), you can try to remove the eyelashes with a cotton swab. If they do not fall off, they can be rubbed gently. It is impossible to say for sure how long eyelashes are removed with cream, it all depends on the composition of the selected cosmetic product.

This is also a very cheap and easy method, however, it is no longer as safe as the oil method, because the cream is made of chemical components, which are undesirable to get into the eyes. Therefore, this procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to harm the eyes.


You can remove used cilia with a special composition, which is called Remover. This cosmetic product is suitable for those who are thinking about how to quickly remove eyelash extensions at home.

The remover is specially designed to remove artificial material from the eyes. Among all the chemicals used for this purpose, Remover is considered the safest.

It can be in the form of a soft gel, lotion, paste or cream containing hypoallergenic components and safe substances. They are safe for the mucous membrane of the eye, do not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

To remove the extended eyelashes, any liquid or cream remover should be applied to the eyelashes for 5-10 minutes, this will be enough to completely dissolve the adhesive composition. After removing all the hairs with a cotton swab, you can lubricate the eyelashes with olive oil.

This is a great way for those who do not know how to carefully remove lash extensions.


Another home method that allows you to remove artificial eyelashes without special tools.

This technique does not require any costs at all. All you need is hot water and a towel to make an impromptu steam bath.

You should heat the water to a state of boiling water, then pour it into a wide container (bowl). Put on the table, sit next to the bowl and cover your head with a towel, bending over the hot water.

The incoming steam will warm up the adhesive composition, and the eyelashes can be removed. Sometimes this procedure must be repeated for several times, achieving the desired result.

This is a rather troublesome and time-consuming method, but at the same time it has major advantages. Firstly, you do not need to purchase special preparations and cosmetic products, and secondly, this procedure is absolutely safe, unlike many other methods. Hot steam is completely harmless and will not cause any unpleasant consequences.

What can not be removed

Remove artificial eyelashes yourself must be very careful. It is important to choose safe methods, especially if you suffer from allergic reactions or hypersensitivity. In addition, there are several especially dangerous methods that you absolutely cannot resort to.

  • Under no circumstances should you pull out regrown eyelashes with your hands or tweezers. Extended eyelashes will definitely break out with natural ones, which will subsequently provide you with aesthetic problems for a long time, since eyelashes grow very slowly.
  • Do not pick the glue with needles, toothpicks and other sharp objects, this is fraught with injuries to the eyeball and eyelids.
  • You should not resort to the help of dubious drugs that were purchased via the Internet or in unverified stores. If you already choose special chemical compositions for removing eyelashes, then you should buy only high-quality products from reliable manufacturers in specialized stores, without saving on quality.

The procedure for removing eyelash extensions is not so complicated and you can do it yourself. But if you still doubt your abilities and fear for the safety of the process, it is better to entrust this work to experienced professionals from a beauty salon.

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