Vriy more, shoot a tread. Silas Grivz from Call of Juarez: Gunslinger sent a message Arthur Morgana Silas Grivz existed

Abilet, Kansas, 1910.

The era of the wild west, dashing cowboys and lawlessness comes to an end. The first cars have already begun to push the horses that have recently been the main means of movement. Silas Grivz, a famous head hunter, arrived in some cases to the city of Abilen. Here he went to the saloon "Bull Head", in which there are a bartender Ben, a young guy named Dwight, who has stood up, his companions Jack and Steve, as well as a magnificent beauty Molly. For drinking, Duight asks Silas to tell about his past. Well, what is the exhaust cowboy give up such a sentence?

Once in Stankin Springs

Stankin Springs, New Mexico

The first thing like a hunter for heads, for Silas was working with Billy Kidd. The game begins just at the moment when young Grivz returned to refuge on an abandoned farm. Moving the barn and herd of cows, Silas stumbled upon the ambush of two gangsters attached around the turn. They were from Patt Garrett's squad, and brought us the first glasses of experience. The main part of the gang is already precipitated by Billy Kida on the farm. Grievo successfully went to the rear to rearrange the first three for one charge "concentration" [Q]. Next will need to just kill all the gangsters. It will be necessary to sneak through the barn, where you can find a "truth nugget", telling about the war in Linoln's county. Also in this place, most likely, you have to climb the first level. You can choose one of the three directions: for a long battle, for the neighbor and for shooting from two hands. Bandits enthusiastically fill the house without noticing the rear of the hryvia. Sniper on the water tower will shoot exactly, but from the bullet you can leave, step by side. If climbing the tower, you can take his long-range revolver. When the enemies on the farm are run away, the new party will be at the rear door of the farmhouse. There is something to enter. On the second floor you can find the second historical record. Billy Kid is behind the door, he threw Silasu a gun so that he helped shoot. Charlie was killed after another window, so Grivzu had to take his place and clean the water tower. Suddenly, the enemy appeared behind the next floor. To finish it, you will need to press one key that appears on the screen. Outside, he was heard the turn of the Gatling machine gun. It is necessary to go down and go out into the street, knocking out the door and shooting all losers. From the barn came out "Schieldros". He had a pretty big hole for the face, for which he received a bullet. Silas rose up the stairs, hit the bandit flew on him and descended on top of the rope, shooting half a dozen bandits below. The winding road led Silas to the stable. You can find the third nugget on the chucks. Inside us already waited for Sheriff Pat Garrett. This is the very first duel in the game.

Mouse must focus on the enemy's chest. When hear the heartbeat, you need to wait for the moment when the enemy dares to the holster, press the shot button, wait for the appearance of the sight, and shoot.

No, in fact, everything was different, although the duel was described in Dwight's book. Silas went to the barn and ... was stunned by Pet Garrett.

Handful of cartridges

Prison Lincoln.

Four months after the arrest of Silas Grevza

Billy Kid escaped from prison where he was delivered along with Silas Griev. He threw the keys in his camera, which opened the door. By the corridor, in the chamber on the right side, you can pick up a hat with a happy horseshoe on the forehead. It belongs to Billy Kidu, which is dedicated to a historical record. His shotgun hangs over the sheriff table. Billy is shown in the window and advises to move along the roofs. The first enemy is shown from the stairs. Passing up, you can see the superiority of a shotgun on short distances. So Silas was on the roof. With it you can jump over the next, and so on. The legislands diligently poured below. Cartridges are not enough, besides, the enemies clearly can appear infinitely. Silas climbed onto the rock, and tears with her to get to the city. There is a whole drawer of cartridges. Very by the way, since all the legislates in the city are trying to kill the hryvia, taking it for Billy Kida. "Drobook Bob Olhalnger" is great for Lincoln's streets. Citizens, however, do not share a passion for a pallet in their homes and constantly complain. In the place when you need to climb the stairs, you can also find a sparkling horseshoe that will tell about the importance of horses in the wild west. From the porch you will need to jump into the wagon. Here you can take ammunition and, if you wish, replace a shotgun shotgun. At Silace Square, it was surrounded from all sides, in connection with which the small QTE is played - press the keys appearing on the screen. Then follow the legs with shields. Next will have to make your way through a wide main street, with several dead end between houses. At her end and there is a stable. But at that moment Bob Ollmanger appears. A duel with it is a little more complicated: it is necessary to monitor not only the focusing, but also for the movement of the hand over Cobur, it can be corrected with the keys left and right. The success of the duel will work out of the closeness of the hands to the holster and focus on the Bob's chest. It will only remain ahead of it with a shot.

Episode II: Cowboys

Bullet for old man

Canyon Guadeloupe

A few months after escape

Welcome to Mexico! At the moment, Silas Reeves goes on the trail of Johnny Ringo from the Kovboyev's gang (they were bad with a fantasy), which was headed by Old Man Clanton. Shooting was heard in the deserted canyon. These are the gangsters rob a diligence. They wear red masks, which means their belonging to Klanton's gang. Inside the diligence there was no living alive, but due to shelters, new bandits appeared. They are infinitely a lot, but you need to somehow shoot. Until Silas remembers the cave, which will appear immediately after that. Not trying to shoot, he ran through it, until he discovered the body of the Apache Indian, who had ammunition. With their help, he shot his pursuers. Now it was possible to return and trimming the damned gangsters. Silas found dynamite, which can be rushed, or leave as traps. After the cave, the old man Clanton himself was unexpectedly discovered, sewing high with a machine gun of Gatling. A similar episode was already in the game Assassin's Creed 3: you need to run to one shelter stone, you should not wait for a machine gunner to recharge and run up, to the next. Whether he is smarter, then would leave a couple of cartridges for a while when Silas comes out of shelter. But the old man was stupid as a traffic jam. However, closer to the top, it turns out that he is not alone there. His pierced will throw dynamite to be signed in the air. It will only come to get close to the machine gunner to shoot, or throw a dynamite to taste.

Shootout at the sawmill

Iron Springs, Arizona

Seven months after the death of the old man Klenton

The pursuit of Johnny Ringo continued. Rainy Spring Day, Silas got to the sawmill on which the Cowboys were hidden. But first it was necessary to overcome the whole army of the gangsters, which the Curly Bill Bill was headed. They are from all their pathetic strengths guarded the mountain road, ranging from the bridge over the raging river. Soon the road from all sides was surrounded by logs, ready for transportation to the sawmill. Bandits staged an ambush, even tried to reset the logs on the hryvza. You can choose a shotgun and edge. On the sawmill full-full of different wooden structures. After the water wheels, two gangsters armed with a melee weapon will jump out. But then the usual bandits with revolvers will go again. Stacks of logs, covered with wooden canopies. About one of them can pick up a nugget of truth. Water towers. There was even a train on the rails. A part of the sawmill was also over a waterfall, on the very edge of the mountain. Here, at the beginning, where the shotgun is lying in the box, you can also find a hat that will tell about Johnny Ringo.

After passing around the edge, Silas Grivz was in the courtyard, full of finished boards, where Curly Bill had already swam. He was bold and self-confident, but not enough for a duel. Instead, he was hiding behind his precious boards and hired gangsters. It uses pair revolvers, so do not recommend approaching close, anyway, longer than is required to discharge weapons.

Canyon Turks Creek

A few months after the death of Curly Bill

On that day, Johnny Ringo did not turn out to be on the sawmill, but after a few months a duel was held between him and Silas Griev. In which the latter won a convincing victory.

Episode III: Innocent

Magnificent loner

Near Bannec

After some time after the death of Johnny Ringo

Traveling to the wild west without a penny in his pocket is a bad idea. That is why Silas went hunting for Henry Plammer's head, dirty sheriff, boss gang of "innocent".

Searches led him to a golden mine. If you go left, you can find yourself in one of the grade, within which there is a record, as well as several types of weapons for replacement. At the exit already there are thugs. They managed to boost around the broken wagon with explosives. One shot on the Red Barrel sent them all straight to hell. The dynamite drawer was also discovered before the gate, and behind them ... the gates were literally spread over the gates. Silas dynamite can be undermined by an accurate shot. Having passed on the trench, the grivz was in a wooden maze, where barrels with gunpowders were placed on each corner. This in order to minimize the consequences of the explosion of one of the barrels - much better than to keep everything in one place. And much more useful to deal with all the inhabitants. Behind the labyrinth was the entrance to the gallery. As Silas suspected, a warm welcome inside is already being prepared. In addition, the gallery is a labyrinth of moves, as well as forests of several levels. Nevertheless, all moves lead to the door in the floor. Inside full-full of powder barrels. So try not to hurt them. However, in the end, it will make one of the bandits, thereby setting up an explosion, from which Silasa had to fall from all his legs ...

I would have to be reality. But the cunning hitryman did not go to the gallery at all. Instead, on the fork, he descended the stairs, then another two. Then he decided on a long jump, which almost graduated from his story ahead of time. But everything went around, and on the other side, the mountains were already bandits. There was another entrance to the gallery. There was a choice between the elevator and the staircase. The author chose a simpler and dangerous elevator, but the truth nugget was discovered during the rise. But at the top of Silas, there was already a couple of evil gangsters. And soon the sheriff himself Henry Welmmer, throwing dynamite checkers and constantly running between shelters. Also, he left several bodyguards left, but even the grandmother Silas Grevza would devote them.

Episode IV: John Wesley Hardin

Fast or dead

Abilen, Kansas

Almost 30 years ago

Before Silas, I had a rumor, like Roscoe Bob, Baint was taught in Kansas, along with John Wesley Hardin. Therefore, he arrived in Abilen, the very city, where this story is told thirty years later. Despite the dark night, but at that time the town met the hunter for heads without drinking, lead rain. Silas had nothing left, except for shooting all the "compa" Wesley Hardin. And then he entered this very saloon, the "bullish head", where the tables were inverted, the floor will be filled with blood, and the bodies did not have time to cool. At that moment John Wesley entered.

... but can not this story be so short.

Earlier this night,

In the vicinity of Abileni

At this time, Silas just found the bandit camp in the vicinity of the town. The attack on the camp was not difficult, although the herd of the cows persistently warned about the strangers. But neither Bob, nor Wesley in the camp did not turn out. Nevertheless, Silas decided to play the surroundings before declare to the city. Just at that moment, fireworks were raised over the abilence in the sky, in honor of the birthday of Hardin. You have to replay the very first fight, and then go to the saloon again. This time, visitors were alive, but it is temporary. In fact, the saloon can be fired more efficiently, being outside - through numerous windows. At the end, John Wesley Hardin himself will appear. A duel with him is primarily devoted to the evasion of bullets. When they ended, Silas simply arrested Hardin.

Episode V: Gray Wolf

Ben asked Sailas to distract the story about his revenge and tell another story. As can be seen, he was not in itself from the fact that his saloon was once a place for one of the bloody shootings, which his client arranged.

Dancing with apostate

A long time ago

In the distant mountains ...

The gray wolf - so called the Indian Shaman from the Tribe of Chirica, the people of Apache. His daughter and many of the tribe were killed by US soldiers, so the goal of his life was the war with a pale halls. And therefore they appointed a reward for his head that Silas Grivz wanted to get. A narrow forest mountain road led him to a gray wolf. Not to man, but to the real wolf. He overwhelmed against the background of a huge waterfall flowing down from the mountain, somewhere a few kilometers from here. Behind the bridge across the river was visible a dilapidated wooden house. Around him, the Indians arranged an ambush. And they were armed with no tomagaves, bows and arrows, but by modern firearms. The trail went on along the bank of the river, above the flow. She brought Silas to the shelter of the Indians in the cave near the waterfall. After the first development, such a dark cave followed that it was possible to navigate only on the scarce light of torches. Then the trail passed over the cleft, the bottom of which was not visible, despite the sun luminous through the hole. Later, the descent began, which brought Silas to the half-hearted grotto. While the gray wolf spoke his teeth, raw prophecies, his warriors surrounded the grotto from all sides and began to shoot. When they ended, a stone staircase rose from the water. The chase continued. The cave led to the path so narrow that two people would not be able to break and collapse from the cliff to the river. She led to the opposite side from a wooden house, seen at the beginning. Here the trail was wrapped in crevice between two mountains. Shaman started a hunter for heads to another trap, where there was a whole hundred Indians who could shoot from above, while Silas had to dance at thenime. Standing still was death like. When the hryvz managed to get out and again put into pursuit, from the gray wolf and the trace was heated.

Episode VI: Dalton Brothers

My name is the head hunter

The story of the last business of the Daltonov brothers is told in different ways.

Such was the version of Ben:


Related robbers, the Dalton Brothers, they decided to beat two banks at once in the town of Corpeville, where Silas Grivz was also also on that day. Ben's friend who lived there, former gunsmith, on this day distributed weapons to everyone who was ready to oppose the gang of robbers. Taking a rifle and revolver, Silas went out into the street. With robbers, he will fight not one, several legislates are already divided with them before entering the bank. The Dalton Brothers turned out to be locked in the bank. So Silas entered and shot everyone.

Duight version, hoped in the belt, was different:


The detachment of the defeated marshals of the United States army arranged an ambush on the roof of the building opposite the bank, from where they were shooting with robbers. But soon Silas tears from the roof to go back to the bank. There was a water tower on which he screamed, to the very top, from where he soon jumped into the roof of the bank, and she sneaked himself directly inside. Going down, floor behind the floor he, as if Captain Price, knocked out the door and shot all the robbers.

Version of the Saylas of Grivza:


Silas himself assures that he arrived in the city after the start of the skirmish. He went for a long time in the footsteps of the gang and finally met them. By the time the legislates, fell on the roof opposite the bank, hopelessly lost, and three brothers jumped out of the bank with full bags of money. Therefore, Silas chased after them, passed by the Bank and, as he usually happens, he pleased in the ambush superior the number of bandits forces. Then, on the road, the shootout was unexpectedly, not only with daltones, but also several local families who had relatives. Silas cleared their house and proceeded on the road up the slope. To delay Silas, the brothers even blew up the stack of logs that flew down, to meet him. Fortunately, the right of the road was Niche, which allowed to wait for danger. At the top of the Hill Emmet Dalton came out against Silas one on one. No, not in a duel, but with a shotgun in hand. Therefore, it is not necessary to get closer to him, it is better to go from time to time between the shelter stones placed around the arena to restore health. And only receiving 23 bullets, Emmett stopped resist.

I'm still hunter for heads

Somewhere in Missouri

Autumn 1892

Some time after the unsuccessful robbery of the bank

Silas Grivz pursued the remaining two brothers on the heels. With him there were also two groups of the warriors, which were walking on both sides on the shores of the driedstream of the river. While Silas walked directly along the row. Waters were enough only to wet his boots. He blew the first obstacle, firing on a red barrel. Then the swamp began. Thick fog, mosquito swarms and piggy frogs in stock. By the will of Silas, the red maples rose from the water. They begins a flooded town from several dilapidated houses. The red pointers raised on the trees led the hryvia directly to the gangsters covering the rear of the Dalton Brothers. They have shotguns and dynamite checkers. More recently cheerfully marching the warriors went somewhere, so the help was not to wait for anyone. Then Silas climbed into the barn. Behind him were the Indians ... but no, they were still not. The next ambush bandits was a little later. It is highly recommended first of all to knock the dynamite flying in the hryvia, otherwise they will have to ride from shelter to shelter. New shields in Schondovsev no longer have vulnerable "winds". Therefore, it is possible to shoot in them only that moment when the gangster gives his face for a shot. Lie, shortly, Silas went straight to the old steamer in the middle of the marsh, listed in the swamp in flood three years ago. At the moment, a small gangster army settled. First of all, you need to remove the reptile with the machine gun of the Gatling, the rest are not so scary. Silas went inside, killed the crowd of the people and rose upstairs, where one of the warriors was waiting for his cabin. When Silas opened the door, he densided his head. Then the hryvza was locked in the room and set fire to the steamer. The head hunter had to be selected through the burning corridors. Do not be afraid to jump over burning obstacles. Outside, Silas attacked lime warriors from Gatling weapons. Then he killed both the Dalton Brothers at the same time.

Episode VII: Wild Gang

Silas told about why he stubbornly hunted Bob Bains so hard. In 1868, three brothers of Grivzov engaged in distillation of livestock in Juarez (Call Of Juarez, Da-yes), Mexico City. Until once at night, Silasa was not "lucky enough to win a bunch of money from three cowboys - Johnny Ringo, Rava Braint and some Jim. But the next morning, when the hryvia went on the road, this trinity caught up with them, robbed and ... hung on the tree. All three on one branch, and Silas survived only because she could not stand the weight and broke. But by the time his two brothers were already dead, and the gangsters rode away.

Not the most successful train robbery

Wilkoks, Wyoming

Almost seven years after the death of datonov

Silas hunted the wild gang, the most famous on all wild west. According to rumors, Binta was also among them. But they headed their Batch Cassidy and Sandens Kid.

Silas hoped that the gang would post a train, transporting a large batch of gold in Wilcoks, express Overlend Flyer. When he arrived at the place, the bridge was already blown up, and the front of the train fell on the rocks. Having passed through the wagons formed something like bridges, Silas got to the steam locomotive. Lifting up above the rock, he met the first gangsters. For them, the railway, emerging from the tunnel, has already begun. Here a lot of birds flew out, +15 experience is given for each swab. Silas jumped into the train hanging over the abyssless car, where there were still gangsters. After a few carriages, Silas had to overcome the fear of height and exit through the side door to continue to go outside. Then he even got out to the ground, in the place where the train firmly faced the rock. There he blew up a barrel with gunpowder, which is why all the gangsters died, and the car lost the walls. Further, Silas climbed the stairs to the roof of the next car, with which in the proud loneliness shot in the back of the surprising gangsters. The tail part of the train was already in the next tunnel. And at the exit, a defensive machine gun of Gatling, which was very useful against the ambush from dozens of bandits. The adventure of the duel with George "Floon-like" Curry is completed.

1:30 to Ad.

Parachut, Colorado

Five years after the train robbery in Wilcox

Wild gang returned from Latin America and gathered again. In the damp night, Silas Grivz traveled them down and attacked the camp in the forest. After stripping, you need to find tips that will clarify the location of the leaders. Under this description it is quite hosted by a map drawn on the stone.

In the next morning,

Near Parasuta

Bandits decided to rob a new train "Union Pacific". To do this, they were going to wrap the wooden bridge, blowing up his weak supports. One of the bandits spoke about this whore, and she issued the secret to the famous head hunter. Silas decided to prevent them. He passed along the path and jumped on the bridge design. Quickly found and neutralized the first bunch of dynamite. Then he descended on the stairs, finished several bandits and neutralized another support. He passed on, blew several barrels (it won't hurt wooden supports!) And the dozen of Bandyukov shot. After the third charge, he went down the stairs, shot on the rope holding the bridge, and continued the path. Fourth dynamite batch. Then he jumped on the rock, passed through the cave and saw a burning cord. Then he jumped into the bridge and ran that it was forces! After the third explosion, Silasus managed to put out the cord. Then he took the last dynamite and moved back to the mountain, and soon it turned out to be at the top of the bridge, where the railway was held. In the gorge, he was waiting for a big ambush. By interrupting the first batch, Silas ran back, but only to hide behind the stone. This made it possible to control the number of gangsters simultaneously into it. After they are completed, the battle with Kidd Curry will begin. He sat behind the machine gun of Gatling, being a well-protected impenetrable shield. Fortunately, in the chest in front of the diligence, you can dial dynamite. Then get to get as close as possible, and throw it to the reptile. When the dynamite is over, you can return to the chest and replenish the stock. One such jog should be enough for the tunnel to collapse. It remains only to defeat curry per duel, and then evade his farewell bullets. But much more interesting was his words about the fact that Rosca Bob Braint, along with Butch Cassidy and Sandens Kidd ... are still in South America!

Episode VIII: Jesse James

Death riding on a steel stallion

In this pursuit of Baint, Silas forgot to mention the third killer of his brothers. Jim Rida. As it turned out, he robbed trains with Jesse James himself! Silasu was lucky to be on that most train that their gang decided to rob. He broke into the car and killed the first three bandits. If you are not satisfied with your arsenal, there is an opportunity to turn around, go a little back and change it. But back to the slaughterhouse in the train. It seems that in principle, no one besides the gangsters at this time and did not go.

By train

From Winston, Missouri

Almost 30 years ago

But we return a little back when Jessie James stopped the train, just standing on the rails, after which his whole gang climbed inside. Silas jumped on his roof from the bridge. He ran ahead and climbed onto the roof of the car, climbed into him and wandered on, carrying death and destruction. Behind the car with the SEN followed the stall car, in which it was full of horses. None of them suffered in a shootout. As long as Silas casts in the sort, and his listeners doubt the authenticity of his stories, you will have to cut circles on an endless car with horses. Such is the "Groundhog car", if you allow. Locked wagons can be accessed from sides. Put in the knitting boards, Silas climbed to the roof of the car and jumped out on the boards. A little further passed the trunks of trees associated with a rope. In just one tidy shot, they could be untied. On the car preceding a ganting with gatling, you can get along the stairs to the right, on the side. You can kill it either from the rifle or dynamite, finding closer. Then Silas took the place behind the machine gun and killed a dozen gangsters, broke the road to him. Just from this place and the task began - in empty passenger cars, complete gangsters. After them, the hryvnia had a duel with Jesse James, in which the famous robber was wounded.

Without mercy

Mountains Ozark.

Hostile territory

Some time after the train robbery in Winston

Silas Grivz continued his chase for Frank James and Jim Reed. But first he had to fight back from the militant Indians of the apostates. Soon Silas attacked a tent camp where, as the gray wolf predicted, a lot of people killed. Several dozen without taking off the place. Meanwhile, at the bar, the old Grivz began singing an override voice. Having passed through a narrow pass, the young Silas came out to a small lake and wandered along the coast, until the rock above fell apart on the parts that rolled down the hill right on him. But subsequently, these stones became its only salvation from bullets Frank James. So the lift to the hill passed, then the run in a narrow path on the edge of the cliff. Finally, Frank was trapped, in a hut on the very edge. It is necessary to get to it and throw it with dynamite, which is lying on the ground. The hut fell, but Frank managed to cling to the rock and get out. He told Silasu Location Jim. It was not far to go far, Frank did not reach some fifty meters to the cave, in which the remnants of his gang were hidden, including Jim Reed. With him, a final duel took place.

Episode VII: Wild Gang [Repeat]

Good, bad, dead

Mountain Wind River

Wyoming 1910

Less than six months ago

Since the death of the Brothers Grivzov has passed the forty years, but Silasus has not yet managed to implement his vendetta. He walked along a winding road in more often coniferous forest. It was surrounded by two tens of bandits and killed everyone, circling like a carousel in the amusement park. Later, he went to an abandoned town from a number of dilapidated wooden two-storey houses. Real Ghost City. Silas killed a gangster with a shotgun and passed through the house in which he was hiding. The ambush waited for him on the overgrown with the Square. Then he was locked in the house where he had to shoot from the upcoming enemies. From the dynamite, he hidden behind the wall. This continued until the silence was coming. When Silas went outside, the ghost of Patrick Floyd Garrett attacked him, Killy Kid's killers, with a shotgun in his hands. I had to shoot him a few times to calm down. Then the whole street began, full of ghosts. Among them were Henry Plammer, John Wesley Hardin, Bob Ollarger. The cemetery began outside the city. There were among the ghosts and all other famous personalities, whom Silas killed earlier. When they ended, there were quite living Sandens Kid and Butch Cassidy. Both are also dissatisfied not only by Silas, but also a friend. With them, hryvz fought on the Mexican Duel - everyone for himself. You can only focus on that person who looks at you (Yellow Sight, White - does not look). The most important thing at the time of the shot to look at the man who will be the first to shoot in Silas. Alternatively, I propose to choose only one enemy on which to focus. Speed \u200b\u200b100% and accuracy 90% is quite real. To catch the first shot, moving from one bandit to another (q / E) you need when the heartbeat begins. You need to kill both bandits, first one, then the second.


I do not know if the final exposition of Boba Ben, the Barman Taverns "Bull Head" in Avilina will become a surprise for someone. For the author, it became obvious much earlier. Nevertheless, here he is the final. Before Silas, there is a choice: to forgive the old robber, or kill him, having committed a forty-year-old revenge. Duel turned out to be the simplest, despite the strong sign of Mr. Grevza.

That ended the story of Silas Grievza, hunter for heads. If you want to shoot again, now a new level of complexity "Real West" has now become available, as well as the "New Game +" mode with saved pumping. Also, at any time, "arcade" mode with a set of points, and "duel", with the same purpose, consisting exclusively of the hardest duels.

TECHLAND and published by Ubisoft. Target platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360.

Russian-speaking editions
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Official announcement


In 1910, in the past, the hunter for heads Silas Grevz appears in the Bar of the town of Abilin and begins to tell the history of his life attend. He is listening to the owner of Bar Ben and a few more people, in different ways perceiving his story; So, Jack constantly doubts that Silas says, and Dwight, familiar with the history of the wild West on boulevard novels, is hotly protecting it. The story is not conducted in chronological order, Silas jumps from one event to another, exposes the generally accepted versions of famous historical events; Quite soon it becomes clear that in some places the memory brings him, and sometimes he clearly exaggerates his own role in what happened. He tells about his meetings with famous frontier gangsters and how the Indian leader once warned him about the danger of absorbing his soul darkness. It turns out that he became the hunter for heads not just like that - they were moving the desire to take revenge on their brothers killed by three gangsters in Juarez in 1868. Silas knew the names of all three criminals, and began to track them down. He managed to find and kill two - Johnny Ringo and Jim Reed. However, the third, relatives of Bob Bob, constantly slipped away from him. After the stories about numerous attempts to find the elusive "Boba", Silas recalls the warning of the Indian leader and notes that because of Braint, his whole life was held in pursuit of revenge, he has no friends and families, and countless murders make it even worse than Binta himself. Finally, the listeners who have lost their patience directly accuse Silas in lies, and here it is found that Silas told non-residents at all at all by chance. Commenting on his adventures, Ben by negligence blurted too much and revealed his true larva. The owner of the bar turned out to be nobody else, as a rivory by Breint, who left dirty affairs. Silasu remains only to make a decision - to take revenge on his old enemy or forgive him.


  • Silas Grivz - The main character of the game, known in the past hunter for heads, appears at the Bar of the town of Abilin and begins to tell the history of his life attend.
  • Jack - constantly doubts the plausibility of what Silas says.
  • Dwight David Eisenhower - A familiar with the history of the wild west on the boulevard novels, hotly protects Silas.
  • Johnny Ringo "One of the fastest shooters of the Wild West, as well as one of the killers of the Silas brothers, killed in the head of the" Shooting of the sawmill ".
  • "Old Man" Klenton - The head of the gang of dumping "Cowboys", killed in the head of the "bullet for the old man."
  • Curchay Bill - The new head of the "Cowboys" gang after the death of the old man Klenton, killed in the head of the "Shooting at the sawmill".
  • John Wesley Hardin - The fastest shooter of the Wild West, appears at the head "Quick or Dead". His image in the game is partially written off from the "Ace" of Hanlon, the character of the film "Fast and dead".
  • Grey Wolf - Indian shaman, enjoy the curse on Silas, appears in the chapter "Dancing with apostate"
  • Jesse James. - The most famous gangster of the Wild West, appears in the chapter "Death riding on a steel stallion."
  • Alexander Franklin "Frank" James - Brother Jesse James, Sniper, appears in the chapter "No merchant"
  • James S. "Jim" Reed - One of the three killers of Silas brothers and the husband of the famous Banditz Bell Starr, killed in the chapter "No mercy"

Gunslinger is a return to the roots of Call of Juarez. After Techland decided to change the setting from the wild West to the corrupt modernity (The Cartel; the game came out failed), the developers left experiments with time and place. Instead, they applied their creative thirst for change to another: to the tissue of the narration. And they did it just great.

The new part of the Call of Juarez is one long history of the life and adventures of the famous hunter for the heads of Silas Grevza, told by him. Actually, all the shootings in it have long been over: they exist only in Silas's memory. And he sits in a bar in the company of several regulars and for the sake of free drinking, poke the bike about how he met with all the most famous wandeband gangsters - from Jesse James to Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kida.

This is a damn good course in terms of narration, which greatly revives the game. First, he gives a logical answer to the question that I want to ask the authors of very many games: how, damn it, one person managed to put a whole army?! And here the explanation is very simple - Silas Grivz, a clear case, slightly brews, embellishes and exaggerates the number of his enemies and the heroism of their feats. So the question of truthfulness does not even even rise here: it is clear that a professional hunter for heads will not be in retelling feats especially to modest. And hundreds of gangsters fit normally to the game, and flight chairs with a proposed dynamite fan, and wonderful getting rid of the right moment.

The narrator at times as if he plays with his listeners, the kneading hero is - herself - like deadlocks, and then suddenly "recalling" that they were not so dead. And Gunslinger's gameplay perfectly supports his passion for dramatization: there are no cases when Silas surrounds the enemies from all sides, his death is inevitable ... And here the cave can be wonderful in the surprised eyes in a solid wall, which can be wiping, where it is possible to flush. Or from the sky - as an angel - the Indian's corpse descends, in whose pockets are full of critical cartridges.

At the same time, the case, the interlocutors of Silas regularly doubt the truthfulness of his history - and when the head hunter tells about the opportune with the next bandit, armed with the machine gun of Gatling, it is silent that they say, somehow too often they come across.

Secondly, the fact that these are all bikes and flashbacks, gives Techland significant freedom in building a narrative. Silas tells everything as it can and wants. Sometimes listeners intervene in his bikes, and then the same episode is played differently. Depending on the version, for example, the robbery of two banks can occur either during the day or in the evening, and the main character is watched in the building from the rear, then from the roof. Another episode looks effectively: Silas is offended to the restroom, and while it is missing, the story freezes, allowing you to overhear how his drinking companions exchange opinions about whether he is lying or not. Finally, Techland freely addresses not only with time, but also by space: their wild wildest is plastic. It is a slightly to change his story slightly, as in the walls there are passes leading to new parts of the card.

And thirdly, this approach allows developers to apply additional expressive tools and design moves that are impossible in applicants for realism. The game clearly shows that the developers were inspired by Borderlands. This is noticeable both on some comicness of the narrative, and on in-game inserts, which also resemble the Gearbox shooter, and on the overall rhythm of the gameplay, and by the fact that now there are three trees of pumping (for speed, range and slaughter).

But TECHLAND is not too interested in aesthetics Borderlands. Developers comply with a thin balance, not allowing the game to fall into a self-speaking. With all unrealistic, Gunslinger is an unlocked version of the first two Call of Juarez for the smallest, and the cruel, almost biblical history about rewarding and / or forgiveness (this is already dependent on the player). The seriousness adds the fact that throughout the history there and Sym scattered "Nuggets of Truth" - items that open access to detailed historical notes about people and events from Gunslinger.

In the game, Billy Kid famously shoots everyone who comes across his path, and in the "nugget dedicated to him" it says that with a big part of William Bonnie for the most part, Phato Garrett is for the most part, and the number of murders committed to them are much lower than what is considered. In the mission in the mountains of the GRIVZ methodically shoots young apaches; And in the history dedicated to them, it is told about the tragic destinies of the Indian leaders who fought with a white man, and about the massacre of the Wunded. These stories do not violate the mood of the game, and help deeper to immerse themselves in the period in which the history of the Silas of Grievous (minus some of the exaggerations) could be true. And they balance the unrealistic component of the game, not allowing Call of Juarez: Gunslinger to turn into a comedy.

The seriousness of the game add nature and music. Decorations for each shootout serve canyons, mountains, deserts, forests, rivers and frontier swamps, drawn beautifully and convincingly. Almost at the very end of the game, Silas Grevz starts to sing the funeral crying "Oh Death" - and from this frost goes on the skin. And even the fantastic finale after that it seems not the story of a crazy and a bike about the supernatural, but a completely logical part of the trip to the last hero.

As practice shows, for a good game, first of all, do not need multi-million budgets, expensive marketing campaigns and "innovation in general," whatever they were, and talent, sincere love about what you're going to tell, and creative freedom. Polish studio TECHLAND once again proved, creating a convincing, beautiful and interesting game about the wild West and those people who once inhabited him.

Many western lovers are familiar with a series of games Call of Juarez.. Her last part, Gunslinger, came out in 2013 and won the visual sympathy prime, told the story of the avenue hunter for heads, Silace GrevzezThroughout the life of a waning rascal, which he swore to take revenge.

The creators of the gunslinger, Techland team, posted a video, stating that Silasu Grevzu would be found, about what to talk to Arthur Morgan, the main hero of RDR 2 and the leader of the gang. An excerpts from Gunslinger were demonstrated in the video, and for the silas, Silas Grivz talks with Morgan, calling him a future legend. Also TECHLAND posted an art with a hryvia and an inscription in English " Legends never die”.

The game community now exists, which means this message. Versions are spoken by very different, from the friendly support from TECHLAND to the upcoming announcement of the new part of the Call of Juarez. Some suggest that, perhaps, Polish developers want to release remaStered version Gunslinger, or in Red Dead Redemption 2 there will be a certain in-game event connecting the scene lines of both Westerns.

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